wanted to introduce myself

d2t Member Posts: 1

...of course, I never wanted to meet this way, but here we are.


My dad was dx'd with stomach cancer in March. We were completely blindsided because although I had no delusions he was healthy, I always thought it would be something else. Its stage III, and has grown into his esophagus though not metastisized. 


He started chemo and radiation last week. He believes where there is life there is hope, so I am trying to be strong. I'm in NY, my parents are in RI and it's incredibly difficult to be far away. I want to help both of them as I know being a caretaker is a job and a half. 


I'm open to other treatment options, alternative and complementary modalities. I've passed along info but I feel like they are already overwhelmd with dr's appts, info. I'm particularly interested in others stories of hope and triumph.

 I'm devastatingly realistic about his prognosis, but remain hopeful at the same time. He's my dad and honestly, he's the best one in the family. The rest of us are pains in the ****. 

Just wanted to introduce myself as I puruse the posts. Thank you 


  • clabei92
    clabei92 Member Posts: 3
    Similar situation



    How is your dad doing now? My dad is in a similar situation. Chemo nor radiation have helped. I feel hopeless.