Radiation Therapy and Travel

ramaka Member Posts: 55


My dad is undergoing 33 sessions of Radiation Therapy (he is on his 25th session as of today) in India. So far he says he doesn't have any side effects during RT. The thing is, my wife and I are expecting our second kid anytime next month and my parents want to come here (US) during that time. We would love to have them here, but I am scared to get them here so early post his RT and he starts showing any bad side effects from it and he has to rush back home (health insurance options on vsitors visa is bad here in US). Do you think I am thinking straght here or it is OK for them to travel so close to his post RT treatments? 

Thank you,



  • Old Salt
    Old Salt Member Posts: 1,588 Member

    If possible, he could take out proper insurance to cover such an emergency. That may be hard because your Dad clearly has a pre-existing condition.

    All things considered, I think he should stay home and contact you via Skype or similar software. He (and his spouse) could come over later, when the early side effects are likely gone. Much safer for all concerned.

  • ramaka
    ramaka Member Posts: 55
    Thanks, Old Salt. I did an

    Thanks, Old Salt. I did an extensive search for a good insurance with pre-existing condition and it wasn't up to what I would have expected. Now I have to convince my parents not to come and stay back home and take care of their health.