Super frustrated! Am I the only one?



  • KarenMG
    KarenMG Member Posts: 109
    edited February 2018 #22
    nkeelty said:

    Reading all these posts made me feel like I am not alone. Being brave so my family doesn't worry is all I do now. I cry at night or in the shower. I am so tired and knowing I am not the only one is a great relief!

    If there's anything in this

    If there's anything in this world I know, it's that you are not alone! Sad but true.

    I may be wrong and I know that you do not want to worry your family unnecessarily but it seems that this would be the time to lean on them. That's what family is for.

    You cannot bear this all alone, I fear it might catch up with you. I'm guessing that they would rather you talk to them than cry alone in the shower...:(

    I tell my family most of my thoughts and fears.

    I am also finding that the only way to deal with this all right now is to go on as if nothing is wrong as much as possible. By watching movies, music videos, reading and doing whatever I'm able to do physically to feel some sense of "normalcy".

    Much love...Karen

  • danker
    danker Member Posts: 1,276 Member
    edited February 2018 #23
    KarenMG said:

    Hi Liebert

    Yes, I had a colon resection November 2016. No colostomy was needed which made me happy at the time. I've had radiation a few months after and then chemo. It seems like that should have been enough right? If you have felt fine since the surgery then you have been truly blessed in my opinion! I've had problems since with ongoing constipation and diarrhea, cannot seem to hit a happy balance with diet and meds. I now take a lot of immodium some days.

    I'm assuming you also had some chemo, if not lucky you again! Thanks for asking...



    Rather than take a lot of immodium, ask your Dr. for a prescripion for Lomotil.  It will stop diarrhea cold.  I have been NED for the last 8 years, but still have occasional diarrhea.  Lomotil works for me and probably will for you.  Good luck!!!