Honolulu T-Cell Lymphoma patient education seminar September 1st, 2018

There will be a combined systemic and cutaneous T-Cell Lymphoma patient education seminar in Honolulu, presented by the T-Cell Leukemia/Lymphoma Foundation. The event begins at 8:30 AM and wraps up at 2:30 PM. It will be held at the Waikiki Beach Marriott on Saturday, September 1st, 2018. Continental breakfast and buffet lunch will be provided for all attendees.

This is a great opportunity to learn about the latest research results, new treatment options and engage in one-on-one dialog with Fred Hutchinson's Dr. Andrei Shustov, one of the best in the T-Cell world. In addition, a 10 year T-Cell Lymphoma survivor will provide a patient's perspective. Registration is free and there is no charge for the event.

Don't miss it!


  • illead
    illead Member Posts: 884 Member
    Thank you Po

    Miss you


  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,825 Member
    illead said:

    Thank you Po

    Miss you




    Free plane tickets for CNS readers ?  An appearannce by Don Ho impersonators ?

  • ShadyGuy
    ShadyGuy Member Posts: 933 Member
    Aw heck ...

    unfortunately I only have FNHL. Enjoy guys! 

  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,825 Member
    ShadyGuy said:

    Aw heck ...

    unfortunately I only have FNHL. Enjoy guys! 

    No can do....


    I aint goin'....my 'travels' are budget. Something like pulling the pop-up to the local K.O.A.

    We surfaced the sub one night off the Bahamas, and you could see the glow of Nassau in the distance.  Closest I ever got.  So close, and yet so far away.


  • po18guy
    po18guy Member Posts: 1,521 Member

    ...for views and registrations. Anyone in the islands with leukemia or lymphoma is well advised to attend and interact one-on-one with Dr. Shustov. The emphasis is on T-Cell malignancies, but the education applies to all lymphomas, the immune system and leukemias as well. Free seminar, free food, free potentially life-saving advice and connections with other patients. What could be better?

  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,825 Member
    po18guy said:


    ...for views and registrations. Anyone in the islands with leukemia or lymphoma is well advised to attend and interact one-on-one with Dr. Shustov. The emphasis is on T-Cell malignancies, but the education applies to all lymphomas, the immune system and leukemias as well. Free seminar, free food, free potentially life-saving advice and connections with other patients. What could be better?


    Mail me some free corn dogs first class and I'll repay you for the postage.


  • illead
    illead Member Posts: 884 Member
    Dr. Elliott Epner

    Hi Po,

          Bill‘s regular oncologist at our local cancer center transferred to Washington state and Bill’s new one  was Dr. Epner. We were blown away by the fact that he is an expert in mantle cell and is working hard at getting a new trial started and has done several others  for mantle cell. Although we are still in line with Dr. Wang at MD Anderson,  we loved having Dr. Epner as his primary oncologis locally. Sadly though we only had him from February to July because he returned to Hawaii where he used to practice. We would love to know if he is attending the  seminar, if you happen to meet him please give him our greetings, Bill and Becky Hampy from the Marysville Cancer Center. He is quite a character and I think you would get a kick out of meeting him, he is quite personable.

    I know you will have a wonderful time  at the seminar,



  • po18guy
    po18guy Member Posts: 1,521 Member
    illead said:

    Dr. Elliott Epner

    Hi Po,

          Bill‘s regular oncologist at our local cancer center transferred to Washington state and Bill’s new one  was Dr. Epner. We were blown away by the fact that he is an expert in mantle cell and is working hard at getting a new trial started and has done several others  for mantle cell. Although we are still in line with Dr. Wang at MD Anderson,  we loved having Dr. Epner as his primary oncologis locally. Sadly though we only had him from February to July because he returned to Hawaii where he used to practice. We would love to know if he is attending the  seminar, if you happen to meet him please give him our greetings, Bill and Becky Hampy from the Marysville Cancer Center. He is quite a character and I think you would get a kick out of meeting him, he is quite personable.

    I know you will have a wonderful time  at the seminar,



    Thank you very much! I will

    Thank you very much! I will certainly look for him - while I am over there avoiding the sun... :-D

  • po18guy
    po18guy Member Posts: 1,521 Member
    Storm warnings cancelled

    The seminar is on! According to one source, rain chance will be 20% on Saturday.

  • illead
    illead Member Posts: 884 Member
    What a relief

    I was thinking about you.  That could have been horrible.  We certainly don't need anymore disasters. Have a great time.


  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,825 Member

    Ride some bodacious waves at Diamond Head....

  • po18guy
    po18guy Member Posts: 1,521 Member
    The really strange thing is...

    ...I never wanted to go to Hawaii. Have been to tropical nations and enjoy them. But Hawaii never held any allure.  However, at the requestst of the physician who has literally saved my life three times, well...

    If I surfed, I could only do so at night and avoid the sun during the day. Ironic.

  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,825 Member
    po18guy said:

    The really strange thing is...

    ...I never wanted to go to Hawaii. Have been to tropical nations and enjoy them. But Hawaii never held any allure.  However, at the requestst of the physician who has literally saved my life three times, well...

    If I surfed, I could only do so at night and avoid the sun during the day. Ironic.

    Further Irony

    I grew up in Charleston, but I hate going into salt water. It is the nastiest feeling I know. I don't evel like the salt spray from the shore, or the feeling of salt water spray on a ship. As a sub guy, we virtually never were exposed to the water anyway, as odd as that may sound.

    Plus: sharks, jellyfish, stingrays, undertow currents. Then the UV rays, which are absolutely not healthy. We were taught in radiation health courses that the average guy on the boat got way less radiation per day than a person who had spent a few hours at the beach. 

    I love fresh water activities, but like you, Hawaii has never held any allure for me at all.

    I love the scenery at the beach, but only in some Jimmy Buffett attire, with a cooler of ice cold grog.

    Beautiful seafaring video. Highlight, then right click, then click on "Go to.....'' to view.



  • po18guy
    po18guy Member Posts: 1,521 Member

    Further Irony

    I grew up in Charleston, but I hate going into salt water. It is the nastiest feeling I know. I don't evel like the salt spray from the shore, or the feeling of salt water spray on a ship. As a sub guy, we virtually never were exposed to the water anyway, as odd as that may sound.

    Plus: sharks, jellyfish, stingrays, undertow currents. Then the UV rays, which are absolutely not healthy. We were taught in radiation health courses that the average guy on the boat got way less radiation per day than a person who had spent a few hours at the beach. 

    I love fresh water activities, but like you, Hawaii has never held any allure for me at all.

    I love the scenery at the beach, but only in some Jimmy Buffett attire, with a cooler of ice cold grog.

    Beautiful seafaring video. Highlight, then right click, then click on "Go to.....'' to view.



    I'm sure that most would agree...

    ...that you are salty enough as is! On a vacation to El Salvador a few years back, was stung by a jellyfish. Once I had scrambled to shore, my smart alec son did not help by reminding me that some jellyfish stings resulted in death within a few minutes. Frown