VIN 2-3

Hi, I'm so glad to found this group as I have been filled with so much anxiety of late.

I noticed a brown, pretty good size mole like spot on my perineum a couple weeks ago. What concerned me is that is wasn't a round mole but had irregular borders and the size, the size bothered me. Made an appointment with my OB/GYN and after he took a look, said it was probably just a mole/nevi and nothing to worry about. I followed my gut and asked for a biopsy, I just felt that I needed to know for sure and he did a punch biopsy. He told me not to worry it was nothing see you in a week for the results. I guess it was kinda of a blessing he said it was nothing because I took him at his word and didn't worry about it for a whole week. Went back for my follow-up yesterday and he tells me that I have VIN 2-3, so pre-cancer. Said it's not a big deal but we need to remove it. So here I am waiting to hear from my doctor's office about scheduling a local excision for the spot on my perineum and to be frank all I'm thinking about is what is going to be like recovering from this. I would be ever so grateful for guidance and information on post-excision problems, what to ask before the procedure, anything. Thank you!


  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,524 Member
    jogden19, good for you not

    jogden19, good for you not just taking the first doctors "nothing to worry about it". I would suggest asking the doctor's office that is doing the procedure to give you a detailed list of what COULD happen.  Think of the list of POTENTIAL side effects we are told when we are given drugs or surgery - it doesn't mean it WILL happen to you, or that you WILL experience, just a possibiity.  Try to take a breath, I think the anticipation of what to expect can be debilitating.  

  • Judithd
    Judithd Member Posts: 2

    jogden19, good for you not

    jogden19, good for you not just taking the first doctors "nothing to worry about it". I would suggest asking the doctor's office that is doing the procedure to give you a detailed list of what COULD happen.  Think of the list of POTENTIAL side effects we are told when we are given drugs or surgery - it doesn't mean it WILL happen to you, or that you WILL experience, just a possibiity.  Try to take a breath, I think the anticipation of what to expect can be debilitating.  

    VIN, Squamous Cell and Bowens returns after 10 years

    Hello,  I have been labia cancer free for 10 years and it has now returned in the same area.  I found a dime size lavender spot in 2009 and it was a long journey to MD Anderson in Houston. It came back VIN, Squamous Cell and Bowen's Disease. I am non HPV. I was treated sucessfully with surgery and used other natural methods such as cleaning up my diet and keeping a positive mindset.     I was released from MD Anderson 1 year ago.   Because I have a history of other skin cancers on other parts of my body I am checked at MD Anderson once a year at their Melanoma clinic and I have a really great Derm here close by.  


    I want to share that I got lax on doing my self exams, I was not taking a mirror and looking monthly like I should of. I have been cancer free for 10 years. When I did not look for 6 months it came back. Now I have a fairly larger, darker pigmented area in the exact same place. I definately snuck up on me.   It has been removed and I will have the results on Weds. 

    I am sharing this to help others. I am almost 65, in great general health, active, single, 3 kids, 2 grands, am a RN and will be returning to MD Anderson.  I cannot say I am not worried. It is larger and darker, more irregular.  Hoping for another good outcome.   My advice is stay on top of it.

  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,524 Member
    Judithd, I am a visitor from

    Judithd, I am a visitor from the Uterine board, but I visit the other gyn sisters to support them.  I am sorry to hear you are having to deal with the beast again, and I hope MD Anderson can help you again.  Hugs dear one.