And the circus is still in town!



  • donna_lee
    donna_lee Member Posts: 1,053 Member
    Gee, we could write a book

    I wrote a scathing letter last Sept. about some of the "cra..." that had gone on then.  But as a few more scheduled tests and encounters occurred during the following three weeks, I just called the risk manger and complained to her.  One of the outcomes of all of it was they have changed some procedures, formed a committee of health care providers to train them in how to meet the hospitals needs when a test is ordered, will tweek their phone tree and add another option for contacting the radiology dept.  As of now, I haven't had to return for their services so can't tell you if they have trained any of their registration desk personnel in customer service.  They were some of the most poorly trained and grouchy women I have ever dealt with.

    And what probably ticks (mild word) us and others off is that they never say, "I'm sorry."  They just look at you with a get-over-it expression.

    I hope you get some resolution, and soon.

    Love and hugs


  • Manufred
    Manufred Member Posts: 241 Member


    Manufred, you are right I am bigger than that but I have always been told that people may not remember the words you say, but they will always remember how you made them feel!

    I'm sure a few of those individuals felt horrible and if that makes them change the level if importance they use to deal with situations like this then in my book it's a solid win!

    I hope you are enjoying the beginning of summer!



    Hi Cin,

    Thanks, but where I live we have just gone into winter.  Nothing bad like a good nothern winter, though.

    Bet wishes, Fred