Pathology back

KarlaKim Member Posts: 8

So pathology came back, as it turns out they took out a T1a clear cell carcinoma-g2.  Somehow revisiting all my grief and worries now that the pathology has been confirmed... Paralysed by all the stars that lined up for things to work out for me and am the things that went well when things could've gone the other way.  Paralyzed by the thought of "that blip on my liver" that they're to reimage in Sept ... Glad to be worry free regarding healthcare being in Canada, omg, as I read through some posts from ppl who have to weigh out medical bills vs treatment.  


  • Glidergal365
    Glidergal365 Member Posts: 93
    I relate to your feelings

    Hi KarlaKim, 

    It was an interesting thing to hear that mine was RCC too. And also lucky that mine was found stage 1. I also have some liver cysts that they will look at during my 6 month rescan. Likely it's nothing, but it feels sometimes like my body betrayed me once already by letting cancer grow... At least we are aware of it though :) I'm thankful I have decent insurance with $3500 out of pocket max. My surgery alone was $65,000. I've read some of those posts too and I'm so thankful I had friends and family to rally around me and help me raise the money for my deductible and lost wages during recovery. Glad you hear you're taken care of and don't have to stress that part! 

    Here's to healing and staying cancer free! 


  • CarlosRosado
    CarlosRosado Member Posts: 88 Member
    Same pathology report than

    Same pathology report than mine.... 

    Lets stay cancer free

  • donna_lee
    donna_lee Member Posts: 1,052 Member

    Maybe, once upon a time, mine would have been a T1a.  But it was not discovered until I had symptons related to the liver...and then it was T2N1M1-mets to liver and sets of nodes.  And it wasn't d'xd until I was 64.  Here I am, 12 years later, a bit slower with age; but just as anxious to get the tests over once or twice a year and get on with living.

    Hugs to you on a long and healthier life.


  • JerzyGrrl
    JerzyGrrl Member Posts: 760 Member
    Time for some happy dancing...

    Well, when you get the OK to dance, that is. In the meantime, we'll happy dance for you under those lucky stars. You can look up at the stars and enjoy being on the mend.

    All the best --

  • stub1969
    stub1969 Member Posts: 987 Member

    From the little you shared from your pathology report, I'd say Jerzy is right on the button---time to happy dance!  Now that your small tumor with a grade 2 rating is out, you have a very strong chance of not dealing with RCC again.  I wouldn't worry too much about the liver spot for now.  Cysts are very common in the liver, in fact I have one in mine.  They found it in my initial pre-op scan.  Even though I was worried about it, my doctors were not concerned.  They were right as it has not changed for a couple years.

    Try to relax and enjoy your many blessings.


  • lakotagirl
    lakotagirl Member Posts: 2
    edited August 2018 #7
    my pathology report said

    my pathology report said stage 2 cancer. no signs of spreading no signs of tumor growing into any vessels, glands and so on. the tumor was 10cm. I had surgery to remove it on july 20th

  • edstep56
    edstep56 Member Posts: 1
    edited August 2018 #8

    My Rcc was found in June 2018 on a bladder infection CT Scan and cover a large portion of a kidney. This kidney was remover in August and I am recovering from surgery. Pathology report was good and showed containment to the bad kidney. Firtst follow up with cardiologist is in September. Where is the best place to find dietary info for health of the good kidney?


  • foroughsh
    foroughsh Member Posts: 779 Member

    my pathology report said

    my pathology report said stage 2 cancer. no signs of spreading no signs of tumor growing into any vessels, glands and so on. the tumor was 10cm. I had surgery to remove it on july 20th

    4 1/2 years ago I have Same

    4 1/2 years ago I have Same size, same stage tumor removed. All scans are NED since the surgery.

    Wish you same luck


  • foroughsh
    foroughsh Member Posts: 779 Member
    edited August 2018 #10
    T1a is a Very good news

    T1a is a Very good news

    Here to many more NED years