
Well my surgery is finally scheduled.  I am having a robotic partial Neph on my left kidney on March 21st.  I really wanted to do it sooner but this is when they can fit me in.

My question is to others that have had a robotic partial.. what can I expect?  I had a robotic partial hysterectomy on Dec. 20th, but I think this surgery might be a little more intense.  I know I will be in the hospital for a couple of days.. but what else should I expect?


  • Bay Area Guy
    Bay Area Guy Member Posts: 621 Member
    I had a robotic partial on my

    I had a robotic partial on my right kidney in June, 2016.  I was only in the hospital overnight.  I checked in at noon the day of the surgery (which was schedued for 3PM) and I was discharged the next afternoon at 1:30PM.  Pre-surgery is routine.....some blood draws and IV placement.  My surgery took about three hours and I was in a regular room by about 8PM.  The nurse got me up out of bed immediately, which I was forewarned they would do, and had me standing for a few minutes.  I slept the rest of the night and woke at about 6AM.  The surgical team, less the surgeon, came in around 8 to talk to me and assure me everything went fine.  I was told that as long as my pain was under control and I could pee, I could go home.  The catheter was removed (thank GOD) and I asked if I could walk.  They said yes and encouraged me to do so.  Around 10, I peed with no issues (having had breakfast when I woke up).  I had a pulling sensation from the area of the incisions, but no pain.  At noon, the surgeon came in and reiterated what the rest of the team said and told me I could leave whenever I wanted.  So, after the nurse practitioner removed the drain in one of the incisions and the nurse removed the IV, I was able to leave.  All in all, it was 25-1/2 hours in the hospital.

    Now, I recognize my experience is a little out of the ordinary.  I had to take no pain medication (I'm fortunate to have a very high pain threshhold), plus I had an extremely small lesion to be removed.  But, overall, I think you'll find the eperience you had with the hysterectomy will be fairly similar to what you'll go through this time.

    Best wishes for a speedy recovery.

  • stub1969
    stub1969 Member Posts: 987 Member
    Yeah, what Bay said

    Trinity, my experience was almost exactly like Bay's.  Recovery wasn't too bad.  A little sore for a couple days, so take it easy.  The worst part was the gas pain in my shoulder, but walking really helps. 

    Good luck and keep us posted.


  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member
    What a way



    ---to welcome Spring. You know the drill. Just get this behind you. Sorry I can't compare the 2 ops.




  • AnnissaP
    AnnissaP Member Posts: 632 Member
    Finally!!! Everything is in

    Finally!!! Everything is in place now! All the best.

  • Trinityo88
    Trinityo88 Member Posts: 22

    I had a robotic partial on my

    I had a robotic partial on my right kidney in June, 2016.  I was only in the hospital overnight.  I checked in at noon the day of the surgery (which was schedued for 3PM) and I was discharged the next afternoon at 1:30PM.  Pre-surgery is routine.....some blood draws and IV placement.  My surgery took about three hours and I was in a regular room by about 8PM.  The nurse got me up out of bed immediately, which I was forewarned they would do, and had me standing for a few minutes.  I slept the rest of the night and woke at about 6AM.  The surgical team, less the surgeon, came in around 8 to talk to me and assure me everything went fine.  I was told that as long as my pain was under control and I could pee, I could go home.  The catheter was removed (thank GOD) and I asked if I could walk.  They said yes and encouraged me to do so.  Around 10, I peed with no issues (having had breakfast when I woke up).  I had a pulling sensation from the area of the incisions, but no pain.  At noon, the surgeon came in and reiterated what the rest of the team said and told me I could leave whenever I wanted.  So, after the nurse practitioner removed the drain in one of the incisions and the nurse removed the IV, I was able to leave.  All in all, it was 25-1/2 hours in the hospital.

    Now, I recognize my experience is a little out of the ordinary.  I had to take no pain medication (I'm fortunate to have a very high pain threshhold), plus I had an extremely small lesion to be removed.  But, overall, I think you'll find the eperience you had with the hysterectomy will be fairly similar to what you'll go through this time.

    Best wishes for a speedy recovery.

    This is

    This is very much how my previous surgery went.  Only difference was my partial hysterectomy was scheduled for early and this surgery is scheduled for 1pm.  Doctor said some people go home the next day but they do that case by case.  I was up and walking the second they told me I could.  My mass is close to 3cm so not too big.