11 Days till surgery

Hi all,   Well the count down has begun.  11 days till this will be over. (Permanently I hope).  Trying to get everything in order, my sister is going to come and stay with me for two weeks. (I live by myself on my farm).  Chest X-ray, EKG, and lab work is done. Have almost kicked the smoking habit.....    Anyhow, did any of you out there have weird labs before your surgery?  My RBC's, HGB, and HCT are all really elevated, which I think is indicitive of Polycythemia.  I have read that RCC can make the kidney produce extra Erythropoietin, which in turn can cause polycythemia.  If you did have this, did it go away after the surgery?   Starting to get kind of antsy here.  I really wish this was done and over with.

Thanks in advance


  • Bay Area Guy
    Bay Area Guy Member Posts: 621 Member
    edited March 2018 #2
    Hi Cindy.  I didn't have any

    Hi Cindy.  I didn't have any strange readings in my blood work.  My only moment of panic came when the techs taking all the tests and readings said I couldn't have surgery because my heart rate was too slow.  I explained that I'm a runner and put in five or six miles a day and that my PCO has told me my heart is just fine.  But they somehow went back six years to a previous surgery I had at a different hospital and found that my heart rate then was, indeed, just as slow, so they authorized it.  I'm in the 45-50 bpm range usually.

    Best wishes for a ho-hum surgery and a really fast recovery.

  • Trinityo88
    Trinityo88 Member Posts: 22

    Hi Cindy,

    My surgery is scheduled for the 21st so I understand how you are feeling.  My blood work has been a bit all over the place since all this started.  I go for my presurgery labs today so who knows what I will find out.  But hopefully all will be right with you and you can get past this soon!

  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member



    We all had that nervous feeling before the big day. You will sleep thru  it  and hopefullly wake up Cancer free. Here's to a boring and uneventful surgery.



  • Canadian Sandy
    Canadian Sandy Member Posts: 784 Member
    My surgery is on the 20th.

    My surgery is on the 20th. Not far behind you Cindy. 



  • daisybud
    daisybud Member Posts: 541 Member
    Good luck to you both

    Quick and uneventful recoveries :)


  • Canadian Sandy
    Canadian Sandy Member Posts: 784 Member
    daisybud said:

    Good luck to you both

    Quick and uneventful recoveries :)


    Thank you.

    Thank you.

  • orchidgal
    orchidgal Member Posts: 6
    Pm me with questions not

    Pm me with questions not covered

  • orchidgal
    orchidgal Member Posts: 6
    My surgery was 2/27

    i had open partial nephrectomy 6 days ago. Like you I went in a bit anxious about the experience to come. I came home on Friday in a nor’easter storm that added drama. I felt every bump in the roads but made it inside and upstairs to the room where I have a recliner chair. I was in recovery for a day bc there were not rooms available  I had no narcotics bc the team used a nerve block kind of like an epidural. They said it was a newish thing but sounded better to me than oxy and the dreaded constipation nausea I had experienced in a former unrelated surgery. The nerve block stayed in until ThursdAy. I was also on iv fluids until Thursday.  Sat up for first time on Wednesday to have clear liquids but felt nauseous and went back to horizontal and slept for an hour then got up and walked around hall then back to bed and sleep.  Had Foley catheter that went in after I was anesthtkized and removed on Thursday. Had drain that looked like big dog squeakie  and was removed Friday morning. Took colase 1x a day and suppository (wedne and Thursday). and regular Tylenol (6/24hrs). No problems with toileTing. they measured my urine production and the drain contenets. Urine had some blood in it and still does but color is more normal Today.  one dressing change for me at home on the spot where the drain was. opening is less than  size if a pencil eraser. Took first shower yesterday morning avoiding steri strips and felt so much betteR. Ok I looked at the incision and it ain’t pretty. But just about 4” long with lots of swelling and developing bruises around it. My surgeon called this morning to see how the weekend went and I go back to see him on Friday.  I’m drinking between 2 and 3 quarts of water each day  And using restroom frequently so that my bladder isn’t taxed. Eating soft stuff and soups in 6 small bits rather than 3 meals. My husband is eligible for sainthood. The only mistake I think I mDe was trying to sleep in our bed on first night. Getting in was no problem. But getting out was pretty comical. Our bed is super high and my feet don’t touch the floOr And I was facing the opposite side of the one I had gotten the hang of in the hospital. So notice in the hospital which side of the bed they use to help you in and out and if that isnt like at home then get a technique that will work. We had to move the love seat my dogs sleep on next to the bed so I could put my feet down and have something to support my arms to raise my torso. I have slept in the recliner the past 2 nights and no problems. If you don’t have one you can rent one by the week. It’s such a relief to be past the surgery and I’d say that the pre procedure anxiety was worse than the real thing. Hope you don’t mind my details but that’s what I was craving before my operation. So be good to yourself and a little brave. Best wishes. 

  • hardo718
    hardo718 Member Posts: 853 Member
    edited March 2018 #10
    Best wishes

    For an uneventful surgery and speedy recovery.  Sorry, I'm no help with your question about polycythemia.


  • Glidergal365
    Glidergal365 Member Posts: 93
    Best wishes

    My surgery is right behind yours- March 29th. I haven't had my pre-labs/testing yet. But I'm guessing they will be scheduling that soon! 

  • Cindy T in Washington
    Cindy T in Washington Member Posts: 27
    edited March 2018 #12
    Thank you All

    Thank you all so much.  Still much apprehension, but I feel I am more aware of things because of your wonderful responses.  Will let you all know how it goes!

  • msjax
    msjax Member Posts: 20
    Partial Neph on 2/26

    Hi Cindy,

    I had a partial robotic assisted nephrectomy on my kidney -Monday, Feb 26 ... While my first few days were somewhat uncomfortable, each day since has been doable.  I was released from the hospital within 24 hours and lucky to have extended family to care for me.  My advice: stay hydrated by drinking lots of water, take your medication as prescribed (especially in those first few days), rest, move around, and rest some more.  Best of luck with your surgery and recovery--soon it will be a passing memory.

  • Cybball
    Cybball Member Posts: 111
    Best of luck tomorrow.  You

    Best of luck tomorrow.  You will do great.  The anxiety leading up to the surgery is the worst part.  It will soon be over and you can start recovery!!