Lymphedema v.s recurrence?

Ag123 Member Posts: 54 Member
edited September 2018 in Head and Neck Cancer #1

Hello everyone, 

Hope everyone is healthy and well.


So my dad has Nasophangeal carcinoma with lymph nodes involvmenet on both sides of the neck (more so on the right side). So far, two of his scans came out clear ever since finishing treatment (which he finished exactly a year ago. Last scan done was three months ago). However, I am now sensing swollen lymph nodes on both sides of his jawline (actually they seem a bit hard/tight, but the size is almost perfectly symetrical on both sides). I asked if he noticed this before and he said he did not. But then, I also know that he has a recent infection that he's still recovering from (sore throat, fever, coughing... almost resolved now compared to a couple days ago). 


But I am scared this is a recurrence. However it could be lymphedema (he did have some lympedema during treatment and he was told to do some exercises. However I don't know if he continued to do the exercises. Also I don't live with him, so to me i can't tell the extent at which it "progressed". In fact it was bellow his chin. His swelling now is at an entirely place. 


I know i'm overhtinking. But I'm afraid it's a recurrence. I know. I saw him exactly two months ago piror to now and he did not have those. So it's weird. Also, i know it could be the infection that triggered the lymph nodes to overwork... which maybe coupled with his already damaged lymphatic drainge... ending up causing this? (or maybe infection alone caused it).


So, regardless of the scnario. I really need some kind of validation cause I think I'm going crazy. :( And also, if you have ever felt/had lymphedema, could you distuingish it from a swollen lymph due to tumor? 


Thank you for your time! 


Edit: The swollen nodes are just slightly above the jawline on both sides (I initially felt this when I kissed him on the cheek so it's that area). 


  • momall25ofu
    momall25ofu Member Posts: 81 Member
    Ag123, I don't have any

    Ag123, I don't have any answers, but I offer my sympathy and prayers.  I hope it is just from the cold.

  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,493 Member

    I would get him an appointment with his ENT or whoever his front line doc is for this occurrence to get a professional opinion. Could easily be the lymph nodes clogging you need to do exercises to keep them drained at times. Also since his scans earlier are clear I wouldn't think recurrence right away. But when in doubt or question a simple appointment can put your mind at ease and they are happy to help. Either way, you will know what is going on and if something seems amiss they know what to do next and who to refer him to. God Bless & Good Luck.

  • Ag123
    Ag123 Member Posts: 54 Member
    edited September 2018 #4

    Thank you both for your words. It's always reassuring to get someone's input in here.  

    I know that the lymphoedema or the infection are potential causes. Also, I agree that it seems unlikely that his tumor recurred in a few months.. and just so happened to grow bilaterally and.. symmetically on both sides of his face. So that's a good thing. 

    I called his oncologist nurse to schedule an appointment for next week. And I was told that lymphedema can occur ANY time. I was aalso skedd if the nodes felt "fixed".My problem is that I can't tell what the nodes are by feeling them lol. The area just felt very tight overall... and more "pronounced" in that area (like a little bumpy).


    I want to stay positived and not to over-think. I'm just a little traumatized by this. The last time we had hoped swollen lynphs meant nothing serious was when his cancer was growing. And it took us months to get appropriate medical attention since his case was dismissed as infectious by every doctor we encountered. I couldn't exactly "intervene" in his inital diagnosis, but this time I don't want to let that happen. 

    i am staying positive and praying it'll get better (it would be good sign)! And waiting for next week!

  • kgasmart
    kgasmart Member Posts: 64 Member
    edited September 2018 #5

    I've been dealing with some pretty significant lymphedema on the right side and while I've never heard of it being a "sudden onset" thing, it's possible it began building up and your dad simply didn't notice it, and now it's gotten to the point where you can feel the swelling.


    I agree with you it would be highly unlikely to have symmetrical new tumors.


    I had massage therapy for my lmphedema and the therapists taught me to do self-massage at home, which keeps things managed. If the docs confirm it's lymphedema your dad can so himself - this is a pretty good guide:

  • Ag123
    Ag123 Member Posts: 54 Member
    edited September 2018 #6
    kgasmart said:


    I've been dealing with some pretty significant lymphedema on the right side and while I've never heard of it being a "sudden onset" thing, it's possible it began building up and your dad simply didn't notice it, and now it's gotten to the point where you can feel the swelling.


    I agree with you it would be highly unlikely to have symmetrical new tumors.


    I had massage therapy for my lmphedema and the therapists taught me to do self-massage at home, which keeps things managed. If the docs confirm it's lymphedema your dad can so himself - this is a pretty good guide:

    Thank you

    This looks very thorough. Will share with him. Thank you so much! 

    Hoping for the best! 

  • Ag123
    Ag123 Member Posts: 54 Member
    edited September 2018 #7

    Just an update, 

    The appointment was moved to this week so I won't tell until later. But the swelling actually went down.. by a lot! Although when I felt his nodes today i could feel something kind of bony (but it's subtle still).

    This means one thing: I just don't know how to palpitate and I simple can't tell a cancer lymph from a regular swollen one. I'm not an MD but I think I'm even worse than a regular informed person when it comes to this lol.


    That being said though, he has has stuffiness/nasal congesion at night especially. The massaging helps but to a point. It really bothers him and it is still stressing us out because it's been a few weeks. But this all started with his recent infection so we're hoping it's as simple as it sounds. I just bought him a nasal spray w/ normal saline (didn't want to give him any real drug until his doctor sees him).


    Thanks again for the support!