Question For the Experts

Hey folks, 


just want to run this by you. I’m a 39 year old maLe, smoked marijuana and drank pretty heavily in my 20’s, haven’t smoked anything in over 10 years have a glass or two of wine every day. Two weeks ago today I got a sore throat which hasn’t responded to any otc medicine. It gets better for a day than goes back to hurting. Always is worse at night. Seems to literally be in one spot In my throat and then I have some actual pain in my mouth. Lot of mucus in my nose and m constantly cleaning my throat, especially after I eat. In the beginning I had green and thick phlegm, now it’s pretty much perfectly clear. No swollen lymph nodes or lumps. Sometimes my throat will make a weird creaking noise and I’ll have a little bit of neck pain. I’d be pretty worried. It I’ve been staying with my mother helping her watch her elderly 18 year old dog and she also has a horrible sore throat she can’t shake. Her’s has run almost three weeks.  She went to urgent care and they said no strep, and told her to take mucinex. I’ve been on it for about 24 hours and it hasn’t done much. Should I be fresking out. I keep hearing about people who had a sore throat that wouldn’t go away and next thing you know, stage 4. What would you do if you were me? Should I see if it goes away, g to urgent care, make an appointment with my GP for a referral to an ENT? 


I would love some advice, I have pretty bad anxiety and it’s gettimg the best of me. 


Also, I want you all to know that I‘ve been reading through posts here and I think you’re all warriors and heros. 




  • Ron Silver
    Ron Silver Member Posts: 94
    edited June 2018 #2
    It is clear.  You have every

    It is clear.  You have every relevant sympton.  No question.  You have a sore throat.  Your mother has a sore throat.  You both have sore throats.  

    Your welcome.

    I will send you a bill.

  • Tonita
    Tonita Member Posts: 197 Member
    edited June 2018 #3
    Why don't you just go to the

    Why don't you just go to the doctor?

  • Mheusler
    Mheusler Member Posts: 3
    edited June 2018 #4
    Tonita said:

    Why don't you just go to the

    Why don't you just go to the doctor?

     actually went to urgent care

     actually went to urgent care last night who said my throat was red and recommend flonase for a week for post nasal drip irritation. Said if not better in 10-14 days follow up with my GP. So that’s the course I will take. It has been gradually improving. 

  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,506 Member
    edited June 2018 #5
    GO to an ENT right away

    I had a sore throat that would not go away also.

    Family doctor put me on antibiotics for 10 days did not go away.

    Family doctor put me on a different antibiotic for 10 days did not go away.

    Family doctor said it is time for you to see an ENT.

    I saw an ENT.

    He did a scope inspection of my throat.

    I had throat cancer.

    What are you waiting for?

    Time to see a doctor or an ENT.

    Any sore throat that is present for an extended period of time

    needs to be checked by medical professionals.

    The sooner you get it checked the better.

    It may be something or nothing but your anxiety will go away with knowledge.



  • Mheusler
    Mheusler Member Posts: 3
    edited June 2018 #6
    wbcgaruss said:

    GO to an ENT right away

    I had a sore throat that would not go away also.

    Family doctor put me on antibiotics for 10 days did not go away.

    Family doctor put me on a different antibiotic for 10 days did not go away.

    Family doctor said it is time for you to see an ENT.

    I saw an ENT.

    He did a scope inspection of my throat.

    I had throat cancer.

    What are you waiting for?

    Time to see a doctor or an ENT.

    Any sore throat that is present for an extended period of time

    needs to be checked by medical professionals.

    The sooner you get it checked the better.

    It may be something or nothing but your anxiety will go away with knowledge.



    Yup, Wbcgaruss, I don’t think

    Yup, Wbcgaruss, I don’t think you’re wrong that’s why i posted here. I’d be a little quicker if my mother wasn’t going through the exact same thing and/or if the symptoms weren’t improving. I have a ton of phlegm which made the doctor at urgent care think it’s definitely post nasal drip related so im going to do the Flonase like they suggested and if its still there in 10 days I will follow up with my GP like they recommended and get a referral for an ENT. 



  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,724 Member



  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,724 Member
    edited June 2018 #8
    walking down this rocky road, wonering if my life is over

    Mheusler (Max),

    Yes, you should be fresking out!!! Whatever fresking out is.  Your Mom, neighbors, brothers and sisters should all be fresking out.

    Does that feel better?


    You never, ever heard it from me, saw me write it down, put it in a letter or send smoke signals from me that made any reference to:   “I keep hearing about people who had a sore throat that wouldn’t go away and next thing you know, stage 4.”  (And technically it is stage IV).


    You are what I call an interesting character; I would put you at stage III, if I could, but I can’t so I won’t.


     What would you do if you were me? Should I see if it goes away, go to urgent care, make an appointment with my GP for a referral to an ENT? Well, I cannot guarantee that it will go away on its own. So, I guess you will need to proceed to the next step which is go to urgent care and make an appointment with your GP for a referral to an ENT.


    Many H&N members drank a bit too much in their earily 20’s, smoked some pot, but I never heard of any H&N member with a creaking neck, what is that? Do you mean like a door creaks, until you lube it?


    You have me on the rocks, and I may be going down, but first a word from our sponsor.

