Chemo and a broken wrist

Friday i slipped on a patch of ice and broke my wrist,i was nutropenic at the time but thats another story(hospital protocol for a notropenic patient with a non cancer related injury was ridiculous).

I have an appt. wih an Ortho on Wedensday. Does anyone know if Chemo will affect the healing process?


  • po18guy
    po18guy Member Posts: 1,521 Member
    Good question

    I broke all my bones after finishing chemo. Hmmm... bone healing would not seem to be related to the status of yoiur immune system - and that is what takes the hit during chemo. It might take longer if fatigue has set in and you become less active, or if your diet has changed substantially. But wait! That's a good reason to remain as active as you can be, eat as healthily as you can while still surrendering to your body and taking naps when it is break time (no pun there, huh?).

  • Nellie4579
    Nellie4579 Member Posts: 20
    Thanks Po18guy

    Ha ha. Laughing Well this break time is a little inconvenient but isn't it always? I shouldn't complain, this is my first major injury of my adult life and i am 57. I was in the emergency room with my mask, they quickly put me in a room away from others and apparently failed to tell anyone that i was nutropenic. I even had a nurse grab my mask to take my temp. she touched my face in the process. I asked not to touch my face as i was nutropenic. She apologized and said she didn't know. I'm going to mention it to my Onc. Hopefully they will at least put something on the door as an alert. 

  • po18guy
    po18guy Member Posts: 1,521 Member
    Sometimes, they just don't 'get' oncology patients

    When I broke my bones (traffic accident), I was sent from the ER to the trauma unit of the major area hospital. At the time, I had swabbed positive for both Rhinovirus (common cold virus) as well as for the more serious Human Respiratory Syncytial Virus. I was also immune suppressed after a stem cell transplant. They wheeled me into a double room and I could hear the fellow on the other side of the curtain, as his breathing sounded odd. They told me that he was brearthing though a tracheostomy. Hmmm... an external opening which lead right to his lungs.

    In the hustle and bustle, they appraently did not hear my warning as to my condition. As things slowed a bit, I reminded the RN of my viruses, saying "He doesn't need what I have, and I do not need what he may have." Swoosh! I was out of there and into a private room! Yes, in a facility which deals with volume and various emergencies, they sometimes fail to grasp what we are trying to tell them.

  • CritterMamaLori
    CritterMamaLori Member Posts: 42
    Just checking in on you

    Hey Nellie, just wondering how things are going for you. Please update us! :-)

  • Nellie4579
    Nellie4579 Member Posts: 20
    edited March 2018 #6
    Thanks for checking on me Lori.

    My wrist seems to be healing fine, i didn't have to have it set thank goodness. I had my last treatment on the 20th and it was a doozy! Yesterday was the first day i started to feel like i was getting my strength back. I was so weak and shakey! I did some housework yesterday and i was so out of breath and this morning my muscles were sore, crazy! Iv'e joined the Livestrong program at my local YMCA it starts the 13th of March so hopefully i can get strong enough to return to work April 1st.

    I hope you are handleing your treatment well, it is a long hard road to travel but so worth it.

  • CritterMamaLori
    CritterMamaLori Member Posts: 42

    So glad you had best case scenario.  Best of everything to you in the future. I'll keep fighting because that's what I do. Lori