Off to the races



  • ShadyGuy
    ShadyGuy Member Posts: 933 Member
    Got the port

    The brand name is Medi- Port. I was out for almost an hour. It was painless at the time but I did get quite ill at home afterwards. It was probably side effects of the anaesthesia. It lasted about 3 hours and now I am fine. The beast is rearing its ugly head in the form of a noticeably enlarged spleen and beginnings of a distended stomach, exactly like round 1 6 years ago. I am waiting to begin therapy in about 12 days. Fishing is more important! Well at least its more fun - everybody has a good time except, hopefully, the fish! 



  • Evarista
    Evarista Member Posts: 336 Member
    Watch out for that spleen!

    Please take good care of that abdomen while you are fishing!  Have a great time.

  • ShadyGuy
    ShadyGuy Member Posts: 933 Member

    i will be as careful as I can. The Doc says a couple weeks should not make any difference.

  • PBL
    PBL Member Posts: 371 Member
    Looks like you're all set...

    Enjoy the fishing trip.

  • Luckyp
    Luckyp Member Posts: 11 Member
    Haven’t had this particular

    Haven’t had this particular chemo but some of it was in my Epoch-r  wanted to comment that the port was a piece of cake and made the chemo process so much easier

  • ShadyGuy
    ShadyGuy Member Posts: 933 Member
    Luckyp said:

    Haven’t had this particular

    Haven’t had this particular chemo but some of it was in my Epoch-r  wanted to comment that the port was a piece of cake and made the chemo process so much easier


    yes, the port went well. Still a lttle sore and tender but everything is fine. I think it was a good decision.Thanks for your comment.

  • PeprmntPat55
    PeprmntPat55 Member Posts: 70 Member
    edited March 2018 #28
    Shady Guy Port

    Hi Shady Guy! I'm sorry for your situation. I was dx withNHFL stage 3B. None of my organs were affected. I did 8 rounds of Rituxan & Bendamustine. Day 1 was R & B, Day 2 B only.  First treatment I developed a nasty blood clot in my arm where chemo was administered. Before my next treatment I had a power port installed.  It was really cool the way it was done at the radiation dept of the hospital. I was put in a twilight sleep, took about 45 minutes. Went from there straight to my treatment. It was something to get used to at first but now it's just a part of me.  I would not want to go back to having my veins destroyed.  

    Good thoughts for you as you begin this new journey!


  • ShadyGuy
    ShadyGuy Member Posts: 933 Member
    Thank you!

    i am sitting on the outer banks hoping to go offshore fishing but weather is terrible. should have visited the kids instead.

    I begin treatments on Monday with orientation. Then 4 days of infusions. They told me on the phone today to plan on being there all day Tuesday thru Friday next week then returning in late April to do it all again. Infusions will take 7 hours per day at first but may get shorter in future rounds if I handle it well. I had thought they were only 3 days but the woman said I am on the schedule 4 days each round. The port is healing well and so far I am happy with my decision to get it. No need for blood clots and sore arms. Only bad thing is some pain at night and my chest is quite bruised.

    Thanks for your comments and encouragement.

  • lindary
    lindary Member Posts: 711 Member
    edited March 2018 #30

    I've had my port 3 years now. My first cycle of R-Chop was without the port. It was put in before the second cycle. I wish there had been time to get it in before that first one but the Dr wanted to get started quickly since my lung was affected as well as having a large mass in the abdomen. I agree that the first few weeks it seemed weird but after that I hardly every think or feel it. 

  • ShadyGuy
    ShadyGuy Member Posts: 933 Member
    lindary said:


    I've had my port 3 years now. My first cycle of R-Chop was without the port. It was put in before the second cycle. I wish there had been time to get it in before that first one but the Dr wanted to get started quickly since my lung was affected as well as having a large mass in the abdomen. I agree that the first few weeks it seemed weird but after that I hardly every think or feel it. 

    Thanks Lindary

    my port will get its first test in about an hour. I had orientation yesterday and begin four days of infusions at 0800 today. Yes, it is indeed a 4-day cycle. 1st day is R and days 2-4 are Fludara followed by cytoxan. Hair will be history in 2-3 weeks. If anyone is interested I would be willing to post details of the entire regimen. Surprising they say that 4 years after finishing 26 R infusions, they treat me as if I have never had R before. Its a whole new ball game. Same players Demerol, benadryl, acetomenophen and first infusion 7 hours to reduce chance of allergic reaction. The Fludara and the cytoxan are 1.5 hours each and are given with an IV nausea drug.

  • Evarista
    Evarista Member Posts: 336 Member
    Hair is overrated

    That was my position during my bald months.  Couldn't find any curly wigs anyway.  I did find it helpful to just get buzzed as soon as it start to go...Just too messy otherwise.  Hope your day goes easy. 

  • yesyes2
    yesyes2 Member Posts: 591
    Hair etal:

    I've been bald twice in my life. CMF for BC and RCHOP for NHL.  Both times I completely loved it.  I found a sense of freedom and it was so much easier to take care of when your feeling tired.

    Shadyguy, for many people Cytoxan may only cause your hair to thin but not completely fall out.  I do not know anything about Fludara but would be interested to hear about your experiences.  

    Sending good thoughts on your first infusion.  Yes, they always set you back to zero when you re-take Rituxan.  I get 2 every 6 months and the first of the 2 is a long slow process, the second one is half as long.  Best of luck.

  • ShadyGuy
    ShadyGuy Member Posts: 933 Member
    Thanks Evarista and yesyes2

    I was going to have my 5 year old grandson give me a buzz cut but I realized he is just not mature enough to be involved at this point. He sends me a very loving video every day from his Mom’s phone. I got my hair cut short and will just see what happens.

    Yesterday was a difficult day. My FCR (for lack of a better name) is a 4-day cycle. Yesterday was day 1 which is dedicated to Rituxan. I was given demerol and acetomenophen orally then the new port delivered benedryl. Started out at 50 then adjusted upward every half hour. At 150 I started to experience rigors. The nurses called my onc (a truly great person) to the scene. He stopped the Rituxan infusion and gave me a second dose of demerol, benedryl and acetomenophen. That did not stop the rigors so he then gave me a steroid, cortisone I think, and I stopped shaking. After 30 minutes we restarted and everything was fine. In cycle 2 I will be premedicated to ensure it doesn’t happen again. It has been 4 years since my last of 26 infusions of R so I thought it would not affect me but I was wrong! The only remaining effect was a slight headache and sleeplessness last night, probably from the steroid. I basically feel fine now though I am a bit tired from lack of sleep.

    Today is day 2. Days 2-4 are the same. It is supposed to be a 3-hour day. To start I get an IV called ketril to control nausea. That is followed sequentially by two one hour infusions. The first is Fludara followed immediately by Cytoxan. As usual they tell me everyone is diffent but I will probably not feel well. Apparently some patients breeze right through it while others are debilitated. I plan to be the former. Thursday and Friday will be a repeat of today and end round one of six.

    theport is working great.

    Have a great day.

  • ShadyGuy
    ShadyGuy Member Posts: 933 Member
    edited March 2018 #35
    Great day!

    Kytrile (sp?), Fludara & Cytoxin today with no ill effects so far. I get the same for the next two days then 2 1/2 weeks Off. Port is great!

  • PBL
    PBL Member Posts: 371 Member


    I hope the sailing remains just as smooth all along. Take it easy.
