How Are Your Teeth?

tommyodavey Member Posts: 728 Member

Took my last (lower dose) 25th radiation treatment on April 5th, 2012.  Because of a gum disease problem in the early '90's I've gotten into the habit of flossing my teeth and doing everything the dentist tells me to do.  I was told back then that all my teeth would be gone by age 50 if I didnt' get gum surgery. (I didn't) By doing the work of keeping them clean my gums healed and recessed pretty far up, meaning a lot of tooth that should be under the gums is exposed on all my teeth.


When I saw the Oral Surgeon before having rads he said all my teeth were good and didn't pull any.  Since then, I've lost one molar and now one of my bottom front teeth is loose.  Not sure if it's rad related or from the old gum disease.  No cavities yet because I'm using the flouride gel with trays.  Been very lucky so far and the pulled tooth healed fine.


How is everyone else doing after the years pass by?  Should I expect my teeth to slowly fall out as time goes on?  I'm 63, and still have no bridge work or implants yet.  That is about to change obviously.  Seeing my team Oral Surgeon on Monday for advice.



  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,724 Member


    I had my last rad on March 23, 2012.

    My dentist and  rad onc talked before I was cleared for treatment (green light). I have done well. I still have the teeth I started with. I brush, floss and use fluoride rinse every day.  My teeth are always a concern, but so far, so good.


  • CajunEagle
    CajunEagle Member Posts: 408
    edited January 2018 #3
    My teeth

    Completed 35 rds of rads on 6-6-2009.  Continue all this time to use floriode in those trays, and Colgate Prevident 500 at least 3 times a day.  Using a prescription Floride based moth wash, and have only lost 2 molars.  One had to be extracted after going through all that crap of Hyperbaric Oxygen treatment for 30 days ( which takes a huge committment to complete ).  I will soon be 71, and currently going through immunotherapy for Melanoma at the hinge of my lower right jaw.  Opdivo infusions every two weeks till it shrinks or does the opposite.  I really have to work hard to make sure my teeth stay the way they are.  The use of my Water-Pic and the implements that come with it are what I can say has done an amazing job in contributiting to the health of my teeth.......Now let's just hope they all don't fall out tomorrow.

  • patricke
    patricke Member Posts: 570 Member

    Hey Tommy,

    I had my radiation dungeon treatment in 2000, did the Florida trays for awhile, and then continued with just brushing (Sonicare recommended by my dentist), flossing, and Florida rinsing. My teeth remain healthy, and I only had to have one molar pulled around this time last year as part of my latest Beast battle.


  • tommyodavey
    tommyodavey Member Posts: 728 Member
    edited January 2018 #5

    Thanks everyone!  Now I feel much better.  After reading your responses it seems that if I continue to keep flossing and using my Sonicare and flouride gel this may just be a normal part of losing teeth with age vs the radiation rotting them out.

    I did believe it was due to the gum problems I had and not the rads.  Your opinions just confirmed it.  Hopefully others will read how we've kept most of our teeth and do the same work to keep them.


  • MarineE5
    MarineE5 Member Posts: 1,034 Member
    Similar results as the others


    Like the others mentioned, I do my FLouride Treatments daily, brush my teeth and use Bioteen products. I completed my treatments 13 years ago this month. I had a few small cavities over this time. I did have two teeth crack, but that was my fault as I was unaware our teeth could become a bit brittle, ate some hard candy, my mistake.  I had those two teeth capped and have done well since. 

    My Best to You and Everyone Here

  • OKCnative
    OKCnative Member Posts: 326 Member
    edited January 2018 #7
    I'm just 4 months post

    I'm just 4 months post treatment, so no teeth issues 'yet.' My dentist checked me out prior to treatment and said while I had some minor gum issues I was fine. He did have me buy and use a Sonicare toothbrush and a waterpik. I also use trays with fluoride a few times a week for about 10 minutes each time.

    Hopefully everything stays fine.

  • christine2080
    christine2080 Member Posts: 71
    Fluoride trays

    My husband’s dentist has just put him on fluoride trays- 5 minutes a day. Everything was good at his last checkup.

  • tommyodavey
    tommyodavey Member Posts: 728 Member
    All Good

    From all the responses it seems that if we do what is recommended by our cancer team we won't lose our teeth any faster than normal.  Flossing, Sonicare, flouride trays, and regular checkups will help keep our teeth intact.  I was under the impression that having rads would eventually cause cavities at the gum line.  That is where I was told they occur and to make sure my dentist knew my history.  Some are uncomfortable treating patients teeth that had rads.  The cavities are hard to fill they say so you need to ask up front.

    It's just been a while since we've discussed this so it's good info to have here.

    Thanks, Tom

  • murphy97
    murphy97 Member Posts: 7
    I recently learned about how

    I recently learned about how much damage radiation causes to teeth. My radioligist didn’t address it other than to recommend a tooth cleaning.  I had cancer that was in salivary gland and saliva plays a big role in tooth health So that is a big concern for me especially after reading about the experience of others on these discussion boards. Finished radiation last week.  I did have Fluoride trays made and started using yesterday.  I have mouth sores still and cant open mouth very well to brush teeth. 

    Had I been more informed i would have had the The repeated cleaningd my dentist wanted to do but I let the radiologist twist my arm to get going on the radiation.  I found some great info here and i will use it to ask my dentist to Develop a maintenance plan to save my teeth.


  • Peneloppe
    Peneloppe Member Posts: 28
    murphy97 said:

    I recently learned about how

    I recently learned about how much damage radiation causes to teeth. My radioligist didn’t address it other than to recommend a tooth cleaning.  I had cancer that was in salivary gland and saliva plays a big role in tooth health So that is a big concern for me especially after reading about the experience of others on these discussion boards. Finished radiation last week.  I did have Fluoride trays made and started using yesterday.  I have mouth sores still and cant open mouth very well to brush teeth. 

    Had I been more informed i would have had the The repeated cleaningd my dentist wanted to do but I let the radiologist twist my arm to get going on the radiation.  I found some great info here and i will use it to ask my dentist to Develop a maintenance plan to save my teeth.


    Hi, my husband had is first

    Hi, my husband had is first dentist consultation after treatment.    The dentist did a good check up of his gums, teeths, etc and did a clean up, did xrays, gave him fluoride trays for weekly treatment, special toothbrush, toothpaste, pills for lack of saliva, etc..  He explained in details what can be done as far as fixing his mouth since they had pulled teeth prior to radiation.  Implants are out of the question but they will fix it one way or another.  Told him to do jaw exercise to keep everything mobile.

    the only thing that made my husband sad is the fact that he did not get a lollipop after the consultation.....the limitation of sugar is what got him...he had a sweet tooth.

  • HWU
    HWU Member Posts: 3
    Teeth Problems 6 years out.

    6 years out from 44 rds of radiation ( 7200 gy)  to head and neck for base of tongue cancer caused by the lovely HPV virus. I did all the right things, fluoride trays, etc... All these years. Now.... My teeth are breaking, crumbling, just falling apart left and right. No other choice but to pull them out, at least the ones that are NOT salvageable. The others which total 11... Well it seems we can do root canals and then prep for "overdentures". The concern is and the dentist and I have tossed this around each time I visit..... Will the 4 implants that hold the denture in will they become infected? Will they take? I know everyone's different... anyone else with this situation... Post care?

  • truckinbiz2003
    truckinbiz2003 Member Posts: 1
    edited February 2018 #13
    oxygen treatment and insurance

    I am three years out from tonsil cancer. Still clear so far.  As I was told from the start, the radiation, loss of saliva etc would probably cause problems with my teeth.  Teeth are pretty much falling apart now.  At some point I WILL have to have some serious dental work.  The doctors at Vanderbilt tell me I will have to have Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatments before and during this dental work.  As I am sure some of you are aware medicare rarely pays for ANY dental treatments. The doctors have told me it is sorta hit and miss. Sometimes medicare will pay for post cancer dental work due to being "medically necessary" but they never know.  They simply will not "guarantee" me that insurance will pay for some or all of these oxygen treatments/dental work.  Can anyone tell me their experience with Medicare (not medicaid) and oxygen/dental treatments? I will pay out of pocket if I must but would obviously prefer to find a path to save thousands and thousands of dollars.   Thanks for any advice and good luckk to all  

  • Curlyn
    Curlyn Member Posts: 189
    murphy97 said:

    I recently learned about how

    I recently learned about how much damage radiation causes to teeth. My radioligist didn’t address it other than to recommend a tooth cleaning.  I had cancer that was in salivary gland and saliva plays a big role in tooth health So that is a big concern for me especially after reading about the experience of others on these discussion boards. Finished radiation last week.  I did have Fluoride trays made and started using yesterday.  I have mouth sores still and cant open mouth very well to brush teeth. 

    Had I been more informed i would have had the The repeated cleaningd my dentist wanted to do but I let the radiologist twist my arm to get going on the radiation.  I found some great info here and i will use it to ask my dentist to Develop a maintenance plan to save my teeth.


    Hi Murphy, as an aside, are

    Hi Murphy, as an aside, are you doing jaw exercises to ensure that if you need dental care, that you will be able to open your mouth wide enough? I bought a Therabite and it has helped tremendously.

  • murphy97
    murphy97 Member Posts: 7
    Curlyn said:

    Hi Murphy, as an aside, are

    Hi Murphy, as an aside, are you doing jaw exercises to ensure that if you need dental care, that you will be able to open your mouth wide enough? I bought a Therabite and it has helped tremendously.

    No I dont have a therabite.

    No I dont have a therabite.  Need to address these mouth sores and teeth with radiologist so I will be better prepared for a dentist appt as to what to ask for.  I’m very concerned w/ lack of saliva but right now my mouth sores are so bad and painful I can only brush the front of my teeth upper/ lower and only the backs of front teeth.  Each brushing gums bleed.  Not in the best situation at this point.  Nor can I eat, have a PEG tube.  My quality of life is very boring and uncomfortable right now.

  • Jimbo55
    Jimbo55 Member Posts: 590 Member
    Pearly Whites

    Finished treatment in 2010 and minimal problems so far. I had 2 teeth removed before treatment (rads and chemo). Since then, have been following the advice from the dentist: flossing regularly, flouride trays every night, brushing with 3M brand ESPE ClinPro Tooth Creme (high flouride content) together with regular toothpaste. Used Prevident for a number of years in the trays, but lately it is hard to come by here. So have switched to using GC Tooth Mousse in the trays.

    I have had a few small cavities just below the gum line, which were caught early by the dentist and filled (along with a lecture about tooth care after cancer treatment;). My gums are a little sensitive to cold drinks, specifically the first sip or 2. Otherwise, so far, so good.

  • tommyodavey
    tommyodavey Member Posts: 728 Member


    I suggest you ask your dentist if they carry Gel-Kam. Costco has it for $15 a tube but my dentist offers it for a lower price due to being a cancer patient. (yes, very lucky) The sensitivity will go away after a few weeks with this Stable Stannis Flouride Gel.  Good luck going forward.

  • Jimbo55
    Jimbo55 Member Posts: 590 Member



    I suggest you ask your dentist if they carry Gel-Kam. Costco has it for $15 a tube but my dentist offers it for a lower price due to being a cancer patient. (yes, very lucky) The sensitivity will go away after a few weeks with this Stable Stannis Flouride Gel.  Good luck going forward.

    Thanks Tommy

    Thanks Tommy, I will check into that.

  • hlrowe
    hlrowe Member Posts: 80
    My teeth suck

    They've been going downhill since I finished treatment June 2012. I've had a bunch snap off to the gum line. Now, I'm finally getting a dozen pulled and having upper and lower partial dentures made. My rad oncs cleared me with my oral surgeon as NOT needing HBOT. Big dose of Ampicillin before and after extractions.

     I was told by 2 different DDS/MDs I was not a candidate for implants.

  • tommyodavey
    tommyodavey Member Posts: 728 Member
    Different Results

    Sorry to hear your teeth are heading south.  You're right, they won't give us rad patients implants because they are afraid it won't heal and you might lose your jaw.  My Oral Surgeon who is part of my cancer team told me to make sure my regular dentist has dealt or will deal with radiation patients.  Most of them don't like doing fillings on the gum line but that's where they end up going.  I wonder why they won't let you do the HBO treatments.

    In my head I've already made peace with the denture devil.  If it happens, at least I'm alive to use them. No complaints from this survivor.

  • Curlyn
    Curlyn Member Posts: 189
    murphy97 said:

    No I dont have a therabite.

    No I dont have a therabite.  Need to address these mouth sores and teeth with radiologist so I will be better prepared for a dentist appt as to what to ask for.  I’m very concerned w/ lack of saliva but right now my mouth sores are so bad and painful I can only brush the front of my teeth upper/ lower and only the backs of front teeth.  Each brushing gums bleed.  Not in the best situation at this point.  Nor can I eat, have a PEG tube.  My quality of life is very boring and uncomfortable right now.

    Some people use popsicle

    Some people use popsicle sticks but I found too unwieldy. It's possibly too soon for you to be stretching your mouth if it's sore.I think I started the week or two after radiation, on a regular basis.