
Babygirl05 Member Posts: 42

Does anyone know what this means on a CT report.  I am only being seen by a urologist and haven't seen an oncologist.  My urolgist said he got it all and there was no need for further treatment.  I've been having recurring uti symptoms and pain in my left side so it worries me some that they might be missing something.  My last CT scan said:

1. Status post resection of previously seen lesion arising from the
lower pole left kidney with minimal scarring noted Minimal soft tissue
stranding posterior lateral aspect abdomen related to the surgery.

Mild fatty infiltration of liver.

Does this just mean that I have scar tissue and thats what is causing the pain?  Or could the stranding be damage to the kidney that he worked on?  I had an open partial.  I can't figure out why I keep having these uti symptoms and I'm wondering since I'm NED maybe he damaged a nerve or blocked something off that now needs to be repaired? 

Anyone ever hear of this?


  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member
    edited January 2018 #2
    Not sure



    Put in a call to the Doctoor's office with that specific question.





  • Babygirl05
    Babygirl05 Member Posts: 42
    edited January 2018 #3
    I have an appointment for

    I have an appointment for next friday for blood work and to talk to the urologist to figure out why I keep having these symptoms.  I was just wondering if anyone else had experienced anything like this before.

  • stub1969
    stub1969 Member Posts: 987 Member
    Make that appointment

    with an doctor that specializes in RCC.  I sure hope your doctor is not referring to ongoing regular scans when he/she told you no further treatment is needed.  If he/she was---get rid of that doc.


  • Babygirl05
    Babygirl05 Member Posts: 42
    My urologist told me I will

    My urologist told me I will have every 6 month scans for the next 5 years.  I asked for a referral to an rcc oncologist but haven't gotten it yet from him. 

  • AnnissaP
    AnnissaP Member Posts: 632 Member
    Have you ever looked in to

    Have you ever looked in to Interstitial Cystitis? It mimics UTI infections, but it not actually an infection. It can feel awful!!!! Just an idea. Hope you are feeling better and get answers soon!

  • sandy23
    sandy23 Member Posts: 143 Member
    Just like Annissa said, IC is

    Just like Annissa said, IC is definitely something to research.  I have it and it can be just awful.  I am fine as long as I don't eat too much spicy food, drink caffeine or take something that can trigger it such as a pain reliever.  I'm not sure what your restrictions are as far as with sodium, but you could try dissolving about 1/4 to 1/2 tsp of baking soda in a glass of water.  I use about half a typical glass of water.  Then drink another half glass of plain water.  It provides a good amount of relief as a temporary fix.

  • Manufred
    Manufred Member Posts: 241 Member
    Be Brave

    Not everything is cancer, although I can see why you might suspect it to be so.


    Best Wishes

  • Kat23502
    Kat23502 Member Posts: 179 Member
    Strand inn on CT can be

    Strand inn on CT can be indicative of many things but usually it is fat stranding when in the abdomen. It is referred to also as fat stranding or perinephric fat stranding. It is a common post operative change seen due to residual inflammation and possible scarring. 

  • Babygirl05
    Babygirl05 Member Posts: 42
    Thank you.  I'm trying not to

    Thank you.  I'm trying not to worry about it too much, but of course my anxiety doesn't let my mind rest often.  I appreciate your replies.