Don't get kidney stone

Bryn1108 Member Posts: 97 Member

So Oct 2017, had little lower back pain,  and felt dizzy when picking something up. Went to doctor,  after CT scan,  they said I had kidney stone.  Couple days of using the screen to catch it, my urologist said it was to large to pass. He order surgery to remove it,  after looking twice in my kidney,  he could not find it, he said I must have passed. Well, went home,  24 hours later,  in emergency room,  extreme pain, they admitted me for observation. Sent me home with pain meds,  but, did not tell me what could be happening.  I started passing blood clots,  and ER said I had " renal colic". New to me,  I researched and that was it. 4 extreme pain episodes. Before it stopped. Feel great now, but, I drink everyday half my body weight in ounces, fresh lemon water half of the ounces. And watch my sodium intake.  Stones are not welcome.  


  • stub1969
    stub1969 Member Posts: 987 Member
    Medullary Sponge Kidney

    Both my kidneys have numerous stones ( too many to count) in them.  I pass stones often usually without issue.  My tumor was found during an xray so that my new urologist could see how best to treat me.  So you see, kidney stones literally saved my life.


  • kiwi68
    kiwi68 Member Posts: 110
    Kidney Stones was my 'incidental finding' trigger

    I had kidney stones in 2016, fast forward a year, niggles, side pain, due to go to a remote location so went to the doctor to rule out kidney stone and instead diagnosed renal mass.   I still don't drink enough water a lot of the time.   stub1969 I am glad yours pass without issue, I could't imagine being in renal colic a lot, I spent 5 days there, not a happy camper. 

  • stub1969
    stub1969 Member Posts: 987 Member
    edited January 2018 #4
    Lucky one

    I consider myself lucky.  Many people with MSK (Medullary Sponge Kidney(s)) experience ongoing pain.  I'm pain free and pass stones all the time, but they're small so I don't feel them.  Occasionally, I have a bigger one, but that hasn't happened for a couple years.  The big secret is drinking water.  I'm a gallon + a day water drinker. 
