In recent remission, but symptoms remain

milliebee Member Posts: 7
edited August 2018 in Anal Cancer #1

Think my surgeon was surprised when sigmoidoscopy showed no evidence of cancer last month! Of course, I was thrilled, but still worried. She had been telling me about how she’d already asked surgeons at MD Anderson and elsewhere whether her patient (me) would be better off with permanent colostomy or might do as well with colostomy, then reattachment,  because my anal cancer tumor was so high in my rectum, which is unusual.

When I came out of brief anesthesia for sigmoidoscopy, she said, “Will see you in 3 months to test again,” which I gather is the practice in first year.

i keep thinking my next sigmoidoscopy will show I still have cancer. Was stage 3c. Also my stool is the same, skinny and often short, and usually pops out with a poof of air. My temperature was 100 during follow up 10 days ago with radiologist; before and during treatment it usually was 99 something.

Both the radiologist and surgeon asked if stool was still unusual, and I said yes. Is this common in remission, or should stool and temperature be more like they were prior to cancer? 

Finished standard treatment in early April, and in late June/early July, had fluid in my lungs, which my pulmonologist thought was sign cancer had metastasized to lungs. He was was wrong, thank goodness. (I have mild case of pulmonary hypertension) I am convinced it was delayed reaction to chemo, same as thinning hair, which still is going on.

. Docs all seem to be saying different things. Am happy to be in remission now, but confused. Want to start exercising more, but don’t seem to have energy.






  • tete1715
    tete1715 Member Posts: 14
    I’m in remission also

    I’m in remission also since June 28 ,2018 but I still be having the same sym 

  • mp327
    mp327 Member Posts: 4,440 Member

    I can't answer your question about your temperature.  As for the thin stools, many people experience this after treatment, including me.  Radiation can cause stenosis of the anal canal, making it smaller, thus stool will be thinner.  I'm glad your doctor says there was no evidence of cancer.  I am thinking all good thoughts for you!

  • milliebee
    milliebee Member Posts: 7
    In remission, with symptoms

    tete1715 and mp327 - thanks so much for responding. your comments are encouraging.

  • Ouch_Ouch_Ouch
    Ouch_Ouch_Ouch Member Posts: 508 Member
    Talking temperature.

    Greetings, milliebee -

    Don't worry about your temperature. There is little difference between 99-something and 100. If the MD wasn't concerned, then you shouldn't be. If you get shaking, chills, and a temp of 100.4+, that's a different story. Call the MD right away. You may have sprouted an infection. 

    Another post-treatment problem can be an inner shincter that no longer functions, as I believe I have. The outer shincter is voluntary. You can clench as tightly as you want or let it relax. That inner shincter is involuntary. It will normally relax when stool needs to exit, but mine oozes a bit. - A Netter illustration of the anal canal & rectum.