50 polyp's last year and 75 this year. Surgery?

icelake Member Posts: 1
edited April 2018 in Colorectal Cancer #1

I am 58 male and had 50 polyps removed last year. This year it's 75. None were cancerous. They were only in the very lower portion of my colon and the doctor suggests I get that part of my colon removed. Yet there was no cancer or polyps that looked suspicious. My brother, 13 months older had 1 polyp last year. My dad had colon cancer and had most of his colon removed (I don't know the number). My aunt (his sister) died of colon cancer at 74. I am scheduled to get a coloscopy once a year, because of this, so I don't see a need for the surgery. Should I get the lower part of my colon removed? He can't tell me if that will stop the polyps or not but it might. It seems like an unessecary surgery.

One other question: I am willing to take a survey or an exam or whatever in some kind of a study to try to determine the casue of polyps. I seem like a valuble canidate. Does anyone know anything about this kind of thing?


  • Ruthmomto4
    Ruthmomto4 Member Posts: 708 Member
    My friend

    had this problem, she had to have colonoscopies every 6 months and they would find countless numbers of polyps. Her first one she had to go back she had so many they lost count and couldn’t get them all. She wanted to have a baby and the dr told her eventually they would be cancer and she couldn’t do a colonoscopy on her while she was pregnant. She had her colon removed, it was drastic but she was young early 30’s it saved her life. I don’t remember what her official diagnosis was but her mom had it too. She doesn’t get them anymore and was able to have a healthy baby. Find a dr who talk to you, go over things with you, and possibly run some genetic testing. You maybe don’t need that surgery, but find someone who can give the risks and benefits for both having it and not having it. Good luck!

  • zx10guy
    zx10guy Member Posts: 273 Member
    The condition you have is

    The condition you have is called FAP (familial adenomatous polyposis). You need to talk to your GI doctor about this.  FAP increases your risk of getting colon cancer.  Depending on the situation, a total colectomy has been done to eliminate the risk similar to what women who are at risk for breast cancer have done by proactively having a mastectomy.

    With the number of polyps you've had with the two colonoscopies, I wouldn't sit on this till the next colonoscopy.  I would be talking to my doctor now about options.

  • beaumontdave
    beaumontdave Member Posts: 1,288 Member
    I haven't any experience with

    I haven't any experience with this condition except that my GP for many years had told me he had this, then has been on an unknown medical leave for several months, returning soon they say. I wonder if he has had this procedure, and will be curious to hear of it. I hope you make the right choice and find relief from the worry and hassles. My father had crc which prompted my getting checked. His was stage 2 at 80years old mine was 3b at 49 years. His sister[my aunt] died of it in her mid 70's, and after my diagnosis my younger sister had two polyps removed. I'd say the genetic risks are there for both of us, and I'd probably do whatever preventive surgery was suggested. Best of luck to you.................................Dave

  • Lily Flower
    Lily Flower Member Posts: 260 Member
    Some people are prone to get

    Some people are prone to get many polyps and they're non-cancerous but there're some polyps will eventually develope into malignant tumors. If you don't mind having a colonoscopy every year or every 6 months to avoid surgery, then it's really up to you to decide this personal decision. Although do talk to your GI for medical advise because it seems that you're getting more polyps every year. To me more polyps mean more chances of contracting CRC. Good luck on whatever the decision you make!