you cannot kill a Fox



  • Gtngbtr58
    Gtngbtr58 Member Posts: 206 Member

    I am fairly new here so I'm not as chummy with you (my loss) but it seems this site needs you badly!!!! You are the poster boy for RCC and helping other.  Please G-d send continued health and treatments fox's way. June

    EBFRCC Member Posts: 23
    Thank you

    Thank you for sharing. And thank you for being a pioneer in treatment options. I expect to start Nivolumab soon, you helped make that possible. 

    I wish you as as much comfort as possible. Let you heart stay strong, even if your body does not.

  • Bellafelice
    Bellafelice Member Posts: 57 Member
    You rock Fox

    Dear Foxhd-As the young people say You ROCK Fox. I have no words to say to your incredible post- except that you indeed are a one in a million guy. Biggest hugs ever

  • Allochka
    Allochka Member Posts: 1,079 Member
    Thank you, Fox! For being

    Thank you, Fox! For being here for us and your family, for this post. I will never forget it...

    We love you

  • ImNotDeadYet
    ImNotDeadYet Member Posts: 244
    edited June 2018 #26
    So happy to read this

    I'm glad to see you're still among us and fighting hard. You definitely inspire me, Fox. Many times, especially recently, I've been a little down. Remembering your story and the wisdom it's allowed you to share have helped me get my attitude back on track. I wish you the best and hope you'll be here with us, leading by example, for as long as you can. Thank you, Fox.


  • HDPete
    HDPete Member Posts: 16 Member
    Hd67xlch said:

    Hey HDPete.........

    You wouldnt happen to be the hdpete I know from Chicago would you? If so this is h67xlch from the Outlaws in FL, we new each other from the now defunct raging bull. If so hope you still have that old shovel in the wind. Good luck


    sorry wrong guy, I’m from Milwaukee Wi.

  • Hoss79
    Hoss79 Member Posts: 78 Member
    Thank you for this post!!!
    Thank you for this post!!! Truly amazing!! I think every new comer to this site should have to read this post. Sending good karma your way.
  • JoeyZ
    JoeyZ Member Posts: 210 Member
    edited June 2018 #29
    Maybe you can't kill a Fox,

    Maybe you can't kill a Fox, but the Fox can make the little chickens cry. 

    Your story touched my heart in such a huge way.

    Thank you for sharing your heart with us.

    Much love to you.

    Yes, you are one hellova badass biker!

  • damatken
    damatken Member Posts: 16
    If there is one person....

    Fox, I always, ALWAYS check on you and have for 3  years since joining this group.  Just left the hospital where my husband is battling.  You always offer such great information and support.  Your recent post just made me step back and smack myself for feeling helpless.  We should all keep moving forward and dare the devil to give it another try.  You continue on, enjoy life, love your wife and thank God for every single moment given.  

  • I am rarely left speechless,

    I am rarely left speechless, but that post did it to me.  You continue to inspire, shock and awe.  You epitomize the spirit of Jimmy Valvano who died of cancer--Don't give up, don't ever give up.  Thank you for all of your thoughts and inspiration.  Keep fighting.

  • Tapman63
    Tapman63 Member Posts: 137 Member
    You are the MAN!

    You've been a leading force on this forum in the short time I've been involved.  Since this group helped me so much in that scary beginning time, I swore I'd come here and try to comfort and help the newbies that will show up as scared as I was.  if I'm able to comfort a third of the people you have with your encouragement and strength, I'd feel like I was doing something good.  Hang in there - fight the good fight - and know you have a lot of friends around the world sending you all the good wishes and karma possible.

    Stay strong!


  • jazzgirl
    jazzgirl Member Posts: 243 Member
    Yours is the face

    Your profile photo is always in my mind when I am down or needing courage.  What a beautiful, heartfelt, eloquent, hard-won manifesto you have written.  After all your years as a physical therapist, you are now giving us strength as training as well, through your words.  Hold on to the image of all of us standing around you, holding you.  Love and blessings and gratitude coming to you...

  • todd121
    todd121 Member Posts: 1,448 Member
    Thank you

    I can't count how many times I've logged in here and had the good fortune to read what you had to say. Gratitude. Thank you thank you.



  • lobbyist0724
    lobbyist0724 Member Posts: 516 Member
    edited June 2018 #35
    Have been looking forward for

    Have been looking forward for your post, let's keep fighting until the more break through treatment are being developed!

  • Jan4you
    Jan4you Member Posts: 1,330 Member
    See big guy...YOU ARE SOOOO

    See big guy...YOU ARE SOOOO LOVED

    by your CSN family for sure!


    Healing hugs, 


  • Skagway Jack
    Skagway Jack Member Posts: 224 Member
    "Fox Strong"

    Fox,   You continue to set the standard.  As I was thinking about this, the term "Fox Strong" came to mind and I nominate it as the Kidney Cancer Surviors ideal of the perfect mental attitude and strength.   Hang in there my friend, you shine the light for us all.


  • Deanie0916
    Deanie0916 Member Posts: 628 Member
    Fox strong!

    That's good. Oh I hope you know how much your words, sit and wisdom have helped so many including me. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Hope you had a nice time gardening. Hugs and love to you and your wife. Thanks.

  • AnnissaP
    AnnissaP Member Posts: 632 Member
    You are an amazing man. Human

    You are an amazing man. Human being. I just love you and your will to live. The way you write and relay your thoughts is nothing short of beautiful.

  • Angiebby75
    Angiebby75 Member Posts: 208 Member
    You are an excellent writer.

    You are an excellent writer. Your words always uplift me.. Always thinking of others. Prayers and good karma to.

  • rhominator
    rhominator Member Posts: 233 Member
    Too bad we never got to ride

    Too bad we never got to ride together. I always wonder how close our paths crossed on the road. It would have been fun.