Guess what???



  • APny
    APny Member Posts: 1,995 Member
    Happy to hear it's NED but

    Happy to hear it's NED but how incompetent is that office? You shouldn't have to pay extra for their lack of communication.

  • Allochka
    Allochka Member Posts: 1,079 Member
    Congrats on NED! Of course

    Congrats on NED! Of course doc's office was frustrating, but I guess NED-thing should overshadow anything :-)

  • rdoyd2
    rdoyd2 Member Posts: 80 Member
    Congrats on ned. I also had

    Congrats on ned. I also had issues with my doc office and have decided I'm not going back. The hospital after insurance for a scan still costs me 3200. I'm going to pay for it myself at small scan center and have them send results to my family doc. It costs me less and I don't have to sit in that room waiting for the news. I also have terrible anxiety on scan day. Thus way I go in so scan and leave my regular doc gets the report the next day and calls my wife, she then just calls me and says I'm good. No anxiety waiting for that door to open

  • donna_lee
    donna_lee Member Posts: 1,053 Member
    If it helps anyone, here's a heads up on scans...

    The facility that performs the scans does not consider it "on the books" UNTIL they have the insurance authorization form in hand.  If the Dr's office is responsible for requesting authorization, make sure they are aware of the lead time that is necessary for them to get their paperwork in.  Twice last fall, I received calls from the hospital/CT facility as late as 4:15 the day prior to the test telling me the authorization had not come thru.  In backtracking the process, my ins. co. is allowed up to 48 hours to approve or authorize the test once they have all the necessary paperwork.  And if they need to request additional paper docs, tack on another 24-48 hours.  Also the Ins. Co. may not do the approval; they may conrtact with a medical review organization to determine if the test is necessary.  It boiled down to my Onc. office needing to start nearly a week in advance instead of faxing their request the day prior to the test.

    To say I raised Holy Heck is an understatement.  Out of all the greif, the hospital has formed an education program to inform all the Dr's, Clinics, etc. in the region  to ensure they know the time frame and steps to follow to make sure their patient receives the test that is ordered.

    I don't advise skipping a test, as it can catch changes, like it did with me.  But finding a Dr. and office that will respond to your needs is up to you.

    Great news on the NED.
