Metformin Info.

pinky104 Member Posts: 574 Member

I had a follow-up at my GYN/onc.'s office on Monday.  I didn't get to see the doctor but was seen by his nurse practitioner.  I had decided to ask what the minimum dose of Metformin should be to help prevent a recurrence of my uterine cancer, as I'm only on 500 mg. a day and have read that some people on here are taking a lot more than I am (I'm not diabetic).  My family doctor had agreed to put me on it a few months ago (he had read about its positive effects for preventing cancer recurrences).   The nurse practitioner went to ask my GYN/onc. about it when he was between patients.  She came back and told me that he doesn't prescribe it for any of his patients, that he had used it in clinical trials, but it was not found to be of any benefit in the ones his patients completed.  In the meantime, my husband had decided to look up the information in his phone and see what he came up with on there.  The article he found at said about the same thing.  Metformin has been found effective in preventing recurrences in certain cancers, such as colon cancer, but the studies on it for endometrial cancer have been inconclusive. 

I thought about whether or not to continue taking it, and decided I will continue since it might prevent me from getting another type of cancer.  In the recurrence I had last year, my UPSC wrapped itself around my ascending colon, so I was considered to have mets to the colon.  Maybe Metformin will keep me from developing cancer inside the colon.

I was a little disappointed that my CA-125 was 9.1 the last time I was checked and up to 10 this time.  I know that difference is trivial, but I don't like that it's going up instead of down.  My recurrence I had last year started out by going up just two points, then five, and then went waaaay up to 129.

Everybody can make their own decisions about whether to take Metformin or not, but I thought this information might be helpful in the decision. 


  • derMaus
    derMaus Member Posts: 558 Member
    I believe 850mg 2 x day is

    I believe 850mg 2 x day is the optimal dosage, or so my naturopath said. My oncologist was fine with that. I've been on it since last June w/no side effects. 

  • oldbeauty
    oldbeauty Member Posts: 380 Member

    I went to a local cancer foundation event a few weeks ago and listened to an overview of treatment information about gyne cancers.  One presenter, a medical oncologist and research scientist, came across as a big fan of Metformin's possibilities, especially as an adjunct to other drugs.  He did say the therapeutic dose in the cancer trials is 850 mg x 2.  I also read an article, maybe the same one as pinky's husband, which said the therapeutic dose (extrapolated from research on mice) was 1500 mg per day.  So, that is my goal.  So far, the beginner dose of 500 mg per day has not caused any intestinal distress and I will keep on with it.  Best wishes, Oldbeauty  

  • takingcontrol58
    takingcontrol58 Member Posts: 276 Member
    Metformin experience

    There is no official established dose for metformin for endometrial cancer yet.  When I was enrolled in the clinical trial
    that is testing a placebo or metformin with taxol/carboplatin chemo, the dose in the trial was 850mg/2X day.
    I enrolled in this trial (which is still ongoing) and removed myself a month later.  I couldn't risk not being on the drug.

    My integrative doctor started me on 1000mg/ day- I had 34cm of metastatic tumors. After one month knowing I was on metformin,
    and having 3 sessions of taxol/carbo, I was down to 4cm. I had almost a 90% shrinkage. Sloan Kettering told me they
    only measurse 20% shrinkage. After I finished my 6th chemo session, I still had 2cm of tumors.  My own doctor
    raised my metformin dose to  1500mg/ day, 750mg AM/750mgPM.  I remain on that dose today.  I have been on
    metformin for over 3 years now and have been in remission for three years now. I went into total remission
    3 months after my last chemo session.  I have had no additional recurrences or chemo for 3 years.

    Below is the link to a more recent article on metformin and endometrial cancer from 2017.  The final discussion section states.

    "metformin use is associated with improved OS and PFS in the treatment of endometrial cancer patients." 

    If you search at the website of the NIH,, "metformin and endometrial cancer," 152 articles pop up. 
    If you search metformin and cancer, over 3700 articles pop up. EC is mentioned in many of the articles.

    Metformin was a miracle drug for me.  If you have the right "cancer profile", metformin can be a very beneficial drug
    for you. I not only had the health issues that metformin is known to treat (high insulin, high  insulin growth factor hormone,
    borderline high glucose- prediabetic, had insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome), I also had key mutations that
    metformin is known to target. I believe I am NED because I was able to address nearly all of the factors that I believe
    led to my cancer (and metformin doesn't target all of them). I targeted about 13 different areas (besides getting my surgery and chemo).
    All these areas that I addressed are risks for cancer, endometrial cancer, and ways to prevent a recurrence. 

    I personally believe you have to do much more than just standard cancer treatment if you have metastatic cancer. Even if you
    don't get cancer treatment, you still need to address the issues that led to your cancer or it can return. I believe what
    happened to me is  a miracle.  Unfortunately my results will not be reported in the trial results.

    Metformin has been shown to be effective for so many cancers: breast, liver, endometrial, ovarian, colon, lung, melanoma,
    prostate, thyroid, kidney, glioblastoma (most dangerous brain cancer). Endometrial cancer and colon cancer
    have many of the same risk factors in common- they are all metabolic issues, which metformin addresses. In fact if
    you have Lynch Syndrome, you are at risk for colon, endometrial and melamona cancer, all cancers metformin is
    known to help.

    My own gyn/onc has been amazed at my results and is a top surgeon on NYC.  I believe if metformin can have such miraculous
    results for me, it can do the same for others, as my cancer profile is very similar to other endometrial cancer patients.
    I was initially diagnosed with Stage 3b, Grade 3 endometrioid adenocarcinoma.  Though, when you are Grade 3, they consider
    you more similar to the more aggressive types like serous carcinoma. My surgeon initially thought that is what I had.



  • pinky104
    pinky104 Member Posts: 574 Member
    Metformin Facts

    Thanks, everyone for the dosage amounts and the information about the articles.  I appreciate your help.

  • Diane Lynn
    Diane Lynn Member Posts: 1
    Metformin & Uterine Serous Carcinoma

    This is the first time I am responding to anyone here, as I thought I’d better get more support as I will need it this second go round of chemo.  have been on Metformin for years due to type two Diabetes.  I don’t know if I would say that Metformin would help in uterine cancer.  I take 2000 mg metfoin a day, and I had my last dose of my chemo in September and my CA 125 was at 11.  I thought we nipped this thing in the butt, yet at my three mo check up it was up to 20.  Doc was not too concerned and said if it had gone up 15-20 points or more I’d have a pet scan done.  Well at my six month check my CA-125 was at a whooping 164, so needless to say I had the pet scan and my cancer is back with a vengeance.  I am now on an even stronger chemo and every other week now.  this Chemo makes me very irritable and know that I am not myself.  When I asked about longevity, if I were to not keep fighting and stop the chemo (6 months or less) if I were to continue longer and because the cancer came back they will keep treating me for as long as I want.  I will have to be on some sort of chemo the rest of my life. So back to your question on the Metformin, Im not sure if it would keep your uterine cancer at bay, everyone is different, and if you feel it may help in the colon area and you have found proven research go for it.  Best of luck.  

  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,539 Member
    Diane, I am so sorry to hear

    Diane, I am so sorry to hear your cancer has returned.  I am sure the rest of the ladies will be along to welcome you with open arms.  They are a wonderful group and we are going to be here for you.  

  • EZLiving66
    EZLiving66 Member Posts: 1,483 Member

    Metformin & Uterine Serous Carcinoma

    This is the first time I am responding to anyone here, as I thought I’d better get more support as I will need it this second go round of chemo.  have been on Metformin for years due to type two Diabetes.  I don’t know if I would say that Metformin would help in uterine cancer.  I take 2000 mg metfoin a day, and I had my last dose of my chemo in September and my CA 125 was at 11.  I thought we nipped this thing in the butt, yet at my three mo check up it was up to 20.  Doc was not too concerned and said if it had gone up 15-20 points or more I’d have a pet scan done.  Well at my six month check my CA-125 was at a whooping 164, so needless to say I had the pet scan and my cancer is back with a vengeance.  I am now on an even stronger chemo and every other week now.  this Chemo makes me very irritable and know that I am not myself.  When I asked about longevity, if I were to not keep fighting and stop the chemo (6 months or less) if I were to continue longer and because the cancer came back they will keep treating me for as long as I want.  I will have to be on some sort of chemo the rest of my life. So back to your question on the Metformin, Im not sure if it would keep your uterine cancer at bay, everyone is different, and if you feel it may help in the colon area and you have found proven research go for it.  Best of luck.  

    I'm sorry to hear that, Diane

    I'm sorry to hear that, Diane, but a lot of women are having their cancer treated as a chronic condition.  New therapies are coming along all the time and what works for one woman, sometimes does not work for another.

    Please keep us updated on your journey!

