Help ... I’m freaking out re LDH LEVEL


5 year survivor ... highly elevated LDH


I’m a nervous wreck. I successfully conquered triple negative breast cancer in 2012. It was tough, with chemo, radiation, surgery and a 2 week icu stay due to a rare side effect of Taxole. On Tuesday I had my annual check in with A new oncologist because my old one retired from the firm. She was very thorough and ran labs. She called me yesterday morning to let me know that my liver enzymes were high and that we needed to address that. She said we could wait a couple of weeks and retest or we could schedule a CAT scan. I am one of those completely freaked out survivors who need answers right away. So we are scheduling the scan. In the meantime I got the results of the blood test that concerned her. My LDH levels are 1694. Normal range is 313-616. Way out of whack. My research shows this is likely due to some kind of tissue or cell damage. Has anyone experienced this question do I have reason to be panicked before this scan?


  • 1surfermom
    1surfermom Member Posts: 396 Member
    It's normal to freak out.

    Hi Broncarati

    I know it is difficult to do but take a breath. Because of our health history, our minds always go to the worst place possible. It is a good thing that you can get a CT scan early so it can rule out any possible problems. And that's what it  is now just a possiblility The waiting that is the hardest to deal with. Although it wasn't found in my blood work I had a situation similar to this with my first breast cancer in 2009. Mine happened during chemo and because I was having severe liver pain.  I had an ultra sound and it was eventually ruled out to be gall bladder sludge. When is your scan scheduled? I will be thinking and praying for an unremarkable result in the meantime. Love Surf