Renal Cystic Lesion

urbanjo1 Member Posts: 3
edited April 2018 in Kidney Cancer #1

Hello all,

I got an ultrasound about a week ago and while waiting for my doctor to call me, I went to get the report from the radiologist and this is what the report indicated: 

Large cystic structure, mid-left kidney, 7cm x 7cm x 6cm containing several internal septations and thickening of the wall.

I am very worried, should I be worried and what should I do now? 

Should I wait for the doctor to call me or should I call him?




  • urbanjo1
    urbanjo1 Member Posts: 3
    I am surprised that my issue

    I am surprised that my issue has been read 37 times and no one has commented or offered advice.  I am starting to feel no one cares and no one has any input. I was led to believe this was a good site to get some feedback. Guess they were all wrong...BYE

  • Babygirl05
    Babygirl05 Member Posts: 42
    Sorry to hear your story

    I don't get on this site every day, but there are more active members who can probably give you better advice.  I also had a cystic structure, and I ended up getting it removed and it was renal cell carcinoma.  Nobody knows your body better than you, so be proactive and get to a trusted doctor quickly.   I know they said kidney cancer is slow growing, however, I feel "better safe than sorry".  Thickening of the wall and multiple septations would lead me to believe its likely malignant, but I'm certainly not a specialist. 

  • JohnACS
    JohnACS Member Posts: 6
    I can only comment as to my

    I can only comment as to my own personal experience. After I had an ultra sound, and a cyst was found, I had a cat scan done with contrasting dye injected IV to further diagnose. Of course it was diagnosed as Cancerous, else I would not be on this board. My guess would be your cyst is 30% pobabibilty cancerous, but that guess is not based on much.

  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member
    We are not doctors


      I see that you are a little frustrated that few have weighed in on your diagnosis A cystic leesion is not very typical here and is something that may or may not be cancer. I suggest you follow up with your doctor and I would think that he may refer you to a Urologist (if  you are not seeing one already) and or for a CT scan. When you get your diagnosis this group will be able to help you are your journey. Hopefully your diagnosis will rule out cancer and you will not need our help.



  • todd121
    todd121 Member Posts: 1,448 Member
    edited April 2018 #6

    I'm actually surprised they gave you the report before you'd seen your doctor. Usually they'd want the doctor to talk to you before you see the report, so the doctor can explain what it means and what you should do next. Go see your doctor and ask him/her what it means ASAP.

    People don't respond for many, many reasons. No response doesn't mean they don't care. It very likely means they don't know, or don't know what to say, or care enough not to give you bad information. It could be they read but are too busy to post right now. Often I pop in and read a few posts when I'm busy at work but taking a short break, but don't have time to write a response. I'd suggest not looking at how many people read your post and maybe not generalizing about why people do the things they do. People will respond but it may take a few days for people that pop in and read to have time to respond.

    What kind of doctor are you seeing? What were your symptoms? That might help people give you information.

    Most of us saw a urologist or a urologic oncologist for diagnosing our initial problems with kidney cancer (if it was confined to the kidney). A urologist is a surgeon that specialized in surgery related to the kidney, bladder, etc. A urologic oncologist is a urologist (surgeon) that has special training in diagnosing and treating kidney masses/cysts/lesions. Urologists are surgeons. Don't let the "urologic oncologist" name confuse you with a medical oncologist. A medical oncologist is an internist (not a surgeon) treats cancer usually with drugs or refers you for treatment to other specialists like radiologists and surgeons. Medical oncologists usually studied internal medicine followed by hematology and oncology. I give this breakdown just because for me, I found these names confusing at first and wasn't sure who I should see.

    So if you're seeing a family doctor and you have a kidney tumor, you really need to see at least a urologist, preferably a urologic oncologist.

    Best of luck to you.


  • urbanjo1
    urbanjo1 Member Posts: 3
    Thank you all for your input.

    Thank you all for your input. I am waiting to hear from my urologist as he's the one who sent me for the test.

  • jazzgirl
    jazzgirl Member Posts: 242 Member
    Hi Jo

    I was also surprised you got the radiology report before the doc spoke with you - my doctor called me before she let anything post to "mychart" (don't know if they have that where you are).  It is a scary and frustrating time.  I hope you get more information soon from your urologist - keep us posted please and take care -

  • Hd67xlch
    Hd67xlch Member Posts: 151 Member
    Id guess your kidney is coming out........

    being the size the lesion is, after you have a ct scan and the ct confirms the size. IMO its always better to get the report before you see the DR, I always insist on mine before the Drs vists. I want to have studied it and have my questions written down. If the DR just reads it out to you in the office your mind is racing and you never get  all the questions you need to ask asked. Better to be prepared rather than blindsided,JMO. Good luck

  • Rwrighty
    Rwrighty Member Posts: 5

    Waiting is difficult. We are waiting on results from a CT scan from last week on my husband. The urologist was out of the office so we have to just sit and wait. I have been working out in the yard to pass the time and keep my hands and mind busy. Hope you get your answers soon.

  • todd121
    todd121 Member Posts: 1,448 Member
    urbanjo1 said:

    Thank you all for your input.

    Thank you all for your input. I am waiting to hear from my urologist as he's the one who sent me for the test.

    Call the doctor

    Make an appointment and go see him. Sometimes they don't look at a test result until there's an office visit or some other action/reason to look. I know this sucks, but it's the way it is. I wouldn't wait for them and I wouldn't assume they will look at the report and call you if anything is important. Even if that's their policy, things, even important things, slip through the cracks. Be proactive.
