Lots of Polyps

Canadan Member Posts: 2
edited September 2018 in Colorectal Cancer #1


New here and first-time poster. I have not been diagnosed with Cancer at this time. I have had 2 Colonoscopys; today and 30 days ago, with another scheduled in 30 more days.  I had approximately 70 polyps, which I realize is a lot. 46 have now been removed, with several going to pathology today.  The Doctor removed the largest polyp he had ever seen (around 50mm or just over 2 inches), so I consoled myself by noting that he looks quite young.  I also read somewhere that a 170mm polyp had been found in a patient, so that could certainly be worse.

For me, 25 were removed the first go-around, and pathology came back negative for all sent.  This time, of 21 removed there were several over 10mm including the whopper above.  This colonoscopy I'm trying not to get overly worried but several of the polypectomys were quite painful, and removing the largest took around 30 minutes.  They showed it to me in the specimen jar...quite shocking.  With several large ones going for pathology this time, am I right to be more concerned?  The first 25 were all under 10mm so, as far as I understand, roughly a 1% chance each.  I've read that of those over 2cm (20mm or close to 1 inch) up to 50% can be cancerous.  https://www.verywellhealth.com/colon-polyps-and-cancer-risk-797579

With several between 10-20mm as well, and still a number to remove, do you think this is alarming? Should I share this with loved ones now or wait for results (up to 3 weeks I was told).  Also I still have the rest to remove and I do not know the size of them.  

I did read in these forums that someone has had hundreds removed, so I thought I might get some straight talk from experienced folks in here.  Any opinions are appreciated.



Dan, Concerned Canadian.








  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,800 Member
    Welcome to the forum

    I am sorry that you are going through so much at this time, and hoping and praying that you don't ever need to visit us here, after getting the all-clear. 

    I don't think anything we can say, will stop you being concerned. The only thing that will relieve you worry, is hearing the results from the Doctors.

    If I were in your shoes, I too wouldbe worried. Thats allot of polyps, and some of them are quite the size. Still, I've know people with multiple polyps, who have not had any come back as cancerous, so stay strong. 

    As for when to tell people, that also depends on how you feel about it.  Because I have faith in the power of prayer, good vibes and good peoples concern, I told everyone, because I felt the more people on my side, praying and what-not, the better. 

    I hope your next colonoscopy and polyp removal, isn't as uncomfortable. 

    Take care. 


  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member

    The amount you have is not the worry, but the outcome of the testing is.  I've heard of many people having a lot of polyps and all coming out ok so don't worry to much about that.  Your body just might produce more than the average person.  Wait for the results and then if all comes back good then ask the doctor what should be done for you having so many and if there if a possible solution.  Wishing you the best of luck for the results and please let us know.


  • abrub
    abrub Member Posts: 2,174 Member
    A very dear friend of mine grew polyps rapidly

    She had to have colonoscopies every 6 months, and at each one, dozens of new polyps were removed.  None became cancerous.  She died 2 years ago, after being diagnosed with breast cancer in 1985, and lung cancer in 2014.  She was in hher 80s.  The polyps were the least of her worries.

  • Canadan
    Canadan Member Posts: 2
    edited September 2018 #5
    Thank-you for the responses

    Thank-you for the responses Tru, Kim and Abrub.  I am ashamed that I posted to a cancer survivors' forum...that was quite selfish and unthinking, so another thank-you for your kindness, patience and examples of strength, truth and humility.  

    I am humbled by your departed friends' trials Abrub,  grateful for your sage advice and concern Kim and moved by your faith and hope Trubrit.  I will be holding my head a little higher, and I believe I need to be honest with my loved ones now rather than withholding anything. Presenting it tempered with the advice above should keep any fears resonably managed until we know.

    I will absolutely update this once I receive results.


  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,800 Member
    Canadan said:

    Thank-you for the responses

    Thank-you for the responses Tru, Kim and Abrub.  I am ashamed that I posted to a cancer survivors' forum...that was quite selfish and unthinking, so another thank-you for your kindness, patience and examples of strength, truth and humility.  

    I am humbled by your departed friends' trials Abrub,  grateful for your sage advice and concern Kim and moved by your faith and hope Trubrit.  I will be holding my head a little higher, and I believe I need to be honest with my loved ones now rather than withholding anything. Presenting it tempered with the advice above should keep any fears resonably managed until we know.

    I will absolutely update this once I receive results.



    Absolutely no reason to be ashamed; even though the American Cancer Network named this  fourm Cancer Survivors Network, we are here for everyone.  

    The people posting here are at all stages. Those with the fear of a possible diagnosis, like yourself. Those brand new and facing chemo, surgery and the whole nine yards. Those fighting and fighting hard, those who are NED (no evidence of disease); along with many caregivers, whose journey is equal to those of us in the battle. 



  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member

    You are always welcome here.  Don't ever be ashamed by coming here and voicing your concern.  We are here to help everyone.  Please just come back and keep us updated on how you are doing and if you ever have any questions.  I'd like to know how you are doing.  Keep your chin up - I'm sure you are going to be fine.  Wishing you well.


  • beaumontdave
    beaumontdave Member Posts: 1,289 Member
    My general physician told me

    My general physician told me he had many polyps removed over time[hundreds] while discussing my stuff. I asked if he took the baby aspirin, he said he probably should start. Whether or not he was humoring me, he was fairly calm about it. It's a hassle, I'm sure, but at least they're on it, with regular checkups.  Best of luck.......................................Dave

  • Twinzma
    Twinzma Member Posts: 236 Member
    Brother Doctors

    My GI is in practice with his brother, they actually got into an argument in the hallway about the frequecy that I should be having my colocoscopies. Finally they agreed to once a year. For me they are very fast growing and tests as a precancerous agressive form. Though I just had mine only in May, I am facing yet another one becuase of pretty signifcant rectal bleeding. If it gets much worse I will be heading to the ER instead of waiting around for my appointment. You know now that you are prone to them so be proactivve. I wish I could sue my husbands old GI for negligence he was told to repeat his in 5-10 years and at the 7 year mark was diagnoised Stage 4 with 30 mets to his liver! 

     Edited to add: I am want to sue, not for the money but because I want it to refelct upon his record!