Have a Selective Neck diseection on September 25. Appreciate INFO.


I have a Selective Neck dissection on the right sde of my neck for recuurence of my cancer, and since besides biopsies I have never had an operation in my life I will highly appreciate sharing experinces from those who have had any sort of Neck dissection before. Tp me Neck disesection is almost like end of life. Will I make it? Especially given that I have 2 surgeouns and the length of operation is 10 hours, and don't even know if given that I am 69 years old, have Heart Failure and have had radiation before will last duriung anesthesia and surgery. I read on some website to ask for a geriatic anasthisiologist to minimize complication of anesthesia. What do you think? I also read that major operations on eldely may produce POCD (Post Opertaion Cognetive Disorder) permanently. I am a mathematician and make my living by tutoring high school and college students math and charge a good hourly fee. Will I be able to continue this? No one knows.

I have a meeting with Otolaryngologist on Friday 9/14 at 10 AM. If you know of any questions that someone who has never had neck dissection before, please do let me know. I spoke with my cardiologist and he said he will give a clearance for me for 10 hours of anesthesia. I guess I think my heart failure is bad, but he thinks is not as bad.

Any and all input from those members who have had neck diseection before will be greatly apprteciated.








  • yensid683
    yensid683 Member Posts: 349
    I've had TWO!

    I was DX in March of 2012 with stage IV-a base of tongue cancer, treatment was induction chemo, radiation and then surgery.  The first procedure was as an outpatient,   Surgery was about 1-1/2 hours, I woke up with a substantial incision, roughly from my left ear lobe down to just below my adam's apple.  I had some pain but not anywhere near what rads had produced.  My ENT did internal sutures as well so no problem with post op removal and a minimal scar.  I did experience cellulitis about a month later, had to have it drained and spent some time on heavy duty anti-biotics but no permanent issues.

    PET scan 5 months later showed additional challenges, I was referred to a specialist who discussed a modified radical neck dissection, depending on what they found and what pathology showed.   Fortunately, the nodes that were big concerns tested negative for any disease so I avoided the modified radical.  They took out all of the nodes in levels II, III and IV, all tested negative so no worries.

    the 2nd surgery was about 2 hours, I spent one night in the hospital on IV anti-biotics and had no real challenges other than a larger incision and staples to close the wound.  Makes for an impressive scar.

    BTW, I was 58 at the time so there was no concern noted in terms of anesthesia.  Recovery was fairly quick though i have a great deal of numbness and tingling in my left ear, cheek and jaw area as they compressed a nerve during surgery.  Makes for some challenges at times, I use a cordless headset at work and I have to constantly check that I've taken it off before I leave for the day!

    I hope that things go well for you!

  • bebo12249
    bebo12249 Member Posts: 181 Member
    I had a tonsillectomy and

    I had a tonsillectomy and neck dissection together at age 66. I didn’t experience problems but do have a scar that is slightly visible and had lymphedema the resolved after about 3 months. And yes, you should be able to resume tutoring shortly after the dissection. Find an ENT that you trust and let him/her offer guidance. it’s good to be an informed patient but too much internet knowledge can be overwhelming. It sounds as if your specialist physicians are on board with the plan.... i suspect that the procedure and recovery will be much easier than you may be expecting..

  • mehrdad357
    mehrdad357 Member Posts: 66
    bebo12249 said:

    I had a tonsillectomy and

    I had a tonsillectomy and neck dissection together at age 66. I didn’t experience problems but do have a scar that is slightly visible and had lymphedema the resolved after about 3 months. And yes, you should be able to resume tutoring shortly after the dissection. Find an ENT that you trust and let him/her offer guidance. it’s good to be an informed patient but too much internet knowledge can be overwhelming. It sounds as if your specialist physicians are on board with the plan.... i suspect that the procedure and recovery will be much easier than you may be expecting..

    Neck Dissection

    Thanks a lot bebo12249,

    Your posting really lifted me up. I guess at age 69 (just trurned 69 on 9/3/18), I am not yet considered elderly. I have no memory problem and hopfully nothing bad will happen to my cognition and after my dissection I will be able yto tutor again. BTW: How long was your recovery time after dissection? I also agree with you about internet knowledge for ordinary people, sometime it can do more harm than good.


    Thank again



  • patricke
    patricke Member Posts: 570 Member
    Hey mehrdad, I've had a

    Hey mehrdad, I've had a couple of the ever popular neck dissections, and while they were'nt no walk in the park I came out of them in one piece, and have gone on to have more fun than the law allows.  I just trusted my treatment team, did what needed to done, and for my recovery, hit the ground running.  I can't imagine why one would have cognitive impairment due to the surgery unless one's blood supply to the brain was impinged upon during the operation, but that is a discussion to have with your team.  Thus, I'm guessing  that once recovery is under way,  you will be able to jump right back into mathematizing those kids into understanding, and appreciating of the joys of math; not to mention raking in the big bucks that, uhhh, add up.   Going into the surgical suite dance and recovery are all about attitude:  it's not what happens to us in life that makes the most difference/has the greatest effect, it's our attitude about what happens that is most important.  Keep it Mov'in Forward, and Remember, You Can Do This!   



  • Jms297
    Jms297 Member Posts: 4
    edited September 2018 #6
    Neck Dissection

    i had TORS surgery and neck dissection with 30 lymph nodes being removed in March of 2017.  i was 65 at the time and had a minor TIA   two months earlier.  It was while testing my neck that they discovered the cancer on my right tonsil and four lymph nodes of the neck.  The surgeon at first stated he wouldn’t operate because of the stroke and the risk.  After talking it over with him he agreed to do the surgery.  All went well with both operations and so far things are good.  i Received 30 radiation retreatments and except for the normal side effects I weathered them fine.  

     Just ask a lot of questions and ask what are your options and their risk so you can make a informed Desicion.  Be careful what you read because everyones case is a little different and don’t be afraid to ask questions or getting a second opinion to ease your mind.  Just be confident in you descision and stay strong.  You got this.  


  • bebo12249
    bebo12249 Member Posts: 181 Member

    Neck Dissection

    Thanks a lot bebo12249,

    Your posting really lifted me up. I guess at age 69 (just trurned 69 on 9/3/18), I am not yet considered elderly. I have no memory problem and hopfully nothing bad will happen to my cognition and after my dissection I will be able yto tutor again. BTW: How long was your recovery time after dissection? I also agree with you about internet knowledge for ordinary people, sometime it can do more harm than good.


    Thank again



    Hand to estimate recovery

    Hand to estimate recovery time after disection as I had tonsillectomy and dissection at the same time, then after about 3 weeks began 35 rads and weekly Cisplatin. But, I continued to work through out treatment. Recovery Can be defined in many ways and varies by patient. But from just the dissection, you may be tutoring in a few days..bill

  • Mavish
    Mavish Member Posts: 94 Member
    I had tonsilectomy and

    I had tonsilectomy and selective left neck dissection. Healing took about 2-3 weeks.( I went to a vacation and even had some vıne) Most of the discomfort arısed from tonsilectomy not from neck dissection. Try not to thik about the future, deal with them when time comes. Sometimes thigs are easier that what we though. 

    Good luck!