How long has it been since your kidney surgery? What stage were you? Any recurrences of cancer?

Devastated Wife
Devastated Wife Member Posts: 52 Member
edited April 2018 in Kidney Cancer #1

April 18, 2018


1.  How long has it been since your kidney surgery?

     My husband's kidney removal was on Feb. 14, 2018.  So, around 2 months!

2.  What was your staging?  

     His was/is PT3.   (I never know if I say 'was' or 'is' when it comes to the staging)

     Tumor size: 5 cm.

3.  After you had your kidney removal surgery, did you go on chemotherapy or any other treatments?


4.  Have you had any recurrances of cancer?  If so, what happened and how long after your kidney surgery?

     He hasn't been checked yet.




  • stub1969
    stub1969 Member Posts: 973 Member
    Here you go

    1.  August 26, 2016

    2.  Stage 1Tb  Chromophobe 5.3 cm greatest dimension

    3.  No

    4.  No


  • Devastated Wife
    Devastated Wife Member Posts: 52 Member
    stub1969 said:

    Here you go

    1.  August 26, 2016

    2.  Stage 1Tb  Chromophobe 5.3 cm greatest dimension

    3.  No

    4.  No


    Great answers!

    Excellent!  No recurrences for you!  

    So lucky you caught it at Stage 1.

  • foroughsh
    foroughsh Member Posts: 779 Member
    1) August 2014

    1) August 2014

    2)10 cm rcc, stage II




  • Devastated Wife
    Devastated Wife Member Posts: 52 Member
    foroughsh said:

    1) August 2014

    1) August 2014

    2)10 cm rcc, stage II




    You are doing really well.

    You are doing really well.  That's great news!

  • Tapman63
    Tapman63 Member Posts: 137 Member
    edited April 2018 #6
    My Info

    1.  How long has it been since your kidney surgery?

         Eight weeks - radical neph on 2/19/18

    2.  What was your staging?  

        pT1a - tumor was 3.3 x3.4 cm

    3.  After you had your kidney removal surgery, did you go on chemotherapy or any other treatments?


    4.  Have you had any recurrances of cancer?  If so, what happened and how long after your kidney surgery?

         Waiting on first scans and x-rays.  First chest x-ray is scheduled for the end of May

  • AnnissaP
    AnnissaP Member Posts: 632 Member
    1. November 7, 2017

    1. November 7, 2017

    2. Stage 1 Grade 2 Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcenoma

    3. No other treatment

    4. Recently had 1st scans and all clear!

  • cubsfan9
    cubsfan9 Member Posts: 69 Member
    Husband's stats...

    1.  Surgery:  November 2004

    2.  Stage:  pT3b clear cell

    3.  Treatment:  None until January 2013.  Began Sutent and have had a good response.  (Mostly stable!)

    4.  Recurrances:  Large met to pancreas discovered in December 2012.  "Suspicious" lung nodes were never  biopsied, but presumed to be more mets as they responded to treatment.  Since then, enlarged messenteric lymph nodes which are also likely malignant. They have either remained stable or gotten smaller.  Scans tomorrow!!

  • APny
    APny Member Posts: 1,995 Member
    1. March 17, 2014

    1. March 17, 2014

    2. Stage 1 but grade 2-3

    3. No treatment

    4. So far so good. We're monitoring a couple of tiny lung nodules and I'm hoping they're nothing

  • Deanie0916
    Deanie0916 Member Posts: 620 Member
    Here you go...hope this helps you.


    1.  How long has it been since your kidney surgery?

         My left kidney was removed on 8/30/2016 open nephrectomy.

    2.  What was your staging?  

         Stage 3a

         Tumor size - 20 cm partially into renal vein

    3.  After you had your kidney removal surgery, did you go on chemotherapy or any other treatments?


    4.  Have you had any recurrances of cancer?  If so, what happened and how long after your kidney surgery?

         I've had 2 CT scans with contrast, 2 ultrasounds and chest Xrays. no recurrence. Keeping an eye on a small cyst on right kidney, had some very small lung nodules no change.

  • Devastated Wife
    Devastated Wife Member Posts: 52 Member

    Here you go...hope this helps you.


    1.  How long has it been since your kidney surgery?

         My left kidney was removed on 8/30/2016 open nephrectomy.

    2.  What was your staging?  

         Stage 3a

         Tumor size - 20 cm partially into renal vein

    3.  After you had your kidney removal surgery, did you go on chemotherapy or any other treatments?


    4.  Have you had any recurrances of cancer?  If so, what happened and how long after your kidney surgery?

         I've had 2 CT scans with contrast, 2 ultrasounds and chest Xrays. no recurrence. Keeping an eye on a small cyst on right kidney, had some very small lung nodules no change.


    Your answers give me hope!

    Here's to no cancer returning!

  • Devastated Wife
    Devastated Wife Member Posts: 52 Member
    cubsfan9 said:

    Husband's stats...

    1.  Surgery:  November 2004

    2.  Stage:  pT3b clear cell

    3.  Treatment:  None until January 2013.  Began Sutent and have had a good response.  (Mostly stable!)

    4.  Recurrances:  Large met to pancreas discovered in December 2012.  "Suspicious" lung nodes were never  biopsied, but presumed to be more mets as they responded to treatment.  Since then, enlarged messenteric lymph nodes which are also likely malignant. They have either remained stable or gotten smaller.  Scans tomorrow!!


    I'm hoping for great results on your husband's scans tomorrow!

  • Devastated Wife
    Devastated Wife Member Posts: 52 Member
    Thanks EVERYONE.

    Thanks everyone for your replies so far.  They have been helpful.

  • Devastated Wife
    Devastated Wife Member Posts: 52 Member
    edited April 2018 #14

    Duty Done

    1 Sept 2017 partial nephrectomy by Da Vinci.. four weeks after diagnosis right kidney

    2 Stage 1b no grade Chromophobe RCC 4.4 cm greatest dimension ( I follow Stub in every thing I do)

    3 No

    4 No based on low risk screening done March 2018

    6 six months on still struggling with fatigue and other wierd symptoms 



    I'm glad you caught it early and no cancer returning.  One of the lucky ones!  

  • Devastated Wife
    Devastated Wife Member Posts: 52 Member
    Hd67xlch said:

    1.  How long has it been since your kidney surgery?


    2.  What was your staging?  

         stage 1 grade 2

         Tumor size: 4.7cm

    3.  After you had your kidney removal surgery, did you go on chemotherapy or any other treatments?

          no cancer drugs or any treatment

    4.  Have you had any recurrances of cancer?  If so, what happened and how long after your kidney surgery?

         2016 right lung surgery lower lobe removal, 2017 left lung surgery to remove two mets in upper lobe, still no cancer drugs


    Keep up the good work!   ...and here's to no more cancer!!!

  • Devastated Wife
    Devastated Wife Member Posts: 52 Member
    Tapman63 said:

    My Info

    1.  How long has it been since your kidney surgery?

         Eight weeks - radical neph on 2/19/18

    2.  What was your staging?  

        pT1a - tumor was 3.3 x3.4 cm

    3.  After you had your kidney removal surgery, did you go on chemotherapy or any other treatments?


    4.  Have you had any recurrances of cancer?  If so, what happened and how long after your kidney surgery?

         Waiting on first scans and x-rays.  First chest x-ray is scheduled for the end of May


    I'm hoping for all clear scans for you and no more cancer!

  • Devastated Wife
    Devastated Wife Member Posts: 52 Member
    AnnissaP said:

    1. November 7, 2017

    1. November 7, 2017

    2. Stage 1 Grade 2 Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcenoma

    3. No other treatment

    4. Recently had 1st scans and all clear!


    Excellent on the all clear scans!

  • Devastated Wife
    Devastated Wife Member Posts: 52 Member
    APny said:

    1. March 17, 2014

    1. March 17, 2014

    2. Stage 1 but grade 2-3

    3. No treatment

    4. So far so good. We're monitoring a couple of tiny lung nodules and I'm hoping they're nothing


    I'm happy you are doing so well.  I hope for no more cancer in your future!

  • Devastated Wife
    Devastated Wife Member Posts: 52 Member
    Steph85 said:

    My info

    1) January 22, 2018

    2.) no chemo or anything 

    3.) nothing so far! I had a bone scan which was clear. First set of scans in June. Day before my birthday, so they better be NED! It would be the best birthday gift ever! Haha! 

     I forgot- size was 3.3 cm, stage 1 grade 2 clear cell RCC



    I hope for all good results for you and no more cancer!!!

  • rhominator
    rhominator Member Posts: 233 Member
    1.  How long has it been

    1.  How long has it been since your kidney surgery?

         Over four years. :-)

    2.  What was your staging?  

         Stage IV, cT2a, cN0, cM1 (bone met). Cell mRCC. 7 cm.

    3.  After you had your kidney removal surgery, did you go on chemotherapy or any other treatments?

         Yes. Radition. Votrient, then Opdivo. Plus Xgeva.

    4.  Have you had any recurrances of cancer?  If so, what happened and how long after your kidney surgery?

         Yes. New bone mets three years later.

  • Babygirl05
    Babygirl05 Member Posts: 42
    My turn

    1. September 5, 2017 Open partial

    2. Stage 1 Grade 2 Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcenoma

    3. No other treatment

    4. I've been scanned twice now and no cancer is visable!  Yay!  I am having issues with recurrent UTI's now though.  Trying to get it figured out.