Good day for labs

jazzgirl Member Posts: 243 Member

I had good report from nephrologist after my bloodwork (renal function panel).  I'd like creatinine to be a little lower and EGFR a bit higher, but the doc was pleased and so am I.  I've really been watching nutrition and weight for the renal function and for blood pressure and it's nice to see results.  She said going forward I should be fine with my "quantity and quality of life."  Take note those of you with one kidney...or part of one like me!  Easter/Passover blessings to all.


  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member
    Keep on mind

    that our gfr is going to be a tad bit lower and our creatine a little higher than our 2 kidney brothers and sisters. Close is a good goal.




  • Bay Area Guy
    Bay Area Guy Member Posts: 621 Member
    Fantastic!  I had labs for my

    Fantastic!  I had labs for my regular annual physical last week.  I still have two kidneys, albeit one with about a 1 cubic inch chunk missing.  My creatinine came in at 0.9, where it was 1.02 before the operation.  My eGFR went from 80 just before the operation to 91 this time around.  My PCP ordered the tests, so I forwarded the results to my surgeon and urologic oncologist and they were extremely pleased at the numbers.  Now, I just have to get my clean 2 year x-ray and CT scan in July and I'll be happy as a clam.

  • Supersum
    Supersum Member Posts: 109 Member
    Great news

    Great news. Make sure you keep hydrated. Sometimes I have some difficulty with it but my plan is to start the day with 1 litre / 33 oz of water before the morning is out which leaves plenty of time for the same again throughout the rest of the day, and hopefully more.

  • Tapman63
    Tapman63 Member Posts: 137 Member
    Happy Easter

    Six weeks since radical surgery, my GFR afterward was 37 (I had compllications during surgery and the doctors felt certain that's why it had dropped so low and that it would bounce back).  I had labs a couple of weeks agoand it was up to 46.  Going back for another round next week so hopefully it'll be over 50 at that point.  As long as we are all trending in the right direction, all is good!!

    Best Wishes,


  • jazzgirl
    jazzgirl Member Posts: 243 Member
    Thanks Everybody

    iceman:  for keeping it in perspective

    BayAreaGuy:  You youngster, you!  I would love those numbers.  Mine are creatinine 1.25 and EGFR of 45 (not bad for 3.1 and 15 after surgery, huh?).  I'll be thinking of you in June when I have my two year full scans with contrast just before yours in July

    Supersum:  I'm really conscious of hydration - I like your idea of getting at least a liter in by morning; sometimes I end up trying to catch up later in the day.

    Tapman:  I always keep that foremost in my mind - "trending in the right direction" is my goal.

    Take care All -

  • Bay Area Guy
    Bay Area Guy Member Posts: 621 Member
    jazzgirl said:

    Thanks Everybody

    iceman:  for keeping it in perspective

    BayAreaGuy:  You youngster, you!  I would love those numbers.  Mine are creatinine 1.25 and EGFR of 45 (not bad for 3.1 and 15 after surgery, huh?).  I'll be thinking of you in June when I have my two year full scans with contrast just before yours in July

    Supersum:  I'm really conscious of hydration - I like your idea of getting at least a liter in by morning; sometimes I end up trying to catch up later in the day.

    Tapman:  I always keep that foremost in my mind - "trending in the right direction" is my goal.

    Take care All -

    LOL.  Yeah.....if only I

    LOL.  Yeah.....if only I could be a youngster again!  Your numbers have bounced up very, VERY well.  Good for you.