Pathology question

foroughsh Member Posts: 779 Member
edited May 2018 in Kidney Cancer #1

I happened to see my pathology report after almost four years again. I read it again and I'm confused I got it correctly four years ago. I mean this line:

Nuclear grade II/IV furhman system

Does it mean it's grade two out of four possible grades? Or it means it's combination of both two and four grades? 

I don't remember what my urologist said


  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member
    Ask the Radiologist.

    As a trined lawyer it looks like 2 out of 4, but take that with a grain of salt.



  • stub1969
    stub1969 Member Posts: 987 Member
    I'm with Iceman

    It looks like grade two, but a check with your doctor during your next visit will bring you the clear answer.  Foroughsh, I've been wondering about your picture.  I find it intriguing.  You look like a person without a care in the world, totally relaxed, and enjoying life.  You just seem peaceful in the photo.  I hope that is the case, if so, it exibits a good example of what we all wish for.


  • Hd67xlch
    Hd67xlch Member Posts: 151 Member
    Mine is the same..........

    pretty sure your right its a 2 out of a 4, since I was told I was a grade 2. Good luck.

  • Wehavenotimeatall
    Wehavenotimeatall Member Posts: 488 Member
    Agree with Ice

    Grade 2

    If their is a mixture of grades they should use the higher grade

    if you were grade 4 you would have knowing about by now


  • Wehavenotimeatall
    Wehavenotimeatall Member Posts: 488 Member
    But not a Radiologist

    You need a Consultant Histopathologist

  • Allochka
    Allochka Member Posts: 1,079 Member
    My understanding is that it

    My understanding is that it is Grade 2 out of 4. If it would be a mixture, they would use 4 as the dominant one, since its needs more attention...

  • MelBlessed
    MelBlessed Member Posts: 71 Member

    My report stated 2 out of 4, perhaps they were abbreviating?? Not a good thing to do on such an important report!