Pathology Report

JimHarrison36502 Member Posts: 30
edited January 2018 in Kidney Cancer #1

I just got back from my first follow-up appointment since surgery. Several people have asked about my pathology report. They gave it to me today as follows.  Right renal mass, enucleation:

-Renal cell carcinoma, clear cell type, 1.5cm,Fuhrman grade 2

-Tumor is organ-confined.

-Margins negative for tumor

-Overlying adipose tissue is free of tumor

-Pathologic stage: pT1aNX

I don't know what most of this means... My urologist just said that as far as having kidney cancer goes.  . This is the best prognosis I could've asked for. I'm feeling better and stronger each day and I can start walking tomorrow. Hope everyone is having a blessed day!! 


  • JimHarrison36502
    JimHarrison36502 Member Posts: 30

    Brilliant News

    obiously   Not that you had it

    but that report is as good as it gets


    You are a very very lucky guy


    all done and dusted

    pray you get back to those machines and the bass soon



    P.s. Never neglect the scans...    vitally important... 95% statistically you will never have another problem.. but keep a eye on the 5% RCC is a unpredictable bugger



    I promise!!! I won't ever

    I promise!!! I won't ever neglect a scan... And I won't ever not listen to my body!! It was trying to tell me something was wrong!! My wife wouldn't allow me to miss a scan . She would tie me up while I was asleep and drag me to UAB if she had to.!!! I'm so thankful... Our God is so awesome...I can't thank him enough for what he's done for me!! 

  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member
    I second



    I am in agreenebt with the Urologist and Annie. Stick around to help the newbies.



  • Retcenturion
    Retcenturion Member Posts: 240 Member
    edited January 2018 #4
    Good news

    Sounds like a great report. If you haven't gone to the American Cancer Society web page on staging you should check it out. I would put link in but having problem. Go to kidney cancer stages, it explains everything on the report.. 

  • Wehavenotimeatall
    Wehavenotimeatall Member Posts: 488 Member
    Bless your wife and the lord

    that is great


    that means they have tested the margin and the surrounding  fat around the tumour and there was no cancer cells so pathology will state that tumour is removed  in total excision

    there cannot be many smaller tumours than yours.. rest easy

    Did you get a chest ct

    How was it detected.

  • todd121
    todd121 Member Posts: 1,448 Member
    It's great news

    Not sure I agree that the percentage is 99%, but it's really good news as far as prognosis goes. It's somewhere between 90-100% and I think more like 95% likely not to come back. Only thing better would have been not to be RCC at all.

    Still get your periodic followup scans and I wouldn't stop at 5 years. 5 years means nothing in RCC land. You want to catch it early if it does come back.



  • Wehavenotimeatall
    Wehavenotimeatall Member Posts: 488 Member
    Oops sorry Todd

    you are correct


    will edit


  • Wehavenotimeatall
    Wehavenotimeatall Member Posts: 488 Member
    edited January 2018 #8
    Brilliant News

    obiously   Not that you had it

    but that report is as good as it gets


    You are a very very lucky guy


    all done and dusted

    pray you get back to those machines and the bass soon



    P.s. Never neglect the scans...    vitally important... 95% statistically you will never have another problem.. but keep a eye on the 5% RCC is a unpredictable bugger



  • donna_lee
    donna_lee Member Posts: 1,053 Member
    Great news on the Path.

    Do web searches for topics, i.e., Kidney Cancer Staging, Furhman scale, etc.  Ignore the ads as some; but ACS and some of the more Medical related ones can provided needed info.

    Luck and Hugs,


  • JimHarrison36502
    JimHarrison36502 Member Posts: 30
    edited January 2018 #10

    Bless your wife and the lord

    that is great


    that means they have tested the margin and the surrounding  fat around the tumour and there was no cancer cells so pathology will state that tumour is removed  in total excision

    there cannot be many smaller tumours than yours.. rest easy

    Did you get a chest ct

    How was it detected.

    By the glory of God honestly

    By the glory of God honestly .. It's long but I'll try to put it in a nutshell...I was fishing a two day championship tournament in November and I cut my hand after the first day was over and it required Staples to repair... So my partner rushed me to the hospital to get it fixed... Once there they checked my blood pressure and it was thru the roof...199/149.. The emergency room doctor advised me to make an appointment with my GP and have my blood pressure looked at. So I did... At first they were looking at heart issues but my urine sample came back with hematuria... So.. My dad passed away in 2014 from a late diagnosis of RCC. it was stage 4 at diagnosis. He only lived 6 months... So with that history... My GP wanted to make me an appointment with their urologist... But one of my best friends is a radiologist that actually read my dad's original scans.. Is best friends with my dad's urologist.. so I immediately contacted my buddy and was in Dr Bryant's (urologist) office two days later!! What a blessing!! Less than a month later I was having surgery. Yes...ive I had pelvic CT with contrast... Chest CT w/o contrast and also a chest x-ray following surgery.

  • JimHarrison36502
    JimHarrison36502 Member Posts: 30
    Yes.. My doctor told me 90-95

    Yes.. My doctor told me 90-95% likely not to come back.. but I'm not gonna ever let my guard down. My dad's last request was that his boys get scanned. My daddy died from Renal cell carcinoma in 2014. He was stubborn and hard headed and wouldn't didn't say anything about his symptoms until it was far far late. He made us all promise him we'd never do that. I promise you guys... I'll never miss a scan and when my doctor tells me to be there.. I'll be there!!

  • Steve.Adam
    Steve.Adam Member Posts: 463 Member
    edited January 2018 #12
    Be Happy

    Hi Jim,

    Mine was T1b grade 2 and I was very relieved when I learned that.


  • todd121
    todd121 Member Posts: 1,448 Member

    Yes.. My doctor told me 90-95

    Yes.. My doctor told me 90-95% likely not to come back.. but I'm not gonna ever let my guard down. My dad's last request was that his boys get scanned. My daddy died from Renal cell carcinoma in 2014. He was stubborn and hard headed and wouldn't didn't say anything about his symptoms until it was far far late. He made us all promise him we'd never do that. I promise you guys... I'll never miss a scan and when my doctor tells me to be there.. I'll be there!!

    Genetic RCC


    Did you get checked for genetic RCC? It's one of the best understood forms of RCC. It's been studied extensively at NIH. These types of RCC are what has been studied to come up with many of the drugs used to treat it.

    If your dad had it, it might be worth getting screened. Plus, you'd want to know if you have children what their risks are.

    I've heard some talks about these forms of RCC and they don't behave the same way as non-genetic forms of RCC behave. I'd look into it. If you have this kind, it might be worth a consult with a medical oncologist who is an expert on RCC (I'm assuming your doc isn't, but, of course, I might be wrong. I know nothing about your doctors).



  • AnnissaP
    AnnissaP Member Posts: 632 Member
    Yes, it is great news!!! Here

    Yes, it is great news!!! Here's hoping for a speedy recovery my friend.

  • APny
    APny Member Posts: 1,995 Member
    Very good report. Confined to

    Very good report. Confined to kidney, negative margins, not a high grade, small, all in all, best you could get besides no RCC at all. Speedy recovery and all the best!

  • JimHarrison36502
    JimHarrison36502 Member Posts: 30
    edited January 2018 #16
    Thank you guys... It's so

    Thank you guys... It's so refreshing to hear!! I studied RCC a lot when Dad was diagnosed but goodness.. There's so much sometimes it's overwhelming. There's no doubt that my guard was up...I have been relentless in listening to my body... Although my tumor was small.. I could still tell something was wrong. I have lifted weights my entire adult life and was very in tune with my body...I started getting tired early... Dropping those last reps that count.. I guess you could say I was becoming a quitter... Lol!! I do still worry about recurrence.. but I told my wife.  I wasnt gonna allow cancer to hold me hostage. I'm gonna get my scans done and stay diligent.. I've always eaten really good... Never been overweight.. And exercise at least 3 times a week. I'm not a smoker.. never have smoked in my life.. I don't drink.. only drugs I take are what's prescribed to me. So there's a chance possibly that mind could be hereditary. Todd, I didn't have an oncologist... Only a urologist.. is this something I should ask my urologist? He was my dad's urologist as well. Dr. James Bryant at University of Alabama at Birmingham.  In Birmingham, Alabama. 

  • stub1969
    stub1969 Member Posts: 987 Member

    As you can see from the responses, this is a great pathology report.   If I was a betting man, I'd throw my money on the odds that you will not have to deal with RCC again.


  • JimHarrison36502
    JimHarrison36502 Member Posts: 30
    edited February 2018 #18
    stub1969 said:


    As you can see from the responses, this is a great pathology report.   If I was a betting man, I'd throw my money on the odds that you will not have to deal with RCC again.


    I read your profile.. We

    I read your profile.. We sound an awful lot alike.... That I've also always kept myself in great shape...I don't look like a typical 46 yo male. Even the doctor's and nurses commented that they don't usually see people like you and I. I thought the same thing.. This can't happen to me... I'm in to good of shape for something like this. Boy did I learn different. It doesn't discriminate!! Like you.  I have a strong faith and I haven't asked for lofty dreams but what I've consistently prayed for is just comfort and calming and strength for me and my wife. I've never even been sick much.. I could count on one hand the doctor's visits I've had as an adult up until November of 2017. Thanks for the well wishes brother and good luck and clear scans to you!!

  • stub1969
    stub1969 Member Posts: 987 Member
    "It doesn't discriminate!!"

    You hit the nail on the head with that statement.  My surgeon (Dr. Chow) is not only well known for his work with RCC patiants, but also his kidney donor work.  In our initial conversation, he said looking at me I look like the perfect candidate to be an organ donor.  I exercise regularly, healthy build and weight, and don't smoke or use any tobacco products.  Heck, I had just run a couple long distance events the summer of diagnosis without any issues.  Looking back one small thing does stand out...I couldn't hold a side plank on my right side as long as my left side.  I always thought that was odd until my diagnosis.  I don't notice a difference now.

    Wishing you continued Blessings,


  • Sal1962
    Sal1962 Member Posts: 1
    edited February 2018 #20
    I’m just made 4 years same thing 1.7 Fuhrman 2

    as I am you are very lucky that it is a pt 1a

    you can’t ask for a bettter pathology 

    first year is the toughest 

    eat a lot of protein and get your strength back mentally and physically 

    you have a 95 percent to make it 

    god blessed us.   

    My surgeon at Sloan Kettering said it’s rare to find the tumor so small

    i hurt my back doing something stupid and went to the hospital 

    they found it in my kidney 

    I would of had no symptoms till it was 2 late

    i was 51 when I got diagnosed. Never sick a day in my life till this time 

    I thank god everyday I’m still alive 

  • Sal1962 said:

    I’m just made 4 years same thing 1.7 Fuhrman 2

    as I am you are very lucky that it is a pt 1a

    you can’t ask for a bettter pathology 

    first year is the toughest 

    eat a lot of protein and get your strength back mentally and physically 

    you have a 95 percent to make it 

    god blessed us.   

    My surgeon at Sloan Kettering said it’s rare to find the tumor so small

    i hurt my back doing something stupid and went to the hospital 

    they found it in my kidney 

    I would of had no symptoms till it was 2 late

    i was 51 when I got diagnosed. Never sick a day in my life till this time 

    I thank god everyday I’m still alive 

    Yes sir!!! I love hearing the

    Yes sir!!! I love hearing the 4 years!!! That's awesome brother!!! Yes.. My doc said the same.... We are extremely lucky to have had it diagnosed so early. I thank God every single day that he lead the doctors to my cancer so soon. I was gonna start getting scanned at 50 because of my dad.. but that's 3 years away. My situation would've been much worse at that time!! Glad to hear you're doing well and I'll start loading up on protein..I lost a lot of muscle mass but I think most of it was just my nerves.. it really got me down when I was diagnosed. I've gained some weight back already and it's only been 18 days today. I feel so much better already. Day 10-20 seems to have been my biggest improvements. It's such a major surgery and I'm sure it really upsets your body. Then there's all the things your kidneys are responsible for that has to be reprogrammed because of missing parts I'm sure. Thank you for the advice and I wish you continued great luck!!!