taking a long time

phillyboy Member Posts: 23 Member

6 months post radiation for neck tumor. Still no saliva,no taste and dry mouth. Getting 2 cal protein feedings in my peg tube 4 per day. Trying to eat some solids but food causes nausea. Chemo has caused a painful gait when trying to walk. Any encouragement from others with same situation? I am patient but there is a feeling of despair.


  • rcaulder
    rcaulder Member Posts: 70

    Despair will turn into hope as a little more time elapses.  It'll come back slowly. One person had explained to me the gains aren't felt from day to day but are felt over a longer period of time.  

  • MikefromWinthrop
    MikefromWinthrop Member Posts: 31

    I was told by my doctors, that age, physical condition before treatment, exercise during treatment are major factors, as is a positive attitude. 

  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,724 Member
    it is going to take even longer time.


    Time and patience, lots of time and incredible patience.  H&N time is slower than watch paint dry and H&N patience is not the honking of the horn in traffic kind of patience.  Most everyone gets better and if your doctors do not see anything wrong with you, then there is no reason why you shouldn’t get better too.

    It took me 7 months for my taste to become a very satisfying new normal.  I tried every food, a little here a little there, everything.  I happily drank many smoothies, for months.  I found a few successes starting the first week post. I would taste anything to get a base line and then go from there.

    I did not have feelings of despair.  I had lack of saliva, taste, no taste, awful taste, awful feel and dry mouth, but most of that has taken its place and life goes on.


  • OKCnative
    OKCnative Member Posts: 326 Member


    I was told by my doctors, that age, physical condition before treatment, exercise during treatment are major factors, as is a positive attitude. 

    I think this is 100% true. I

    I think this is 100% true. I had just turned 47 when treatment started and I was in very good physical health - very active, exercised daily and maintained a very positive mental attitude throughout treatment. Within weeks of treatment ending I was tasting and eating anything I wanted to.

    I also went through many of the symptoms others have; nausea, neuropathy, lymphedema, etc. But each time it was very temporary and went away with increased exercise and physical activities.

  • Klingels
    Klingels Member Posts: 78

    My husband is 7 months out, and the healing is very slow. He still has a PEG tube, but he is weaning himself off it. He is much better, but struggles with saliva and taste. Maintaining weight or weight gain is very difficult. He has developed neuropathy in his feet and still sleeps a lot. In September and October, he struggled with depression over the slowness of recovery. His outlook and attitude have much improved as he feels more able to do things.