Drying out....

Apaugh Member Posts: 850 Member

Alright ladies, chemo over now since July.  I think I am healing at decent rate and learning how to tolorate the Tomoxifen. 

 My skin and my hair are soooooooooo dry.  What do you find best for these situations? 

Hugs and a prayer for a better and blessed new year,



  • smalldoggroomer
    smalldoggroomer Member Posts: 1,184
    Dry Skin
    A nurse told me many years ago to use Utterly smooth for my skin. It uses to be very very dry and crack open! Nothing I used worked until then. I order mine from Walgreens web site. Or Amazon I think it's cheaper there. I swear by it. She told me that most all lotions have alcohol in them (by one name or another) Utterly smooth don't. I haven' t had any skin issues since then. That was in 2010 when I was diagnosed Inflammatory breast cancer. I had chemo rads surgery. ( not in that order) In 2012 it came back in my spine and lungs. I'm back in remission now and hope to stay there.
    it's been a rough ride. 
    Take care feel well Kay
  • scdragonfly
    scdragonfly Member Posts: 4
    Hair SKin

    Supplements are a good idea. Biotin, Omega 3, lots of olive oil in your salad