Update on my Mom 4 Months After Completion of Frontline Treatment



  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,531 Member
    I remember asking my doctor

    I remember asking my doctor about the HE4 test, just being inquisitive, and she didn't find it much different than the CA125.  I did go to read somethings about the HE4 and it seems as though it is thought to be more for ovarian tests, so in the end, I read as they are both similar in the end.  My doctor is pretty open about things as well as we have talked about everything over the years - some of which have been things brought up on this board.  

  • SF73
    SF73 Member Posts: 317 Member
    Actually there are many

    Actually there are many studies that show HE4 is a meaningful/useful marker for endometrial cancer. Most studies suggest using CA125 and HE4 together in surveilance of the endometrial cancer patients. There are some (I included an example below) that suggest HE4 alone is a superior marker. So I think it is relevant and useful. But somehow in San Francisco it is not being used which is very disappointing since we can use all the data we can get. It seems TakingControl's doctor is more up to date with the research than others. 
