Scared and alone

Mariem2732@ Member Posts: 3

Hi I'm knew to this forum. I' just looking for answers and a little relief. 2 weeks ago I found out that I have a mass on my right kidney. Sympoms I have are pain flank and weight oss which my Dr is not concerned about cause I'm overweight. And I am vomiting.  Now this mass is not very big only 1.1 centimeter.  But they cannot determine if it' a calcium deposit or a tumor. I go in for a ct scan the 17th and I already had an ultra sound and a ct scan the 24th of may. Now I have no insurance and cannot see a urologist yet. Am I making the right decision to wait it out and continue to just see my family dr. And also there is a hypodensity of my left kidney to small to characterize what does that even mean.

Sorry so over the place hope to hear from anyone soon.


  • Allochka
    Allochka Member Posts: 1,079 Member
    Hello Mariem,

    Hello Mariem,

    sorry for all these uncertainties! But I beg you not to be scared. Even in the worst case scenation of your mass being cancer - it is very very small. So with the overwhelming possibility it is just Stage 1, which is very far from death sentence for kidney cancer.

    was your previous CT scan with contrast?

    hang in here, we'll try to help!


  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member
    We were all scared in the begining



    Get the CT and go from there. Ehatever you have is smalland a good prognosis is to be expected. I would seen a Urologistonce you get the CT results as watching with possibly ssomethingin both kidneys is above the paygrade of a family doctorr.



  • Bay Area Guy
    Bay Area Guy Member Posts: 621 Member
    I agree about getting the CT

    I agree about getting the CT and getting a consult with a urologic oncologist.  At 1.1 cm, it’s quite small.  Mine was 1.5 at first reading.  The urologic oncologist recommended active surveiilance, meaning scans every six months to determine if it had grown.  He said he did not want to reduce my kidney function unless it was absolutely necessary.  I was assured that kidney lesions this small grow very slowly and very rarely spread.  He also told me that if i was psychologically not comfortable potentially having a malignant lesion in me, he could take it out.  I chose the surveillance.  I had scans, alternating between CT and ultrasound, every six months.  About 2-1/2 years after it was first found, an ultrasound measured the lesion at 1.8 cm, so he said it was time to get it out.  I had a robotic partial nephrectomy in June, 2016.

    So, get the CT, get the consult and see what you’re told and what you’re comfortable with.  I would tell you not to worry and not be scared, but i know that’s impossible to do.  But just know that at 1.1 cm, your growth, even if it is malignant, is very treatable.  Folks here will be with you every step of the way.

  • Mariem2732@
    Mariem2732@ Member Posts: 3
    I did have a contrast

    When they did it in the er I had a contrast through iv. I went in bc I flank pain and that' when they found the mass on my right kidney and hypodensity on my left. I just wish I knew what was causing my pain bc it can be crippling especially when I wake up. It also moves into my back. 

    Anyways I am having a ren ultrasound the 17th. I am currently waiting on papers for Medicaid . I cannot see a urologist til I get all the way approved which the lady I talk to said I'm approved. I currently do not have insurance and the first initial visit is 350 dollars which I don' have. 

  • AnnissaP
    AnnissaP Member Posts: 632 Member
    CT scans with dye are the

    CT scans with dye are the best option in my opinion. They will show what it is you are dealing with. It is small and early so no matter what it is, you should definitely be ok.