And the circus is still in town!

Cinnamongirl Member Posts: 199 Member
edited May 2018 in Kidney Cancer #1

So after a long anticipated wait for what is supposed to be a "simple procedure" has yet again been put on hold due to the fact that whatever a******* are in scheduling screwed up and after a almost 4 hr drive bloodwork and an unnecessary MRI the machine to do the cyroablation is unavailable to do a procedure that has been booked for a MONTH!
So after screaming, cussing and making a few people cry literally... I am awaiting a call from my Dr to see what is next. I will not wait another month to get this done.
I tend to be brutal when pushed to the edge and well my friends I'm off the edge and dangling by my finger tips!!!!
So after I quite loudly stated that " I am not having my tonsils out... I have fu*$ing cancer so you all can choke on your sad **** apologies" I was assured I would not be charged for any procedures performed today.
I wish I could say that I feel bad for exploding like that but the truth is... I don't because at the end of the day all of those people will go home to their families not giving a damn what happens to me and tomorrow for them will be a new day.
As for me I will still have cancer...
As for all of you I sincerely hope you are all well and having much more success in your battle than I currently am.

Sorry if my post offends anyone. 



  • jazzgirl
    jazzgirl Member Posts: 243 Member
    So sorry to hear this...

    Hi Cinnamon,  You deserve way better than what you experienced today.  Now THAT is some serious plexing you did!  Try to take care of yourself as you wait - again - Surround yourself with friends and know you have support and prayers from all of us during this terrible and frustrating time.  Take care -

  • Retcenturion
    Retcenturion Member Posts: 240 Member
    How does this happen!!!

    How could this be so screwed up for you. It seems so wrong on so many levels. I hope that your procedure is done as quick as possible. There was a saying at work when things got bad. " did 1 of your ancestors run over the Gypsy king with the apple cart ..and family was cursed with bad luck". You need to be accommodated. Sending as much positive and calming thoughts your way. Keep us posted.

  • Brock1969
    Brock1969 Member Posts: 80
    Sorry Cinn

    Tell you what though, your telling those people off was great! Good for you. You're right though, as during my surgery I often felt like a number and not a person. It's humbling, especially when your life is in the mix. A friend told me while I was having my "woe is me" have bared your cross. You are getting the runaround on this end and it can only mean that you will come out on top on the other. You cannot predict that future, so you may as well get your mind on the side of everything will be all good. Thinking about you. 

  • daisybud
    daisybud Member Posts: 541 Member

    I'm so sorry this happened..I totally understand blowing up! I would have too.

    Prayers to you

  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member

    Social Media, reviews, letters to the right persons. These places have reputations to uphold.




  • ImNotDeadYet
    ImNotDeadYet Member Posts: 244
    Totally unacceptable!

    I'm so sorry you have to put up with this nonsense. Someone needs to be held accountable for this. Any idiot at that hospital who doesn't understand the effect that this kind of stress can have on you should be relieved of their job  

  • Cinnamongirl
    Cinnamongirl Member Posts: 199 Member

    Thank you all for having my back! I will be filing a formal complaint tomorrow and will not go quietly into the night. 

    Again I appreciate all of your support!

    I hope you all are well


  • Wehavenotimeatall
    Wehavenotimeatall Member Posts: 488 Member


    that is so distressing 

     you did the right thing

    the whole lot of are a disgrace 


  • JerzyGrrl
    JerzyGrrl Member Posts: 760 Member

    Oh, Cin -- WHAT a day! So so sorry this crazyness is continuing and seems to have graduated to full SNAFU status. Glad you let them know and you'll also follow up formally.



  • Tapman63
    Tapman63 Member Posts: 137 Member

    That is some messed up s***!  I'm a really easy-going guy, but I think what you did would be mild compared to how I may have reacted.  Just try to relax and stay focused on what needs to be done.  Ultimately, you'll get your procedure and everything will be fine!  Try to have a good weekend.

    Best Wishes,


  • LMCRJB13
    LMCRJB13 Member Posts: 84
    edited June 2018 #12
    Yikes, I'm sorry that you are

    Yikes, I'm sorry that you are going through this on-top of everything else.  I'm glad that you're advocating for yourself, that's super important.

    I hope that everything gets sorted out soon and that you get your procedure ASAP.  There is no reason for you to be treated this way - you certainly don't deserve it.

    We're all in your corner!


  • Bay Area Guy
    Bay Area Guy Member Posts: 621 Member
    edited June 2018 #13
    You have absolutely nothing

    You have absolutely nothing to apologize for, either here in this group or at the hospital.  

  • CRashster
    CRashster Member Posts: 241 Member

    Been there, done that. I love my doc, but I hate the firm he works for. I've been to the office, twice, when it wasn't really needed and they just apologize. One day, I got tired of it all and refused to piss in their cup. I'd already done it three times that week. They didn't know what to do. Then they asked very meekly, can we at least take your vitals? Go get them. Don't take any crap. 

  • Allochka
    Allochka Member Posts: 1,079 Member
    Well, an unacceptable

    Well, an unacceptable treatment indeed. As you said correctly - it is not tonsil or wisdom tooth removal, it is cancer surgery! In these cases patients have all rights to be angry!

  • Nanaof10
    Nanaof10 Member Posts: 57 Member



  • Cinnamongirl
    Cinnamongirl Member Posts: 199 Member

    So they called today to reschedule. I haven't yet. I talked to my Dr and the MRI results are read as a Bosniak cyst 2F.

    At this point I don't give a crap what it is I just want it gone. 

    Going to enjoy my daughter's HS graduation and then give it one more attempt.

    Thank you all for standing behind me. This has just been so stressful.

    I hope everyone enjoys the weekend.

  • Brock1969
    Brock1969 Member Posts: 80

    So they called today to reschedule. I haven't yet. I talked to my Dr and the MRI results are read as a Bosniak cyst 2F.

    At this point I don't give a crap what it is I just want it gone. 

    Going to enjoy my daughter's HS graduation and then give it one more attempt.

    Thank you all for standing behind me. This has just been so stressful.

    I hope everyone enjoys the weekend.

    Graduation! Yay!

    Congrats and have an awesome day focusing on what a wonderful moment that is for your daughter. Things will get better Cinn

  • Manufred
    Manufred Member Posts: 241 Member

    You are bigger than that.

    Anger is not of any use unless it gets you somewhere better.

    Take care. Enjoy what is enjoyable and put aside the crap that isn't.  Don't waste your energy on those that don't deserve it.

  • Cinnamongirl
    Cinnamongirl Member Posts: 199 Member

    Manufred, you are right I am bigger than that but I have always been told that people may not remember the words you say, but they will always remember how you made them feel!

    I'm sure a few of those individuals felt horrible and if that makes them change the level if importance they use to deal with situations like this then in my book it's a solid win!

    I hope you are enjoying the beginning of summer!


  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member
    Just checed

    A whole lot of Cruises leaving from Seattle this month to Alaska to get your mind off things.




    PS We did one from Anchorage to BC back in 92. It was also BC (before Cancer).