Haploidentical stem cell transplant for Perip T-cell NOS NHL

My dr Is recommending that I get the subject allo stem cell transplant as soon as I’m in remission from the chemo I’m going through now.  I’m really nervous about this Though.  I’d like to hear from anyone who has had the subject type of stem cell transplant. My dr wants to use my daughter, who of course matches 50%, which is called haploidentical. My brother matches 9/10 but they still want to use my daughter, even though he’s healthy and in very good shape. I don’t understand that but the docs say the haploidentical procedure is faster and safer. Has anyone had this And if yes what was The outcome?  How long were you in the hospital and how long did you have to be near the hospital afterwards?  The closest cancer center to me is Massey Cancer Center in Richmond, VA, which is 90 miles from where I live. So after I’m out of the hospital I’d need to rent a place or stay in a hotel. I noticed that this cancer center is not on the website for specializing in T cell lymphoma, and one of the docs I met with there recommended I get a second opinion from Duke or John Hopkins Because they do a lot of clinical trials Also. So I’m having second thoughts about going there - is anyone familiar with it?  I am 3 hours from Duke which could definitely be doable. Or Moffit cancer center in Tampa and I could stay with my brother. has anyone been treated at any of these places?  I was being considered for a clinical trial for a new t-cell treatment but then a little bit of B cell lymphoma was found in my tissue so they couldnt take me. 

2013-2014 LDBCL, treated with R-CHOP, 6 rounds, went into remission

2014-2016 - Rituxin maintenance, in remission

2016 - diagnosed with peripheral T-cell NOS, treated with Folotyn 18 weeks, PET scan clear

2017 - May, T-cell back, or never really gone. Treated with ICE - horrible!

2017 - August, Auto stem cell transplant, November PET lit up, transplant did not work

2018 - Chemo Brentuximab, Also Rituxin for small area of B cell again

next step is a PET scan this month to see if it’s all gone, then an allogenic stem cell transplant. 


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