26 years old facing nephrectomy



  • Texegon
    Texegon Member Posts: 2


    Surgery has come and gone. I decided to have my surgery at MD Anderson in Houston. I had an open right partial nephrectomy on May 15. The surgery went well and the doctor was able to get clean margins only taking 15% of my kidney. I was out of the hospital after 3 nights. Recovery is going well and seems like each day is better. The actual incision does not hurt but the bloating and digestive (gas) pains are horrible. My lower abdomen and stomach are still bloated and swollen. 


    I did receive my pathology report. The report was a two part diagnosis and seems to be a rare type. The renal mass indicated Renal Cell Carcinoma (4.0 x 3.8 x 2.7cm) Chromophobe Type (pT1a). The second part of the diagnosis or ”Final Margin Renal Mass” states Renal Parenchymal, no tumor present. Obviously I am not completely sure what this means because my follow up with my doctor is not until June 27. At this point I am glad that surgery is over and hoping for an uneventful recovery. 


    Thanks for all the support! 

    I'm 30, just had a partial on my right kidney on 5/30, tumor had similar dimensions to yours but a different subtype (clear cell), also pT1a. 5 days out I'm feeling pretty dang good. Glad to know each day is better for you. I'm having a similar recovery experience - I feel great considering I had part of an organ removed! My heart is with all those who have had/are having  difficult recoveries. I feel very fortunate I just get to feel annoyed to be slowed down by an experience like this at our age. With a bit of luck and some vigilance, maybe it'll just be a distant spot in the rearview mirror not too long from now. Best wishes for a continued uneventful recovery!