CA 125 is not decreasing

Hi All,

After 6 Chemotherapies my Mother results falls from almost 1200 to 67, As we all know that normal range of ca 125 test is 0 - 35

but after 7th Chemo the results are same even bit higher as yesterday i got ca 125 result =80

I want to know why the result was not decreased after 7th Chemo as it was suppoosed to fall in noraml range. 
I worried please help.


  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,539 Member
    ahmad, sometimes CA125

    ahmad, sometimes CA125 numbers will rise if the individual has an infection.  I can't remember what your mother's diagnosis was, but maybe a talk with her oncologist will help.  Your mother certainly raised a loving son.  You and your mother are in my prayers.

  • Abk
    Abk Member Posts: 11
    edited September 2018 #3
    Hoping for your mom

    I was impressed by what a wonderful son you are!