Possible dentures after hbot ???


Hi there ,


Been notifiied by my maxillo surgeon that I will need to get hbo. Just waiting on next step. He has accessed all my cancer records and records from my dentist. 

Looking through the dosage of radiation I recieved which he said was high dosage of 75 , I would need hbo so he can extract 2 back teeth. 30 visits of hbo before extraction and 10 visits after.

Im absolutely terrified.

Im now thinking of down the track , is it wise to ask about dentures ? Is this something I should seriously consider ? Can somebody in my position that recieved high dosage radiation in 2014 get dentures ? I have no clue whatsoever.

Should I ask him about this ?

What is it like to wear dentures ? Can it be painful, I know nothing of dentures sorry. Im just thinking it might be easier for me as I get older if I have dentures , I am 54. Because I will be forever terrified the rest of my life about anything infection or injury to my mouth the rest of my life.

I was so scared in my 2nd visit to the maxillo surgeons when he explained everything and explained worst case scenario that I nearly fainted. I waited for the consult to finish , went outside and broke down on the front steps.

Im at a real loss.

Thanks ,



  • momall25ofu
    momall25ofu Member Posts: 81 Member
    Robyn, we haven’t walked

    Robyn, we haven’t walked where you’re at now, but I wanted to send you some {{{BIG HUGS}}}

  • SASH
    SASH Member Posts: 421 Member
    Dentures after HBO

    I had a slightly lower dose of radiation than you, 7200.  I Had 12 teeth pulled prior to treatment and over the years the rest of my bottom teeth started to break at the gum line.  By the time I only had 4 font lower teeth it was time to do something.  I went and saw a Maxillary Facialist that specializes in Highly radiated patients.  I prescribed 30 HBO prior to surgery to remove the last of my lower teeth and as long as my lower jaw could handle it, implant 4 posts for implants.  After this surgery I did another 10 HBO treatments.  Then months of healing, another surgery to uncover the posts and do a skin graft to cover some exposed bone in my lower jaw.  Then more months of healing and then it was time to make a permanent denture.  This is screwed into the 4 posts implanted into my jaw. 

    There is only slight discomfort now 2 years after the implants and that is normally if I eat something that requires a lot of chewing. 

    If you are only losing 2 teeth, that probably wouldn't require dentures at this point.  And depending on your jaw, you might be a candidate for implants with a permanent denture which is different than one that you remove.  It might be years before you have more dental issues.  You just have to take it one day at a time and deal with things as they come up.