question about scar tissue

Steve1961 Member Posts: 656 Member

so my wife 60 years old went for a mamagram...they saw something they didnt like...she had biopsy done  and came back negative looks like scar dr is saying she should have all the scar tissue taken out  and thoroughly examined.....anyone ever heard of this...BTW her consutation isnt until march20th...Hmmm  also she was screen genetically  and doesnt have the breast cancer gene  if that means anything but her younger sister had is 12 years ago  and had a masectomy done..thanks for input


  • Apaugh
    Apaugh Member Posts: 850 Member

    If the biopsy came back negative for cancer and the scar tissue does not cause her any pain, let it be.  Alot of time scar tissue hurts and removing it does help.  I am not a doc, my suggestion is take the test results and get a second opinion.  There is time.  Yah, on the great biopsy report.



  • Teach76
    Teach76 Member Posts: 354 Member
    Scar tissue concerns

    my treatments ended over a year ago.  What a radiologist just told me recently is that scar tissue can build for years after treatment.  I kept feeling lumps in 2 areas, but mammogram and ultrasound just show scar tissue.  If this is a regular outcome, I would ask why the surgeon feels it must be removed.  Further surgery in my opinion would lead to another build up of scar tissue.  A second opinion may be in order.

  • Apaugh
    Apaugh Member Posts: 850 Member
    sometimes surgery does help with build up...

    it is like maintence.  ie) a gamillion years ago I had tubal.  Then around 2007, I had terrible pain in my lower abdobmen that felt like sticks and pulling.  It was scar build up.  They went in there and cleaned it all out and I was good to go. 

    I had a friend, who 6 yrs ago, had BC adn the treatment was radiation.  Scar tissue built up, and just this past week she had it cut out.  It was a significant amount.  It happens and if it is causing you pain, these procedures are of great relief. 



  • Mariangel43
    Mariangel43 Member Posts: 79
    My scar tissue is causing me

    My scar tissue is causing me pain.  The new PS told me that pain would go away if he excise it because it is pulling to the back and there is so much scar tissue.  Certainly pain is not every day and is not high intensity.  But sometimes the stabbing pain takes over and it drives me mad and crazy.  If it hurts take it off, if not, leave it alone until is necessary.


  • Steve1961
    Steve1961 Member Posts: 656 Member
    cool thanks

    wife has had no surgery at what would cause scar tissue in the first place..also the scar tissue is very small..maybe they want to take it out and test it becauise her sister had breast cancer twice..but my feeling is leave it alone  maybe a second opinion is in order  thanks