P.E.T. Scan Results

wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,506 Member

I got a call from the ENT's office this morning about the pet scan I took yesterday and it shows NED no cancer

in the rest of my body.

Praise the Lord I had and have many people praying for me.

This takes a bit of a load off my mind and my being at least now I only have the tongue to be concerned with.

I am thankful we are down to one situation to deal with now even though many questions remain.

Thanks for all you folks support even though I am the new old guy on the block!

ENT doctor is on vacation but comes back the 11th of June and I see him the 12th to talk to him

about what is next and the details of it and ask all my questions i will have by then.

ENT secretary did tell me they will be doing a Partial Glossectomy with frozen insections.

Which I believe means removing from the tongue what is needed and checking the tissue as they operate

till they get clear margins.

Will have proper details after June 12 meeting with my ENT.

Thanks all for input, thoughts, and prayers.



  • patricke
    patricke Member Posts: 570 Member

    Congratulations on the great NED news; ring that bell!  It's time to relax for awhile before the big dance. 


  • SuzJ
    SuzJ Member Posts: 446 Member

    NED has so many friends :)

  • swopoe
    swopoe Member Posts: 492
    Great news! The same surgery

    Great news! The same surgery was done on my husband- removing bits of the tongue and having a pathologist look at the slices right there until clean margins were achieved. Best of luck when you meet with the doc on the 12th!

  • donfoo
    donfoo Member Posts: 1,773 Member

    Wonderful news. Plenty of bs to worry about the HNC alone, takes a big load off. Hang in there.