been taking a major hit



  • MelBlessed
    MelBlessed Member Posts: 71 Member

    Prayers, hugs and good karma sent your way.

  • Steve.Adam
    Steve.Adam Member Posts: 463 Member
    edited June 2018 #43
    Hi Fox

    I don't say 'I love you' to guys wearing leather...

    But I do appreciate you being aound.


  • Gtngbtr58
    Gtngbtr58 Member Posts: 206 Member
    edited June 2018 #44

    I hope each day is better than the one before-stay strong-prayers your way-June

  • foxhd
    foxhd Member Posts: 3,181 Member
    still here !

    Thanks everyone. Add full chest and brain mets to my issues. Smilow fixed me  up and now I'm home. What my body tolerates is incredible and I have work to  do. Let me keep you posted. This is going to be a tough prognosis. I don't have much to work with but so far so good.

  • medic1971
    medic1971 Member Posts: 225 Member
    Hang in there brother.

    Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.



  • foxhd said:

    still here !

    Thanks everyone. Add full chest and brain mets to my issues. Smilow fixed me  up and now I'm home. What my body tolerates is incredible and I have work to  do. Let me keep you posted. This is going to be a tough prognosis. I don't have much to work with but so far so good.

    Keep fighting the fight.  You

    Keep fighting the fight.  You have endured more than many.  Love your fighting spirit. 

  • angec
    angec Member Posts: 924 Member
    FOX, The situation is tough,

    FOX, The situation is tough, but you are tough as nails.  We are all pulling for you! Sending you strength and good vibes.

    Hugs! Angec


  • Allochka
    Allochka Member Posts: 1,079 Member Fox, fingers Fox, fingers crossed and thinking of you!

  • Srashedb
    Srashedb Member Posts: 482 Member
    foxhd said:

    still here !

    Thanks everyone. Add full chest and brain mets to my issues. Smilow fixed me  up and now I'm home. What my body tolerates is incredible and I have work to  do. Let me keep you posted. This is going to be a tough prognosis. I don't have much to work with but so far so good.



    so great to read your post this morning; brain mets can be handled by SBRT and you are a responder. Don’t know much about lung mets but you are out and fighting and as to prognosis, you have always said no expiration dates.

    get stronger and post more....


  • Hd67xlch
    Hd67xlch Member Posts: 151 Member
    foxhd said:

    still here !

    Thanks everyone. Add full chest and brain mets to my issues. Smilow fixed me  up and now I'm home. What my body tolerates is incredible and I have work to  do. Let me keep you posted. This is going to be a tough prognosis. I don't have much to work with but so far so good.

    Hang in there...........

    just keep up the good fight, good luck.

  • klj15
    klj15 Member Posts: 38
    Keeping you in my thoughts

    Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

  • lobbyist0724
    lobbyist0724 Member Posts: 516 Member
    I am sure you willl once

    I am sure you willl once again proved the estimated prognosis is wrong. Just like limit is for people to break and not for people to limit themselves. All the best!

  • Allochka
    Allochka Member Posts: 1,079 Member
    We love you, Fox!

    We love you, Fox!

  • Bellafelice
    Bellafelice Member Posts: 57 Member
    You have helped me and so many

    Dear Foxhd-I wanted to add my best wishes and huge cyber hugs to all of the other members here. You helped me so many times when I was in crisis mode. Good Karma will visit back and wing you through this newest fight. I hope each days finds you stronger and better.

  • Abunai
    Abunai Member Posts: 173 Member

    Here's to hoping that your cancer soon takes a major hit back and you get to feeling much better.

    All of the replies you are receiving in here are a testament to how much help and inspiration you've given to everyone on this board.

    Hang strong.

  • Jojo61
    Jojo61 Member Posts: 1,310 Member
    Foxy, you are a remarkable

    Foxy, you are a remarkable fighter. Sorry you have been handed more challenges. I have faith you can stand this storm. We are all behind you!

    Sending good thoughts your way (and big bear hugs!)



  • Tapman63
    Tapman63 Member Posts: 137 Member
    Hang in there...

    ...keep fighting the good fight.  You're a warrior and it's **** kicking time.

    Sending positive thoughts and good karma your way. 



  • Skagway Jack
    Skagway Jack Member Posts: 224 Member
    First thing I look for.

    Fox,  I have been off the site for awhile, but my friends here are not forgotten. I often speak of you when I talk to people about cancer.  You are to many of us the prime example of a "fighter".  The first thing I look for is your post when I have been away.   You keep up the good fight my friend.  Sending all the good Karma I can from the Sunshine state.


  • damatken
    damatken Member Posts: 16
    Fox Man

    Hang in there Fox Man.... your one tough guy.  Continue on!