
  • Blythe
    Blythe Member Posts: 5
    Ultrasone said:

    Joint pain after chemo
    I had five different chemos on a weekly basis for choriocarcinoma from August to December 2011. I have had horrendous joint pain and just plain bone pain since. Its hard to describe. Almost like growing pains. I have become a vegetarian, avoid dairy and wheat mostly, exercise, hike, and am not overweight. The pain has slowly gotten better but I was really resigned to waking up most mornings with extreme hand pain, hurting getting in and out of cars, etc. HOWEVER, I asked my physician to check my vitamin D. I am outside a lot but my vitamin D was extremely low. He prescribed a 10 week regime of 50,000 units of D2. I started taking calcium too. I don't know if it is coincidence, or a miracle but my radiating femur pain and finger pain has markedly improved. It is dramatic. I am only 4 weeks into the treatment. I would NEVER have thought this could be it. Check your vitamin D.

    Joint pain after chemo

    I'm glad your pain has improved! I also had my Vitamin D checked and it was within normal limits, so for me this isn't the cause.  

  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,542 Member
    clr129 said:

    Feel helpless
    Thank you everyone for your help and advice. My legs hurt so bad now and my left knee feels like it is so tight I can barely bend it. I worry so much about this being a permanent condition and not ever feeling normal again. My regular doctor said to give it time, but she is not that familiar with chemo effects. I really want to print off report after report of joint pain right after chemo is done to prove to my oncologist it IS due to chemo. I sort of want to say..HERE....TAKE THIS!!!!

    My next CT scan is next week. I feel pretty good about it, although I have noticed some odd cramping. Very little, but still something out of the ordinary. Hoping everything is ok.

    Right now I am just trying to do anything I can to aleviate this horrible joint pain. They sure don't worn you about this when you are making your decision to do chemo or not.

    clr129, I am not sure if you

    clr129, I am not sure if you are still on the board, I think this thread started before I found this site or before I was famliar with it.  I take egg shell membrane for my pain.  I had the exact same thing!  I felt like the may my 88 year old mother looks!  I told my sister "find me something I can take".  She remembered seeing on the Steven & Chris show (this show is out of Canada - it is a lifestyle show and these guys are great!) that this is better than glucosamine (sp?!) and in a few days I couldn't believe how much better I felt!  It was like a miracle.  I still take it every day, I still feel some pain, but I don't think it is anything the way I used to feel. 

    Good luck to you and all the ladies.

    PS - I call B.S. on having the pain because you didn't excercise.  I do not believe doctors know unless they have had this treatment. 

  • Sandy3185
    Sandy3185 Member Posts: 229 Member
    joint pain

    I am currently undergoing chemo, my last session is next Friday(yeah!). I began having joint pain inmy knees, ankles and feet about 1 week after my first treatment along with neuropathy in my hands and feet. I continued my same treatment (cisplatin/taxol) for two more treatments, three weeks  apart. Meanwhile my reaction kept getting worse. I asked my doctor to  change my chemo because of the severe reaction I was having. I also developed more pain in my left ankle and swelling. My doctor did change the taxol for taxatere and lowered the cisplatin and the I had thenext two treatments with thenew combo. My joint  has mostly gone away except for my left ankle and the neuropathy is much better. The only bad thing is that I am severely fatigued for a week or two after treatment. I still have morepain at night and I take hydrocodone when I am unable to sleep.That and taking an extra dose of my medication forrestless leg syndrome usually allow me to sleep. I have not yet had any radiation and amwondering about side effects. I usually don't feel well the first week after treatment and have passed out twice due to dehydration and low blood count. Does radiation cause a similar reaction?

    Thanks, Sandy

  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,542 Member
    Sandy3185 said:

    joint pain

    I am currently undergoing chemo, my last session is next Friday(yeah!). I began having joint pain inmy knees, ankles and feet about 1 week after my first treatment along with neuropathy in my hands and feet. I continued my same treatment (cisplatin/taxol) for two more treatments, three weeks  apart. Meanwhile my reaction kept getting worse. I asked my doctor to  change my chemo because of the severe reaction I was having. I also developed more pain in my left ankle and swelling. My doctor did change the taxol for taxatere and lowered the cisplatin and the I had thenext two treatments with thenew combo. My joint  has mostly gone away except for my left ankle and the neuropathy is much better. The only bad thing is that I am severely fatigued for a week or two after treatment. I still have morepain at night and I take hydrocodone when I am unable to sleep.That and taking an extra dose of my medication forrestless leg syndrome usually allow me to sleep. I have not yet had any radiation and amwondering about side effects. I usually don't feel well the first week after treatment and have passed out twice due to dehydration and low blood count. Does radiation cause a similar reaction?

    Thanks, Sandy

    Sandy - so happy you are

    Sandy - so happy you are almost done with chemo!!!  YEAH!!!  RING THE BELL!!! 

    For me, and some of the women I have worked with, I found radiation to be exhausting!!!  The radiation continues to "work" for up to six weeks after it has been completed but I was so physically tired I would just crash out at night.  Are you getting both external and internal radiation?  There is a lot of bone marrow in your pelvis, and since radiation will damage that, try to keep eating right and sleep when you need it.

    I think the radiation in the middle of my chemo really affected the ability to delivery of the last three chemos on schedule and they watched my counts. My two cents?  Just give in to the exhaustion and SLEEP.  I always thought of it as "healing" too.

    So happy the final chemo is in sight for you!!!!! 

  • wrich10337
    wrich10337 Member Posts: 1
    Joint Pain after Chemo

    I have been reading a lot about joint pain after chemo. I have been experiencing joint pain up and down my right side. Now i have the pain in my ear.  I suffer a great deal of pain daily.  Please anyone tell me if you are experiencing pain and what are you useing to relieve this pain.  It has been about two months since i had my last chemo but this pain is not goong away.  I am even on morphine and oxycodine and that is not even reliving the pain.  My shoulder even pops constantly now, causing great pain.  I dont know what to do anymore, are there any suggestoons out there to help relieve this pain?

  • It happened to Me
    It happened to Me Member Posts: 206 Member

    Joint Pain after Chemo

    I have been reading a lot about joint pain after chemo. I have been experiencing joint pain up and down my right side. Now i have the pain in my ear.  I suffer a great deal of pain daily.  Please anyone tell me if you are experiencing pain and what are you useing to relieve this pain.  It has been about two months since i had my last chemo but this pain is not goong away.  I am even on morphine and oxycodine and that is not even reliving the pain.  My shoulder even pops constantly now, causing great pain.  I dont know what to do anymore, are there any suggestoons out there to help relieve this pain?

    What I have been taking.

    So glad this thread is going.  I have most of the same aches and pains.  This is what is working for me to keep it at a tolerable level.  One is called OPC-3, it's Oligomeric Proanthocyanidins) It's a powerful anti-oxidant.  It's a powder.  My doc recommended it for the neuropathy pain in my feet because he has neuropathy in his feet from surgery and it's helping him.  The next two are homeopathics.  1 is called Hypericum Perf. the other is called Rhus Tox .  There are different strengths and ways to take it.  Those three things seem to keep things at a tolerable level.  I'm so glad that I am not the only one with knee, hip, elbow, hand and feet pain.  My hands ache alot.  Thank you for posting.  It's been 6 months since my last chemo.   My doc did a bone density test as well and I'm thankful to say that it is normal.   I am going to try the glucosamine for the joints.  Thanks for the suggestion.


  • Abbycat2
    Abbycat2 Member Posts: 644 Member

    What I have been taking.

    So glad this thread is going.  I have most of the same aches and pains.  This is what is working for me to keep it at a tolerable level.  One is called OPC-3, it's Oligomeric Proanthocyanidins) It's a powerful anti-oxidant.  It's a powder.  My doc recommended it for the neuropathy pain in my feet because he has neuropathy in his feet from surgery and it's helping him.  The next two are homeopathics.  1 is called Hypericum Perf. the other is called Rhus Tox .  There are different strengths and ways to take it.  Those three things seem to keep things at a tolerable level.  I'm so glad that I am not the only one with knee, hip, elbow, hand and feet pain.  My hands ache alot.  Thank you for posting.  It's been 6 months since my last chemo.   My doc did a bone density test as well and I'm thankful to say that it is normal.   I am going to try the glucosamine for the joints.  Thanks for the suggestion.


    Joint pain

    I started suffering from hip pain right after my first of six chemo cyclse-carboplatin and taxol- last December, 2013.  It continued to get worse after that.  I couldn't stand/walk for more than five minutes without severe pain. I only had relief when I was sitting with my legs elevated.   I finally went to a ortho doctor and learned that I was not having hip pain but rather lower back pain due to impringement between L-4 and L-5 and a bulging disc.  I probably had these problems way before chemo but I had no symptoms of pain until after chemo started.  I was miserable for months and couldn't even mop my kitchen floor or vacuum.  I could barely stand long enough to take a shower!   Finally, I had an epidural shot in March, 2014, which seemed to help until I got my last chemo a week later and the pain started up again.  I had another epidural shot in May and I am finally pain free!  I was told by my two oncologists that my pain was not caused by the chemo but I don't believe that.

  • Moped7946
    Moped7946 Member Posts: 40 Member
    edited October 2016 #49
    Bone, joint hip and pain in the butt

    I thought I was the only one who had butt pain is weird becuase it originally lasted a few that I am up for my last round it lasts all month. Sitting for long periods of time is excruciating. I walk so much more slowly now!!! At least I can walk but it feels so weird to me...almost as if there is a giant rubber band around my calves. There is even joint pain in  my hands and fingers. That is just WEIRD. have stayed away from pain meds unless I just couldn't sleep but now wondering if I am going to have to step that up a little...anyway at least it is almost over!!! YAY!!!


  • DrienneB
    DrienneB Member Posts: 182
    edited October 2016 #50
    Joint Pain, etc.

    Hi Moped,

    Yes it IS weird, and the pain problem can be an accumulated effect of chemo. I braved my way though, but a month or so after I was done with treatment, started taking pain medications. Glad you are almost done! That is a wonderful thing, even if you might miss some of the great folks in the infusion ward!!

    best to you,


  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,542 Member
    edited October 2016 #51
    Moped7946 said:

    Bone, joint hip and pain in the butt

    I thought I was the only one who had butt pain is weird becuase it originally lasted a few that I am up for my last round it lasts all month. Sitting for long periods of time is excruciating. I walk so much more slowly now!!! At least I can walk but it feels so weird to me...almost as if there is a giant rubber band around my calves. There is even joint pain in  my hands and fingers. That is just WEIRD. have stayed away from pain meds unless I just couldn't sleep but now wondering if I am going to have to step that up a little...anyway at least it is almost over!!! YAY!!!


    Moped!  I am so glad to see

    Moped!  I am so glad to see you got your picture upload done!

    I had pain in my joints (not so much muscle pain that I could remember) - walked like my 91 year old mom! - and asked my sister to see if she could find anything while reading online.  I know it sounds crazy, but I took eggshell membrane (you can find it at the Vitamin Shoppe) and I could feel joint relief in a few DAYS.  Just a suggestion.  

  • Nellasing
    Nellasing Member Posts: 528 Member
    Anyone tell you about Claritin?

    I also had a lot of pain and I found it odd that they said it wasn't from the chemo but it came and went during the days right after- it was AWFUL in my right hip, leg, lower back, knees and right shoulder- those area all areas that had previous injuries.  They told me to take Claritin and it did help lessen the pain but sure didn't take it away.  Good news is it did go away for the most part.  I also do acupuncture which seems to help me a lot.  Hope things are better!  (((HUGS)))

  • mary greuling
    mary greuling Member Posts: 2
    I had stage 4a lung ca. in

    I had stage 4a lung ca. in 2008. many rounds of Taxol and Carboplatin. Yrs. late still have excreuating pain in hips and back (most of spine). The MDs don't think this is prob. but xrays show degenerating joints and bones but think it is due to my age. I think it is from the chemo.

  • dello1953
    dello1953 Member Posts: 1
    Pain after Chemo

    I, too, have been out of chemo for Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma since October 2017.  About 3 mos ago, I started experiencing right shoulder, butt and right hip pain.  It comes and goes.  I have upper and lower back pain and my arthritis is worse.  Pain while sitting, walking and trying to sleep. After many scans, I was told that I have bone spurs in back, along with degenerative arthritis.  I am over 60.  I am also on extra Vitamin D, as well as taking B12 shots.  Nobody wants to say it could be from the chemo.

  • LisaPizza
    LisaPizza Member Posts: 358 Member
    I'm having persistent joint

    I'm having persistent joint pains well after chemo now too (finished 4/3). A lot of it comes and goes in minutes, but still, it's not something I ever had before, and some does last longer. Now my back is bothering me too. Maybe all coincidence. I also have a rash that came on during chemo that may or may not be psoriasis, so that makes me worry about psoriatic arthritis (autoimmune) too, but nothing is severe. I feel like a hypochondriac. 

  • linann
    linann Member Posts: 1
    edited October 2019 #56
    joint pain post chemo

    You are all so young.  I'm the old one at 72.  every joint hurts, butt, hands, neck, traps, and ears.  I', sorry but it's nice to know it's not just me.  I did not have the pain during chemo (carbo/taxol) and I think it had something to do with the steroids in the cocktail.  chemo was weekly, and lasted 6mo.  it's interestering to note it's either narcs or tylenol prescribed.  how are everyone's ca125's doing???  thanks for the insights. O& X's 



  • Forherself
    Forherself Member Posts: 1,034 Member
    linann said:

    joint pain post chemo

    You are all so young.  I'm the old one at 72.  every joint hurts, butt, hands, neck, traps, and ears.  I', sorry but it's nice to know it's not just me.  I did not have the pain during chemo (carbo/taxol) and I think it had something to do with the steroids in the cocktail.  chemo was weekly, and lasted 6mo.  it's interestering to note it's either narcs or tylenol prescribed.  how are everyone's ca125's doing???  thanks for the insights. O& X's 



    Hi Linann

    WElcome to the Uterine board.   You have posted on a very old thread.   It's possible some of the women are still here, actually some are.  But if you statt a new thread more poeple will see this and join the discussion.   

  • ConnieSW
    ConnieSW Member Posts: 1,688 Member
    old threads

    Actually, I like when they pop up. I took a quick look and it's good to see some people (Janh, DrienneB) are still reading even if we haven't heard from them recently. 

  • wellington32
    wellington32 Member Posts: 2
    edited April 2020 #59
    Glad to see old Post

    I realize many of the psot maybe old.  However having being diagnosed with cancer 6 months ago and expericing joint pain side effects from chemo this forum has been very informative.  It also let me know how many years chemo has been afflicting joint pain and it seems it is still not being addressed by the Oncology Doctors.  Many of the responses others wrote about their doctor's reaction to joint pain is the same reaction in 2020.  I'm glad to see it is not a fantom in my mind.

    Thanks to a post on here , I will try the egg shell menbrane tablets.  My doctor prescribed me oxycodene, which I willnot take.  I want an answer to why the pain, not another pill to take.

  • wellington32
    wellington32 Member Posts: 2
    edited April 2020 #60
    Nellasing said:

    Anyone tell you about Claritin?

    I also had a lot of pain and I found it odd that they said it wasn't from the chemo but it came and went during the days right after- it was AWFUL in my right hip, leg, lower back, knees and right shoulder- those area all areas that had previous injuries.  They told me to take Claritin and it did help lessen the pain but sure didn't take it away.  Good news is it did go away for the most part.  I also do acupuncture which seems to help me a lot.  Hope things are better!  (((HUGS)))

    Thank-you for your post


    Thank-you for sharing your experience. My joint pain is confined to areas where I have had joint replacements and the same side of the body as joint replacements.  Two weeks ago I discussed this with my doctor, who didn't have an answer or had never heard of this described before. Again thank-you. The pain usually come 3 days after chemo treatment.

  • lumberjack81
    lumberjack81 Member Posts: 3 Member

    Colo-rectal cancer diagnosis with stage 3 . Just finished 6 rounds of chemo and radiation two months ago from May to October. I started exercising last week with weights and I am experiencing some pain in my joints and bones. I am having pain during pushups and can't seem to be able to do more than 11-12 pushups;( one year ago I used to do 50 pushups three times a week). I am also having trouble with my bench press which is only 110 lbs. ;I can get 10 repetitions but get a lot of pain the next day in my upper torso. In 2020 I used to bench 255 lbs and I could get 4 repetitions. My standing military press is 70 lbs. and I only get 2-3 repetitions max. and I get a significant amount of pain in my hips, knees, back and shoulders. Last year I used to do 135 in the standing military press and I did get 8 repetitions back in 2021. I am 81 years old and I thought the pain was from old age but speaking with others I believe that the chemo and radiation may have contributed to my pain. Regardless I will continue to endure the pain and I do not intend to stop exercising; however, I may have to go lighter on the weights but I don't intend to take any pain medication.