Day one done 34 more to go!!

Charmit Member Posts: 87

Good evening new friends sorry I didn’t post earlier but I came home changed and crashed and just woke a while ago.  Treatments went well the staff at Smilow Cancer Center at Yale are absolutely amazing. My chemo nurse Chris is wonderful she explained every step hour of hydration, 45 mins of nausea meds, then hour of Cisplatin then another hour of hydration. She also was a blessing called my doc and asked if I can get two doses of Ativan in my IV...yes. And called radiation a few times to bump my appointment up so instead of 4:45 she got me in before 3:00. Love her already. John my husband wheeled me down because I’m at this point feeling the affects of the calming godsend. My male nurse cuter then ever came out to get me and I asked if he had his mallet to get me in there? Made a joke I was good no tears, no shaking. Walked in the changing rooms stripped from the waist up commented on the cute robe, no lie was white and blue gingham and cotton and comfortable!! He came back for me and took me to my radiation room, other nurse standing in the doorway, again I said hi do you have the other mallet?? Again kidding!! I was good I laid on the table they applied the mask, they explained the process and I was done before I knew it!! All in all a great day NOT ONE TEAR!!! All my family and me stopped for pizza on our way home and I walked in and crashed in my bed till almost 8:30. Thanks for you your prayers I need 34 more days of them please!!! ♥️♥️


Oh and forgot to mention getting a free massage there Friday!! Woohoo


  • Sprint Car Dude
    Sprint Car Dude Member Posts: 181

    You nailed it.  Congradulations. 

  • pmsakom
    pmsakom Member Posts: 25

    So glad the first day went well.  Keep a positive mindset, drink lots of water.  You’ve got this.


  • Billie67
    Billie67 Member Posts: 898
    I am so happy to hear your

    I am so happy to hear your first day went well. You've got this in the bag! So proud of you! 

  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,724 Member
    Day one like no other.


    You did great!



  • ProustLover
    ProustLover Member Posts: 125 Member
    No Fake News Here

    Now this is news I can read without flinching.  Good going, Charmit!  We're all rooting for you!   

  • Steve1959
    Steve1959 Member Posts: 28 Member

    Way to go Charmit you nailed it! Stay positive and HYDRATED. 


  • Jimbo55
    Jimbo55 Member Posts: 590 Member
    One Down

    When we walked out of that first treatment, I said exactly the same, "well that's one, only 34 more. It became a running joke with us. Admittedly, it became rougher towards the end. But, hey, its one step at a time. Hoping you will have the exact same excellent results that I experienced. Stay strong!

  • Darkdancer333
    Darkdancer333 Member Posts: 115 Member
    keep the humor it does the

    keep the humor it does the mind well :)