
Babygirl05 Member Posts: 42

anyone try this out?  I have always had bad anxiety and depression but this cancer diagnosis has sent my nerves into over drive.  I am on medication to help control the panic attacks but eventually I want to get off all the meds and go back to living my normal life.  So I am giving accupuncture a try. I love it so far.  It’s really helping me relax and my coping skills seem to be getting better.Im still tired during the day, but my Fitbit says Ive been getting between 7-9 hours of sleep at night since I started getting treatments.  


  • sasha_jax4
    sasha_jax4 Member Posts: 43
    edited January 2018 #2
    Love acupuncture

    in a previous post to you I mention that I struggled with anxiety and migraines. I was getting acupuncture from an acupuncturist not chiro. It made a huge difference! At a later time I tried treatments acupuncture from chiro not as effective for me. The approach was different and so was the outcome. It didn’t fix overnight. I went a couple times a week for a long time to acupuncturist. I was not completely off meds but on a much lower dose of daily prevention meds for migraines, anxiety meds. Stopped needing mayday anxiety meds. I hope you find it helps. Good luck and remember to breathe!

  • Bay Area Guy
    Bay Area Guy Member Posts: 621 Member
    edited January 2018 #3
    Oddly enough, i’m Going today

    Oddly enough, i’m Going today for a consult with an acupuncturist regarding tinnitus (ringing in my ears).  Traditional Chinese Medicine says that tinnitus can be caused, in part, by issues with the kidneys, which we’ve certainly all experienced.  I thought I would try it out.  One of my wife’s cousins in Singapore is going through acupuncture treatments to help recover from a stroke.  I was there for her first two sessions and talked to the doctor.  Very interesting.  I’m @ firm believer in TCM.  I figure if it’s been around 5000 years, there must be some benefit to it or it wouldn’t last this long.

  • MelBlessed
    MelBlessed Member Posts: 71 Member
    edited January 2018 #4
    Bay Area Guy

    Please keep us updated on the acupuncture for Tinnitus, I have this and all docs have told me nothing can help. Did not know in Traditional Chinese Medicine it can be related to kidneys. A side note I lived in Los Gatos,CA for years, miss the Bay Area! 

  • Steve.Adam
    Steve.Adam Member Posts: 463 Member
    edited January 2018 #5

    Dr Kenneth Brookler thinks tinnitus can be blood sugar related. Google should find you an article on and a couple of interviews with Ivor Cummins on youtube. Worth checking out.


  • Bay Area Guy
    Bay Area Guy Member Posts: 621 Member

    Bay Area Guy

    Please keep us updated on the acupuncture for Tinnitus, I have this and all docs have told me nothing can help. Did not know in Traditional Chinese Medicine it can be related to kidneys. A side note I lived in Los Gatos,CA for years, miss the Bay Area! 

    I had (I think) 17 needles

    I had (I think) 17 needles stuck in me.  For the two that were at the back of my jawline, he also added some electrical stimulation to it.  No pain other than a little discomfort when those two needles went in.  The rest were very easy.

    I asked how many sessions we need to see how effective te treatment is and he replied we should know by the sixth treatment, so that kind of jazzes me.  My second treatment will be Tuesday afternoon.

  • Betsy L
    Betsy L Member Posts: 8
    Love It

    I recomend acupuncture to everyone I meet! Even people who don't belive in it at first have found that it works! 

    I've been doing it for years for migraines now after chemo, we've been working on the neuropathy in my feet and the nausea I had after some of my treatments.

    It's not a quick fix by any means, but each treatment brings release!


  • Bay Area Guy
    Bay Area Guy Member Posts: 621 Member
    edited January 2018 #8
    I’ve been to three sessions

    I’ve been to three sessions of acupuncture for my tinnitus and the doctor is saying it won’t work for me.  He suggested massaging the area wher3 my jaw comes together, so I’ll give 5hat a try.

    I’m still quite high on alternative medicine, however.  In reading about the efficacy of acupuncture for tinnitus, it helps only wh3n administered quite soon after the symptoms appear.  Alas, my symptoms appeared a couple of years ago.

    So, I guess I’ll have to get used to ringing ears.

  • AnnissaP
    AnnissaP Member Posts: 632 Member
    edited January 2018 #9
    I tried it years ago, but

    I tried it years ago, but only a couple of times. I think anything that will help us relax would be great at this point. I just stepped away from my job again because of the stress of it. I still need more time to recover from all of this mentally and emotionally. It is def taking longer than I thought, but it is ok. Still navigating this new life and different person I have become. All the best to you!!

  • MelBlessed
    MelBlessed Member Posts: 71 Member
    edited January 2018 #10
    Thanks for the update.

    Thanks for the update.  Hoping it would work for you.

  • Babygirl05
    Babygirl05 Member Posts: 42
    edited January 2018 #11
    I've had 3 visits so far

    Tomorrow will be my 4th visit to accupuncture.  I love it so far, and although it doesn't help anything fast or right away, I can tell a difference in my anxiety from before I started to now.  I'm really impressed and was skeptical at first.  I go for once a week treatments right now, but might increase depending on what she thinks I need.  I'm so glad I listened to a friend who recommended it for me.  It seems to be going great so far.

  • Bay Area Guy
    Bay Area Guy Member Posts: 621 Member
    Glad to hear that it's

    Glad to hear that it's helping you folks out.  I had hoped it would help me, but honestly, because I've had the ringing in my ears for about three years, I wasn't terribly optimistic it would.  But it was still worth a shot and I'm glad I tried it.  The gentleman I went to was very considerate and there was very little discomfort in the whole process.

    I would be willing to try it again, but let's just say I'm very hopeful I won't have any conditions that would cause me to need the treatment in the first place.