Fistulas & surgery, a little graphic



  • Sestra17
    Sestra17 Member Posts: 71 Member

    I am so happy you finally got some relief from the misery. Hoping we both will ride again someday:)

  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member
    edited September 2018 #23

    You have been through a lot.  I'm so glad that you are feeling better.  Thank you for the update as I've been worried about you.  Wishing you a continued speedy recovery.

    Hugs!  Kim

  • Cindy225
    Cindy225 Member Posts: 172 Member
    Tough as Nails!

    Keep fighting warrior Jan!  Sooo glad you're doing well.  You inspire us all...


  • JanJan63
    JanJan63 Member Posts: 2,478 Member
    Thanks you guys. I'm hoping

    Thanks you guys. I'm hoping this will be a new, healthier chapter in my life. I've spent the last year sick, basically. Nausea every day, some days worse than others, weak, no energy, pretty miserable. Now I know why so that's a big relief. And to now know that there is no more cancer in my abdomen and not likely in my liver is wonderful to know. I remember a surgeon in July of 2017 telling me he wouldn't do surgery on me because "when I open up people like you they're usually full of cancer". A$$hole. 

    I'm glad to not have had such an insensitive jerk do my surgery. Instead I got a wonderful surgeon who went above and beyond. He said they weren't going to worry about the adhesions but instead he spent an additional 4 plus hours carefully clearing things out and taking the adhesions off of my kidneys so they're doing better now, too. I thanked him profusely after and he said he was just doing his job and seemed a little embarassed by my appreciation.

    Maybe we can actually do a few things once I'm feeling better. Maybe go away for the weekend. My husband is retired now so we have the time. When he was working the hours made it impossible to do anything. Our honeymoon was just a long weekend. I'm excited about the future.

    I still have the mets in my lung, of course, but chemo can deal with that.

    I just feel so much more positive these days.


  • Canadian Sandy
    Canadian Sandy Member Posts: 784 Member
    Oh.....I’m so happy for you

    Oh.....I’m so happy for you Jan! I think someone up there is watching over you.

  • Joan M
    Joan M Member Posts: 409 Member
    So glad you are doing better!

    Thank you for sharing the graphic details.  It lets us all know what symptoms to look for and that there are medical options to help.  

    Enjoy your time with your husband!  I bet he is happy to be able to travel and spend time with you.