Port for Chemo

Darkdancer333 Member Posts: 115 Member

Just got back  from the doctors. When they do chemo they want to install a port in my chest. 

Is this really necessary, I've never had chemo but what other ways is it administered?? 

WE are also trying a different chemo, I cant use the regular one cisplatun = hearing loss, I already have poor hearing, The other Erbitux that can cause bad rashes. 

I am trying another one it began with a C.. It's not commonly used but considering my situation he said it will be mixed with another drug.



  • Sprint Car Dude
    Sprint Car Dude Member Posts: 181
    edited March 2018 #2
    Do It.

    I would highly recommend it. I was bull headed and refused one. 4 months later my veins were junked from labs, chemo, IV fliuds and IV medication. In retrospect, I would have done the port with out a question. Good Luck.

  • DanceSkater
    DanceSkater Member Posts: 62
    I'd get one

    I got a port and am VERY happy I did.   I can't imagine being poked all the times that it was used.  I had also heard stories about damage to veins.  My actual treatment with Erbitux ended in June of 2016 and I still have my port.  It's used for all blood tests and dye injections for CT tests.  I should probably get it removed but haven't done so.

    My sister is also a cancer patient.  She also has a port.

  • OKCnative
    OKCnative Member Posts: 326 Member
    edited March 2018 #4
    I choose not to have a port

    I choose not to have a port and I’m still good with that choice. Sure I got stuck a lot and sometimes they missed and had do it again or dig a bit. But it’s just uncomfortable to slightly painful. I choose some discomfort so I could maintain normalcy over convenience. I also didn’t want it poking through my dress shirts. Same reasons basically that I didn’t do a PEG tube. Unless something is medically necessary, then I generally pass on it. I find a lot of patients are so afraid of discomfort or going against their doctors recommendations that they often do themselves more harm than good. That said, if it’s medically necessary, then do it. 

  • christine2080
    christine2080 Member Posts: 71
    My husband also opted not to

    My husband also opted not to get a port. It was one last portal for possible infection that he avoided. Towards the end of his treatment he had lost so much weight that it was difficult (not impossible) to stick him for his chemo. He does not regret not getting the port. He felt this helped him feel a little more normal.

    Is the chemo you’re getting called Cetuximab?

  • Lisa I.
    Lisa I. Member Posts: 16
    Do it!

    My husband had one put in - they also put in his feeding tube at the same time. He is thankful to have had it and it isn’t very bulky or in the way. Placement is higher, close to his clavicle. It has saved his veins and virtually painless To use when they put a little numbing cream on it. Good luck and do what you must for comfort and safety!


  • Darkdancer333
    Darkdancer333 Member Posts: 115 Member
    My Chemo treatment is Taxol &

    My Chemo treatment is Taxol & Carbo

  • Darkdancer333
    Darkdancer333 Member Posts: 115 Member
    I just got off phone with the

    I just got off phone with the Chemo nurse. I told her im old school and dont want a port. With all my operations, allergy shots, blood tests the vein was only missed one time lol. 

    I can deal with shots. 

    Today 5 teeth extracted two of the teeth he had to go back and inject over and over til he deadedned the nerve. I have a high tolerance he said. I told him this stuff is old news lol


  • Curlyn
    Curlyn Member Posts: 189
    Hi, Just some considerations.

    Hi, Just some considerations...I didn't get a port because I have really good veins and the chemo was weekly. But your chemo might be delivered differently and over a number of days, or they might have assessed your veins and felt a port would be easier for you. It's more difficult to access veins if you become dehydrated. Good luck with your decision.

  • SuzJ
    SuzJ Member Posts: 446 Member
    Its not just the access

    its also the fact that what chemo actually is, is a poison. kinda like running Drano thru your veins.


    Veins can only take so much abuse, now also remember, that it's not just the x times you'll get chemo, its also for labs, and depending on how you do, its for fluid support, ...

    Thinking back on it, mine has to have been accessed, 3 or 4 times a week for 12 weeks? Thats a LOT of needle sticks in veins struggling to hold it tiogether.


    Would I do it again? Hell yea. Feeding thingy, still a hell NO! :)

  • Darkdancer333
    Darkdancer333 Member Posts: 115 Member
    he said once a week is chemo,

    he said once a week is chemo, blood tests, I just prefer not to have anything stuck in my chest. If issues arise they said they can always install it.

  • grace2017
    grace2017 Member Posts: 28
    Sounds good

    It worked out fine for my husband not to have a port.  He had weekly blood tests and chemo as well.  It was one less thing to have to deal with and even though he hates needles, it was worth it for him, sort of a psychological thing.  Hope you have a good start to treatment and the weeks fly by!  Hang in there!