How long has it been since your kidney surgery? What stage were you? Any recurrences of cancer?



  • Trucker1
    Trucker1 Member Posts: 82
    My doc said the same as ice man

    PT1A- surgery Nov-14th/17-open left partial-12 inch strait scar

    Grade 2- 1.9 cm- ccrcc

    40 years old- My first and only Kidney stone so far led us to it!

    Just had 6 months scan-CT of pelvis and abdominal area-NED

    Xray of lungs- all look good..

    No treatmention at this time.

    Next scans September! !



  • lobbyist0724
    lobbyist0724 Member Posts: 516 Member
    Good health to all of you

    1. Sept 2, 2016 Open partial

    2. Stage 1: pT1aNxMx 3.2 cm partially solid, partially cyst mass grade 2

    3. No

    4. No

  • Hoss79
    Hoss79 Member Posts: 78 Member
    1. 11/6/17
    1. 11/6/17

    2. PT1b, grade 3, 5.6 cm.

    3. No.

    4. No. Thank God!!
  • Rob57
    Rob57 Member Posts: 25
    May, 2012

    1. May 2012

    2. Stage 2 (7.1 cm) Grade 2-3

    3. No treatment for the first 2 years. Tumor found in lymph node in my chest in June 2014. Biopsy was negative, however assumed it to be cancerous. Radiation in October 2014 to treat tumor.Tumor shrank significantly after treatment and has not had any activity since. Have been on Votrient since February 2015.

    4. No change for the last  3 1/2 years. Full body (from pelvis to chest) CT scan last January showed nothing of concern. Colonoscopy last month showed clean, no problems.

  • donna_lee
    donna_lee Member Posts: 1,053 Member
    edited April 2018 #46
    Cut the bull, just go straight for facts...

    1. 11 years, 10 months...but who's counting, since the original surgery.

    2. T2, N1, M1.  Tumor in Kidney was 12 1/2x 8 1/2 x 10 1/2; set of paracaval nodes behind it were positive for 2 of 11; left lobe of liver removed-positive mets; several wedge biopsied from right lobe that were negative; gongenitally defective bile duct and gall bladder removed at same time.

    3. No treatment, as there was no suspected site that could be monitored.  (Mostly experimental or trial drugs only, avail. in 2006)  Just monitor with every 3 mo. CT's

    4. Recurrences, Yes, 2.  Enlarging node found in CT in May of 2007; needle biopsy positive, remove on 7/3/2007.  And another node enlarging discovered in Late April 2008, positive on PET scan, and surgically removed in June of 2008.

    5. Continue follow ups with CT's, finally stretched out to 6 mo and then yearly.  A couple of scares with thyroid enlargements, esophageal thickening, etc. and went back yo 6 mo CT's and am finally at yearly CT's with intervening 6 month visits and labs.

    Click on user name for more Bio info.

    Good luck and hugs....we all want this to be a very long lifetime experince.


  • Brock1969
    Brock1969 Member Posts: 80
    Feb 26th....partial nec with

    Feb 26th....partial nec with robot


    2 cm




    Will have 6 month in September 

  • Devastated Wife
    Devastated Wife Member Posts: 52 Member
    Thanks, everyone.

    Thanks again everyone.  I read each and every comment.

    I really appreciate all the responses.   They are helpful.

  • STC55
    STC55 Member Posts: 2
    New Member - Recent Left Kidney Radical Nephrectomy

    1.  How long has it been since your kidney surgery?

    April 16th, 2018 since my left kidney radical nephrectomy at City of Hope in Duarte CA

    2.  What was your staging?  

     pT3A, N0, M0 - Pathology confirmed RCC, Clear Cell

     Tumor size: 10cm.

    3.  After you had your kidney removal surgery, did you go on chemotherapy or any other treatments?

    No, only one post surgery follow up so far with my doctor, he recommended potential immuno therapy consideration (if I'm eligible), going to 1st consult about that next week.

    4.  Have you had any recurrances of cancer?  If so, what happened and how long after your kidney surgery?

    No, too soon, however post surgery blood tests showed my Creatinine level back to normal (was very high) and GFR >60 (was 41) good indications so far.  Now researching about the immuno-therapy and post nephrectomy surveillance studies and recommendations.  Good information out there.  Keeping a journal of my findings. 

  • Bryn1108
    Bryn1108 Member Posts: 97 Member
    July 2016

    1.  July 6, 2016. My left kidney radical nephrectomy 

    2.  Tumor size-9 cm

    3.  No

    4.  No-  Praise the Lord 

  • BeagleLover
    BeagleLover Member Posts: 4 Member
    Surgery was on April 20, 2018

    1.  How long has it been since your kidney surgery?

    Radical nephrectomy (right kidney) on April 20, 2018

    2.  What was your staging?  

     pT1b, Pathology confirmed RCC, Clear Cell

     Tumor size: 4.5cm.

    3.  After you had your kidney removal surgery, did you go on chemotherapy or any other treatments?


    4.  Have you had any recurrances of cancer?  If so, what happened and how long after your kidney surgery?

    Follow-up mid-July and then once every 6 months for the next 3 years

  • en8236
    en8236 Member Posts: 30 Member
    March 2011

    1. Surgery:

    Laparoscopic Radical Nephrectomy, Left Kidney, March 23, 2011, I was 29 then, first symptom was uncontrollable high blood pressure.

    2. Staging:

    PT1b Chromophobe RCC, 5.0X4.8X5.0cm eosinophilic cells

    3. Further treatment:

    No, first year imaging: Chest + Abdominal CT: 3mo/6mo/1year

    2nd/3rd year imaging: Chest + Abdominal CT every 6mo

    4th/5th year imaging: Chest + Abdominal CT every 1yr

    Suggested for 5th year till 9th year: Chest + Abdominal every 2 yr (Just completed the 7th)

    4. Recurrence:

    Nothing yet fortunately. Have had perifissural subcentimeter lung nodules raising eyebrows, the last one has been stable for 2 years. I moved quite a bit in last 7 years after surgery, so everytime I have a check done, have to go through some additional checks, nobody wants to take chance. made me a bit of hypochondriac, can't deny

  • Blessedx10
    Blessedx10 Member Posts: 5
    Robotic partial nephrectomy
    1. Robotic partial nephrectomy February 19, 2018
    2. T1B grade 2      6.2cm
    3. no
    4. no. first scan June 7, 2018 every three months after that for 5 years
  • Max57
    Max57 Member Posts: 177 Member


    Stage 1 

    Size 2.2 cm



  • Manufred
    Manufred Member Posts: 241 Member
    STC55 said:

    New Member - Recent Left Kidney Radical Nephrectomy

    1.  How long has it been since your kidney surgery?

    April 16th, 2018 since my left kidney radical nephrectomy at City of Hope in Duarte CA

    2.  What was your staging?  

     pT3A, N0, M0 - Pathology confirmed RCC, Clear Cell

     Tumor size: 10cm.

    3.  After you had your kidney removal surgery, did you go on chemotherapy or any other treatments?

    No, only one post surgery follow up so far with my doctor, he recommended potential immuno therapy consideration (if I'm eligible), going to 1st consult about that next week.

    4.  Have you had any recurrances of cancer?  If so, what happened and how long after your kidney surgery?

    No, too soon, however post surgery blood tests showed my Creatinine level back to normal (was very high) and GFR >60 (was 41) good indications so far.  Now researching about the immuno-therapy and post nephrectomy surveillance studies and recommendations.  Good information out there.  Keeping a journal of my findings. 

    Immunotherapy Studies

    Replying to STC55, I hope you have already found the Checkmate 214 trail which was recently published in the New England Journal of Medicine.  Check my profile on this site for details of my experience.


  • GailN
    GailN Member Posts: 14 Member
    Feb 2012

    Nephrectomy Feb 2012

    Stage 3a grade 4, clear cell, 5.8cm RCC

    No treatment

    No recurrences and hope to stay this way!

  • medic1971
    medic1971 Member Posts: 225 Member
    Oct 2015

    1.  How long has it been since your kidney surgery?

     Oct 23 2015


    2.  What was your staging?  

     Stage 1, chromophobe, I had two tumors. Tumor size:2.2cm and 0.8cm


    3.  After you had your kidney removal surgery, did you go on chemotherapy or any other treatments? 

     No, only yearly CT scans and I did go in for genetic counseling. 


    4.  Have you had any recurrances of cancer?  If so, what happened and how long after your kidney surgery?

     No, but I suspect that due to the size differences between the two tumors that smaller one occurred at a much later date than the 2.2cm tumor so that could have been a reoccurrence waiting to happen.  I just got lucky.   


  • ImNotDeadYet
    ImNotDeadYet Member Posts: 244
    January 2017

    Discovered 1/26/17, left radical nephrectomy on 1/27/2017

    Stage 2 (I forget the grade) 9cm x 8cm and pushing against bladder and into blood vessels

    Clear margins  so no initial treatment after surgery

    Nodules found in lungs June 2017. Three inconclusive biopsies between August and December. January 2018, wedge biopsy identified it as mets. Currently on Votrient. Shrinkage after 1st scans, no progression or new growth after 2nd scans. Went out on disability in March.