Diet / Nutrition / Menu / Supplements ?


Hi There

My mother's ovarian cancer came back after her hysterectomy 9 years ago as tumors on her abdominal walls and malignant ascites.  We will be formulating a plan this week with the doctors of how to fight traditionally, but I'm looking for some non traditional methods as well.  I know cancer FEEDS ON SUGAR so I want to get a diet plan for her that gives her body everything it needs to fight cancer.

Does anyone have a sample menu of what to eat to create this Alkaline type of diet?

What cancer fighting and cancer killing supplements did you add?  

GInger?  Did you use it? Did you buy it fresh and dry it yourself or can I buy this store bought?  


Thank you! 


  • Tethys41
    Tethys41 Member Posts: 1,382 Member
    edited March 2018 #2


    Sorry to hear your mom is going through this again.  I hope her treatment goes well. 

    Your question is not easily answered.  Different people have different opinions as to the best cancer-fighting diet and the best cancer fighting supplements.  Plus, in all honesty, there is no one size fits all anti- cancer diet.  As far as the alkaline diet you mention,  I have not met a single alternative professional who puts any merit in the alkaline diet.  The consistent message, among professionals, is low carb, organic, pastured meats, wild game, and wild caught seafood.  Some focus more on the ketogenic diet, but it is not appropriate for all cancer patients, such as those with adrenal fatigue.  Supplements are very important, but the appropriate choices are dependent on each patient's personal imbalances and the drugs being administered.  In short, there is no simple answer to your question.  It is very individualized.  Your best approach is to find a naturopath or functional medicine doctor to assess your mom's condition and identify her personal needs.  If you want to try to do this yourself, there are books available that take a cookie cutter approach, such as The Definitive Guide to Cancer by Lise Auschler and The Metabolic Approach to Cancer by Nasha Winters and Jess Kelly.  Good luck to your mom.

  • WarriorS1
    WarriorS1 Member Posts: 49 Member
    A Good Cookbook

    The ”Cancer Fighting Kitchen” by Rebecca Katz and Mat Edelson. I have made a lot of dishes from this cookbook and they are good.

    I am also treating holistically as well as with Taxol/Carboplatin. I agree with Tethys41 that each person needs to do what is best for their needs.  I keep my pharmacist apprised of all supplements, teas and tinctures that I take.  Eating clean and keeping my sugars low has been helpful to me.  Look locally for a good Nauropath or Functional medicine doctor and make sure that you let your oncology team know what is going on. Good communication is critical.  I am sending healing energy to your Mother and wish her all the best on this journey.