Proton scatter beams, pencil beam (G3)or Photon Treatment

SantaZia Member Posts: 68 Member

My final consult today was with a radiation oncologist at UNM Cancer. I also had a follow up question to MD Anderson. My question to MD Anderson was can I have a varied schedule so that I can travel home for a 3 day weekend. The answer is that would depend on what machine I was recommended for the Proton scatter beams, pencil beam (G3).  There is no schedule flexibility for the G3 as everyone wants that one. I probably do too. However 2.5 months with 48 treatments is a long time away from home, especially for me. It may be the hormones talking, but since I started working from home I like it a lot. Anyway the Photon Therapy which is not UNM Cancer but is just the same is only 10 miles from me. My consulting radiation oncologist didn't think the side effects were that bad with Photon especially with the SpaceOar. What do you guys think. I am a 3+4=7 or a 4+3=7 <15% with a 1.8 cm lesion MRI 3T trapped in the prostate so far. latest PSA 12.7 on Finasteride See my Proton post for more details if needed. Thanks. 


  • Clevelandguy
    Clevelandguy Member Posts: 1,229 Member
    Best treament


    I know if it was for me I would go with the best treatment first choice and convience as a second choice.  Don't want to be kicking yourself a few years later because you picked the easy choice & not the best choice.  My 2c worth............


    Dave 3+4

  • SantaZia
    SantaZia Member Posts: 68 Member

    Best treament


    I know if it was for me I would go with the best treatment first choice and convience as a second choice.  Don't want to be kicking yourself a few years later because you picked the easy choice & not the best choice.  My 2c worth............


    Dave 3+4

    Best treament

    Thanks Clevelandguy that helps. I have to wait for my PSA test on June 18th so I have some time. 

  • VascodaGama
    VascodaGama Member Posts: 3,717 Member
    The difference may be in the side effects

    If the field of attack and delivery protocol is the same, in terms of treatment, you may expect equal outcome from both machines; protons or photons. The difference is in the risks and side effects one may experience. Surely the status of the facilities, calibration of the equipment, tolerances and operators should be at their best. Each day of treatment will not take more than 1 hour in the hospital/clinic so that the closer to home the best.