Finished chemo about 8 weeks ago, likely reccurance

PamelaS Member Posts: 1


In December I was diagnosed with stage 3 B cancer. I had 6 months of chemo and then had 3 weeks of shingles. I had debulking surgery in March.  I started to have some gastro symptoms a couple of weeks ago which increased with distension and pain.  I did get 1.7 litres of fluid drained this morning.  I don't have my latest ca-125, but started with 15,000.  A CT scan a month ago showed some spots on my liver and lungs, but there is a possibility they aren't cancer since they were there before. Since my surgery, I have had issues with eating and can only eat small amounts and only have a short list of items.  I see the oncologist again on Monday, but it's likely I will go back from treatment.  I am trying not to be a wreck and would appreciate anyone else's experience.  I am feeling angry, scared and cheated as I thought I'd have some time without treatment. All of my genetic tests came back negative.  My carbo/taxol treatments were rough and Neulasta gave me a lot of pain. What can I expect?

Thank you


  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,530 Member
    Dear Pamela, I am a visitor

    Dear Pamela, I am a visitor from the Uterine board (some of us check in on the other gyn boards) and I just wanted to post so you know you are prayed for.  Cancer is a terrible disease, but you are a statistic of one.  Being a wreck, angry, cheated - all is completely understandable!!!  

  • Tethys41
    Tethys41 Member Posts: 1,382 Member

    Hi Pamela,

    I'm sorry about your situation.  I hope the news next week is better than you expect. 

    All I can tell you is that things often don't appear as they seem and regardless of how dire things seem, there's no way to know the final outcome. 

    I was desperately ill after my debulking and over the course of 2 months had 20 or more paracentises, and was on 24/7 IV nutrition for 3 months.  My surgery was suboptimal, and my doctor didnt' think I'd live to see the end of chemo.  Taxol was pure poison for me. I felt miserable for 10 solid months. 

    But in the end, I acheived remission and have been NED for over 8 years. 

    It's normal to be angry, scared, and feel cheated.  But don't lose hope.  There's always hope.

    Good luck.

  • auntkk
    auntkk Member Posts: 8 Member
    edited September 2018 #4

    Ovarian cancer with no ovaries in Nov 2017  Had total hysterectomy 13 years ago. i had six months of chemo taxol and carbo and neulesta was the very worst of it all. I lost six inches of bowel and had colostomy then this April I had it reversed.  I finished chemo in April. First scan ok. I’m praying for you. My heart goes out to you and please let me know. Such a horrific disease. 

  • WarriorS1
    WarriorS1 Member Posts: 49 Member
    Prayers and support


    So sorry to hear you are going through this. The poison we have to take to kill the beast that is ovarian cancer is horrific at best. Neulasta don't even get me started... That said, please do not give up or lose hope. Take one day at a time, breath deeply and know that you are not alone. There is a lot of support here in this community. You are in my prayers and I hope all works out.